that's the umpteenth time you've said that

listen to the pronunciation of that's the umpteenth time you've said that
English - German
Das ist jetzt das x-te Mal, dass du das sagst
the umpteenth time
das x-te Mal
that's the umpteenth time you've said that


    that's the ump·teenth time you've said that

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhäts dhi ʌmptinth taym yuv sed dhıt


    /ˈᴛʜats ᴛʜē ˈəmpˌtēnᴛʜ ˈtīm ˈyo͞ov ˈsed ᴛʜət/ /ˈðæts ðiː ˈʌmpˌtiːnθ ˈtaɪm ˈjuːv ˈsɛd ðət/