
listen to the pronunciation of temperature
English - Turkish

Kesin sıcaklık 22.68 derece Celsiustur. - The exact temperature is 22.68 degrees Celsius.

Fahrenheit, termometreyi bulan Alman bir mucittir. Aynı zamanda onun ismi bir sıcaklık birimine verilmiştir. - Fahrenheit is a German inventor who invented the thermometer. At the same time, his name is given to a unit of temperature.

{i} ateş

Benim yüksek ateşim var. - I have a high temperature.

Ateşim var gibi görünüyorum. - I seem to have a temperature.

{i} ısı derecesi, derece: Yesterday Istanbul had a high temperature of 35°C. Dün İstan- bul'daki en yüksek sıcaklık 35°C idi
yüksek vücut ısısı
insan vücudunun ısı derecesi
{i} hararet
sıcaklık derecesi
{i} ısı

İnsan vücudunun ısısı 37°C civarında gezinir. - The temperature of the human body hovers around 37°C.

Süt nispeten düşük ısıda tutulmalıdır. - Milk has to be kept at a relatively low temperature.

(Tıp) Suhunet, ısı, hararet, sıcaklık veya soğukluk derecesi
(Tıp) Vücudun hareket derecesi
normal temperature normal vücut ısısı
temperature curve belirli bir süre içindeki ısı değişikliğini gösteren eğri
critical temperature kritik sıcaklık

Benim ısım 38 derecedir. - My temperature is 38 degrees.

Sıcaklık birkaç derece düştü. - The temperature fell several degrees.

