Güzel hava sayesinde, tüm ürünleri bir gün içinde hasat edebildik.
- Thanks to the nice weather, we were able to harvest all of the crops in a day.
Yardımın sayesinde, kitabı oldukça iyi anlayabildim.
- Thanks to your help, I could understand the book quite well.
türkçeden farklı olarak tam anlamıyla bizdeki gibi "sayesinde" anlamından çok teşekkürlü, müteşekir anlamında kullanılır örn: "thanks to my father I was able to buy a new car".
Amy was given a scholarship thanks to her excellent grades.
... Well, thanks to your extremely hard work, I'm excited to announce today that we've exceeded ...
... when he moved to New York City at age nine last month thanks to the support of ...