
listen to the pronunciation of terri̇tori̇al
English - Turkish

Definition of terri̇tori̇al in English Turkish dictionary

(Kanun) mülki
(Denizbilim) hükümran
(Ticaret) teritoryal
(Ticaret) ülkeye ait
karaya ait
{s} karada olan
{s} yerel
(Askeri) Araziye ait, bölgesel
gönüllü asker
{s} kara
{s} ülkesel
territorial cohesion
ülkesel uyum
territorial cohesion
bölgesel uyum
territorial limits
(Sigorta) coğrafi sınırlar
territorial sea
territorial waters
(Askeri) karasuyu
territorial division
bölgesel ayırım
territorial dominion
bölgesel idare
territorial waters
territorial aggression
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) bölgesel saldırganlık
territorial and possessions
(Askeri) TERİTORİLER VE A. B. D. DIŞ TOPRAKLARI, ÖZEL BÖLGELER VE A. B. D. DIŞ TOPRAKLARI: A. B. D. anayurdu dışındaki bütün özel bölgeler ve sömürgeler
territorial army
gönüllü asker örgütü
territorial army
(Politika, Siyaset) teritoryal ordu
territorial army
(Askeri) İngiltere'de Jandarma benzeri bir kuvvet
territorial ceiling
(Askeri) ülkesel tavan
territorial claims
(Askeri) toprak iddiaları
territorial command
(Askeri) özel bölge komutanlığı
territorial command
(Askeri) ÖZEL BÖLGE KOMUTANLIĞI, TERİTORYAL KOMUTANLIK: Bak "territorial department"
territorial credit
(Ticaret) emlak kredisi
territorial defence
(Askeri) bölge savunması
territorial department
(Askeri) ÖZEL BÖLGE KOMUTANLIĞI, TERİTORYAL KOMUTANLIK: Amerika Birleşik Devletlerine ait denizaşırı topraklara da askeri faaliyetleri koordine ve kontrol etmek için vücuda getirilen askeri teşkilat. Örneğin: "virgin adaları özel bölge komutanlığı"gibi
territorial dialect
(Dilbilim) yöresel lehçe
territorial dominance
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) bölgesel egemenlik
territorial expension
kara genişlemesi
territorial integrity
bölgesel bütünlük
territorial integrity
toprak bütünlüğü
territorial jurisdiction
bölgesel yargı yetkisi
territorial personnel
(Askeri) özel bölge personeli
territorial personnel
(Askeri) ÖZEL BÖLGE PERSONELİ, TERİTORYAL PERSONEL: A. B. D. ordusundaki hizmete girişleri sırasında Porto Rico özel bölgesi, Panama Kanal ve Virgin adalarını içine alana A. B. D. özel bölgelerinde veya dış topraklarında ikamet etmekte olan şahıslar
territorial politics
(Politika, Siyaset) ülkesel siyaset
territorial question
bölgesel sorunlar
territorial settlement
bölgesel çözüm
territorial unit
(Askeri) özel bölge birliği
territorial units
(Askeri) ÖZEL BÖLGE BİRLİKLERİ, TERİTORYAL BİRLİKLERİ: Esas itibariyle, A. B. D. özel bölgelerinden veya A. B. D. dış topraklarından gelen personel ile teşkil edilmiş birlikler
bölgesel olarak
Gönüllü asker birliği
extra territorial offence
(Kanun) yurt dışında işlenen suç
national territorial commander
(Askeri) MİLLİ BÖLGESEL KOMUTANI: Belirli bir askeri bölgede, tamamen milli görevlerin yerine getirilmesinden sorumlu bir milli komutan. Bu komutan; kendisine verilebilecek her hangi bir müttefik görev durumuna bakılmaksızın, bir milli görev komutanı olarak kalır. Bak, "Commanders"
nomenclature of units for territorial statistics
(Avrupa Birliği) (NUTS) İstatistiki Bölge Birimleri Sınıflandırması
rare territorial elements
(Tıp) toprak alkali elementler
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) bölgeselleşme
karaya ait olarak
Turkish - Turkish
(Hukuk) Arazi ile ilgili,araziye bağlı
English - English