temperature control
sıcaklık ayarı
temperature profile
(Denizbilim) sıcaklık profili
temperature scale
sıcaklık skalası
temperature sensor
sıcaklık sensörü
temperature sensor
sıcaklık algılayıcısı
temperature change
ısı değişimi
temperature coefficient
sıcaklık katsayısı
temperature compensated
ısıya dayanıklı
temperature control
sıcaklık kontrolü
temperature controller
sıcaklık denetleme aygıtı
temperature difference
sıcaklık farkı
temperature distribution
sıcaklık dağılımı
temperature increase
sıcaklık artışı
temperature indicator
sıcaklık göstergesi
temperature reduction
ısı düşmesi
temperature unit
ısı ünitesi
temperature change
işi değişimi
temperature controlled
sıcaklığı kontrollü
temperature correction
sıcaklık düzeltmesi
temperature drop
sıcaklık düşüşü
temperature inversion
sıcaklık inversiyonu
temperature limited
sıcaklık sınırlı
temperature of product
ürün ısısı
temperature of product
ürünün ısısı
temperature of the wine
şarap sıcaklık
temperature range
sıcaklık aralığı
temperature reduction
işi düşmesi
temperature rise
sıcaklık artışı
temperature switch
(Mühendislik) Hararet müşürü
temperature unit
işi ünitesi
temperature action
ısı etkisi
temperature alarm
sıcaklık alarmı
temperature anomaly
(Denizbilim,Meteoroloji) sıcaklık anomalisi
temperature box
hararet kutusu
temperature contact
sıcaklık kontağı
temperature controlled storage space
temperature cycle
(Nükleer Bilimler) sıcaklık çevrimi
temperature extreme
aşırı sıcaklık
temperature fall
ısı düşmesi
temperature gradient
(Askeri) SICAKLIK GRADYENİ: Denizde sıcaklık değişimi, sıcaklığın derinliğe göre değişmesidir; pozitif bir değişiklik sıcaklığın derinlikteki atışla birlikte yükselmesiyle olur. Derinlik arttıkça sıcaklık azalıyorsa negatif gradyen mevcuttur
temperature inversion
iklim terslenmesi
temperature inversion
sıcaklık inversiyonu, sıcaklık evrilmesi
temperature regulator
(İnşaat) termostat
temperature rising
hararetin yükselmesi
temperature scale
(Tekstil) sıcaklık ölçeği
temperature sense
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ısı hissi
temperature spots
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ısı noktaları
temperature strain
ısıl deformasyon
temperature strain
ısı genleşmesi
temperature strain
ısısal deformasyon
temperature stress
ısı gerilmesi
temperature stress
sıcaklık gerilmesi
temperature stress
ısıl gerilme
temperature swing
sıcaklık salınımı
temperature switch
(Otomotiv) hararet müşiri
temperature wave
(Fizik,Teknik) sıcaklık dalgası
temperature wave
(Fizik) ısıl dalga
temperature zone
(Meteoroloji) sıcaklık zonu
temperature zones
(Elektrik, Elektronik) ısı bölgeleri
tempering temperature
menevisleme sıcaklığı
tempering temperature
menevişleme sıcaklığı
boiling temperature
(Gıda) kaynama derecesi
bulk temperature
(Gıda) yığın sıcaklığı
combustion temperature
yanma sıcaklığı
condensation temperature
(Meteoroloji) yoğunlaşma sıcaklığı
datum temperature
(Gıda) taban sıcaklık
elevated temperature
yüksek sıcaklık
environmental temperature
çevre sıcaklığı
excess temperature
aşılan sıcaklık
intake air temperature
emme havası sıcaklığı
kelvin temperature
(Denizbilim) mutlak sıcaklık
lowest temperature
(Ticaret) en düşük sıcaklık
minimum temperature
(Meteoroloji) en düşük sıcaklık
optimum temperature
(Biyokimya) uygun sıcaklık
outdoor temperature
dış sıcaklık
saturation temperature
doyma sıcaklığı
absolute temperature
mutlak sıcaklık
ageing temperature
yaşlandırma sıcaklığı
air temperature
hava sıcaklığı
ambient temperature
çevre sıcaklığı
annealing temperature
tavlama sıcaklığı
ausforming temperature
ostenit işleme sıcaklığı
austempering temperature
ostenit menevişleme sıcaklığı
austenitizing temperature
ostenitleme sıcaklığı
baking temperature
pişirme sıcaklığı
body temperature
vücut sıcaklığı
boiling temperature
kaynama sıcaklığı
boyle temperature
boyle sıcaklığı
carburizing temperature
karbonlama sıcaklığı
change of temperature
ısı değişikliği
charge temperature
yük sıcaklığı
colour temperature
renk sıcaklığı
colour temperature meter
renk sıcaklık ölçeri
combustion temperature
yanma ısısı
constant temperature
sabit sıcaklık
cooling water temperature
soğutma suyu sıcaklığı
cooling water temperature gauge
soğutma suyu hararet göstergesi
critical solution temperature
kritik çözelti sıcaklığı
critical temperature
kritik sıcaklık
curie temperature
curie sıcaklığı
decrease of temperature
sıcaklık düşmesi
degree of temperature
ısı derecesi
dew point temperature
çiy noktası ısısı
dyeing temperature
boyama sıcaklığı
earth temperature
yeryüzü sıcaklığı
effective temperature
etkin sıcaklık
freezing temperature
katılaşma sıcaklığı
freezing temperature
donma sıcaklığı
have a high temperature
ateşi olmak
have a temperature
ateşi olmak
high temperature
yüksek sıcaklık
high temperature bath
yüksek sıcaklık banyosu
high temperature carburizing
yüksek sıcaklık karbonlaması
high temperature dyeing
yüksek sıcakta boyama
high temperature gas cooled reactor
yüksek sıcaklıklı gaz soğutmalı reaktör
high temperature reactor
yüksek sıcaklık reaktörü
high temperature steel
yüksek sıcaklık çeliği
hot working temperature
sıcak işleme sıcaklığı
human body temperature
insan vücudu sıcaklığı
i have a temperature
ateşim var
ignition temperature
ateşleme sıcaklığı
initial temperature
ilk sıcaklık
inlet temperature
giriş sıcaklığı
internal temperature
iç sıcaklık
ionization temperature
iyonlaşma sıcaklığı
kelvin scale of temperature
kelvin sıcaklık ölçeği
kelvin temperature
kelvin sıcaklığı
kindling temperature
tutuşma derecesi
low temperature
düşük ısı
low temperature
düşük sıcaklık
low temperature bath
düşük sıcaklık banyosu
lower transformation temperature
alt dönüşüm sıcaklığı
luminance temperature
parlaklık sıcaklığı
martensite finish temperature
martensit son bulma sıcaklığı
martensite start temperature
martensit başlama sıcaklığı
maximum permissible temperature rise
izin verilebilir en yüksek sıcaklık artışı
maximum temperature
maksimum sıcaklık
mean daily temperature
günlük ortalama sıcaklık
mean temperature
ortalama sıcaklık
melting temperature
erime sıcaklığı
room temperature
oda sıcaklığı
run a temperature
run a temperature
ateşi olmak
standard temperature
ölçünlü sıcaklık
standard temperature
normal sıcaklık
surface temperature
yüzey sıcaklığı
working temperature
işleme sıcaklığı
a temperature
Bir sıcaklık
absolute temperature scale
(Mühendislik) Kelvin ölçeği olarak bilinen, Lord Kelvin'in termodinamik ıskalası ile ölçeklendirilen sıcaklık dereceleri; diğer tüm sıcaklık ölçekleri bu ölçeğe göre derecelendirilir; Kelvin ölçeklendirmesi, ideal gaz molekülünün ortalama kinetik enerjisi temeline dayanır; mutlak ölçeklendirmede sıfır noktası, gazdaki moleküler hareketin olmadığı sıcaklıktır; bu sıcaklık ölçeklendirmesine göre, donma noktası -273, kaynama noktası ise +273 derece Kelvin'dir; doğada ideal gaz bulmak mümkün olmadığından, pratikte bu derecelendirmeler hidrojen, helyum, argon, oksijen ve nitrojen gibi gazlarla yapılır ve Kelvin ölçeği genellikle fizik bilimleri ve dinamik meteorolojide kullanılır
air outlet temperature sensor
hava çıkışı sıcaklık sensörü
air outlet temperature sensor
hava çıkışı işi sensörü
at room temperature
Oda sıcaklığında

