that's a perfect match for your green skirt

listen to the pronunciation of that's a perfect match for your green skirt
English - German
Das passt ausgezeichnet zu deinem grünen Rock
that's a perfect match for your green skirt


    that's a per·fect match for your green skirt

    Turkish pronunciation

    dhäts ı pırfekt mäç fôr yôr grin skırt


    /ˈᴛʜats ə pərˈfekt ˈmaʧ ˈfôr ˈyôr ˈgrēn ˈskərt/ /ˈðæts ə pɜrˈfɛkt ˈmæʧ ˈfɔːr ˈjɔːr ˈɡriːn ˈskɜrt/