Definition of terri̇tori̇al in English English dictionary

of, relating to, or restricted to a specific geographic area, or territory
displaying territoriality
a non-professional member of a Territorial Army
organized for home defence - such as the Territorial Army
pertaining to the domain over which a sovereign state exercises jurisdiction
{a} relating to or having a territory
of or relating to a territory; "the territorial government of the Virgin Islands"; "territorial claims made by a country
of or relating to the local vicinity; "territorial waters"
of or relating to a territory; "the territorial government of the Virgin Islands"; "territorial claims made by a country"
If you describe an animal or its behaviour as territorial, you mean that it has an area which it regards as its own, and which it defends when other animals try to enter it. Two cats or more in one house will also exhibit territorial behaviour
displaying territoriality; defending a territory from intruders; "territorial behavior"; "strongly territorial birds"
a territorial military unit nonprofessional soldier member of a territorial military unit of or relating to the local vicinity; "territorial waters" displaying territoriality; defending a territory from intruders; "territorial behavior"; "strongly territorial birds" of or relating to a territory; "the territorial government of the Virgin Islands"; "territorial claims made by a country
nonprofessional soldier member of a territorial military unit
a territorial military unit
a territorial military unit nonprofessional soldier member of a territorial military unit of or relating to the local vicinity; "territorial waters"
The act of destinating an area prohibited to other fishes
Of or pertaining to territory or land; as, territorial limits; territorial jurisdiction
authority a district council or a city council (as defined by the Local Government Act, 1974)
{s} of or pertaining to territory or land; regional, national
Limited to a certain district; as, right may be personal or territorial
Referring to an animal that maintains a territory within its home range, by fighting or aggressive gestures, from which it excludes others of its own kind
Of or pertaining to all or any of the Territories of the United States, or to any district similarly organized elsewhere; as, Territorial governments
Territorial means concerned with the ownership of a particular area of land or water. It is the only republic which has no territorial disputes with the others
Territorial Army
a reserve force of the British Army, made up of part-time soldiers
territorial matrix
The layer which surrounds chondrocytes in cartilage. It is basophilic, and stains metachromatically due to proteoglycans
territorial pissing
In animals, territorial marking, urinating on an area to identify territory
territorial pissing
Any territorial behaviour exhibited by humans
territorial dispute
A territorial dispute is a disagreement over the possession/control of land between two or more states, or over the possession or control of land by one state after it has conquered it from a former state no longer currently recognized by the occupying power
Territorial Army
The Territorial Army is a British armed force whose members are not professional soldiers but train as soldiers in their spare time. a military force of people in Britain who train as soldiers in their free time = ta National Guard
territorial army
British unit of nonprofessional soldiers organized for defense of GB
territorial behaviour
In zoology, the actions by which an animal, or group of animals, protects its territory from incursions by others of its species. Territorial boundaries may be marked by sounds (e.g., birdsong), scents, or even piles of dung. If such advertisement does not discourage intruders, chases and fighting follow. Territories may be seasonal (usually for nesting and feeding the young) or maintained permanently (for hunting and living). Territorial behaviour benefits the species by permitting mating and rearing young without interruption and by preventing overcrowding and minimizing competition for food
territorial brigade
division responsible for the security of a specific region, unit that is permanently stationed in one place but the individual soldiers are periodically changed
territorial command
regional command, command of a specific area
territorial compromise
willingness in principle to give up territory conquered by Israel in 1967 in exchange for peace
territorial concession
giving up land, giving up territory
territorial concessions
giving up of land from one country to another country (typically to gain peace)
territorial continuity
territory of a country that can be reached without leaving the borders of the country
territorial defence organization
military unit that works to protect border towns
territorial rights
privileges pertaining to the possession of land
territorial sea
The territorial sea of Australia extends 12 nm seaward from the territorial sea baseline Under international law, Australia has sovereignty over the territorial sea except for the innocent passage of foreign vessels through it
territorial sea
Coastal marine waters extending out to the 12 nautical mile limit
territorial sea
The area from average low-water mark on the shore out to three miles for the states of Louisiana, Alabama, and Mississippi, and out to nine miles for Texas and the west coast of Florida The shore is not always the base line from which the three miles are measured In such cases, the outer limit can extend farther than three miles from the shore
territorial sea
The waters adjacent to a coastal state and extending seaward up to a limit not to exceed 12 miles from its baselines in which that state exercises complete sovereignty with the exceptions of innocent passage and transit passage
territorial waters
the belt (often called the marine belt or territorial sea) of sea subject to such jurisdiction, and subject only to the right of innocent passage by the vessels of other states
territorial waters
the waters surrounding a nation and its territories over which that nation exercises sovereign jurisdiction
territorial waters
coastal waters, waters along a country's coastline which are a natural boundary between neighboring countries
territorial waters
A country's territorial waters are the parts of the sea close to its coast which are recognized by international agreement to be under its control, especially with regard to fishing rights. Inland and coastal waters under the jurisdiction of a nation or state, especially the ocean waters within 3 or 12 miles (4.8 or 19.3 kilometers) of the shoreline. the sea near a country's coast, which that country has legal control over. Waters under the sovereign jurisdiction of a nation or state, including both marginal sea and inland waters. The concept originated in the 17th-century controversy over the status of the sea. Though the doctrine that the sea must be free to all was upheld, a nation's jurisdiction over its coastal waters was also recognized. Nations subscribing to the Law of the Sea observe a territorial limit of 12 nautical mi (22 km) from shore. Territorial rights include the airspace above those waters and the seabed below them. See also high seas
territorial waters
The waters under the territorial jurisdiction of a state; specif
territorial withdrawal
pulling out of territories, withdrawal of military and/or government forces from a territory
protecting one's territory
The act of organizing as a territory, territorialisation
{i} division of land into separate territories
the act of organizing as a territory
in a territorial manner
protecting ones territory
with respect to territory; "territorially important"
In regard to territory; by means of territory
with respect to territory; "territorially important
willingness to territorial concession
preparedness to give up territory, willingness to surrender the West Bank and Gaza Strip