the action of attempting to cure one's own medical condition

listen to the pronunciation of the action of attempting to cure one's own medical condition
English - English
the action of attempting to cure one's own medical condition


    the ac·tion of attempting to cure one's own me·di·cal con·di·tion

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhi äkşın ıv ıtemptîng tı kyûr wʌnz ōn medıkıl kındîşın


    /ᴛʜē ˈaksʜən əv əˈtemptəɴɢ tə ˈkyo͝or ˈwənz ˈōn ˈmedəkəl kənˈdəsʜən/ /ðiː ˈækʃən əv əˈtɛmptɪŋ tə ˈkjʊr ˈwʌnz ˈoʊn ˈmɛdəkəl kənˈdɪʃən/