Unsaturated fatty acids are in liquid form at room temperature.

average glass temperature
ortalama cam sıcaklığı
average temperature
Ortalama sıcaklık
brightness temperature
parlaklık sıcaklığı
change of temperature
işi değişikliği
checked his body temperature
kontrol vücudunun sıcaklığı
core temperature
çekirdek sıcaklığı
dew point temperature
(Bilim, İlim) çiğlenme noktası sıcaklığı, çiğ noktası sıcaklığı.çiğlenme noktası sıcaklığı, atmosferde bulunan nemin yoğunlaşmaya başladığı noktadaki sıcaklıktır
dry bulb temperature
(Bilim, İlim) kuru termometre sıcaklığı.havanın, bulunduğu yerdeki, klasik (adı) termometre ile ölçülen sıcaklığı
equilibrium temperature
denge sıcaklığı
equivalent temperature
eşdeğer sıcaklık
equiviscous temperature
equiviscous sıcaklık
final temperature
son sıcaklık
global temperature
küresel işi dereceleri
heating temperature
ısıtma sıcaklığı
lowering the temperature
sıcaklık düşürücü
neutron temperature
nötron sıcaklığı
normal temperature
normal sıcaklık
positive temperature coefficient
pozitif sıcaklık katsayısı
quenching temperature
suverme sıcaklığı
radiation temperature
radyasyon sıcaklığı, ışınım sıcaklığı
recrystallization temperature
yeniden kristallenme sıcaklığı
soaking temperature
demlendirme sıcaklığı
standard temperature
normal sıcaklık, ölçünlü sıcaklık
take sb's temperature
ateşini ölçmek
to take temperature
birinin ateşini ölçmek
transition temperature
geçiş sıcaklığı
virtual temperature
gerçek sıcaklık
water temperature gauge
su hararet göstergesi
water temperature indicator
su hararet göstergesi
wet bulb temperature
(Bilim, İlim) ıslak termometre sıcaklığı, yaş termometre sıcaklığı
winding temperature
sargı sıcaklığı
abnormal cylinder temperature
anormal silindir sıcaklığı
accumulated temperature
(Meteoroloji) yığımlanmış sıcaklık
ambient temperature ranges
(Otomotiv) dış çevre sıcaklıkları
apparent temperature
zahiri sıcaklık
ballistic temperature
(Askeri) BALİSTİK HAVA SICAKLIĞI, BALİSTİK SÜKUNET: Toptan hedefe seyir halinde bulunan bir mermi üzerinde, değişen hava sıcaklıklarıyla fiilen karşılaşıldıkça aynı toplam tesiri görülecek olan, hesaplanmış sabit bir hava sıcaklığı
brittle temperature
(Havacılık) kırılma sıcaklığı
comfort temperature
rahatlık sıcaklığı
condensing temperature
yoğuşum sıcaklığı
condensing temperature
yoğuşma sıcaklığı
controlled room temperature
(Tıp) kontrollü oda sıcaklığı
creep at elevated temperature
(Havacılık) yüksek sıcaklıkta krip
curie temperature
(Jeoloji) küri sıcaklığı
curing temperature
bakım sıcaklığı
curing temperature
kür sıcaklığı
curing temperature
(Havacılık) sertleşme ısısı
drying temperature
kurutma sıcaklığı
eutectic temperature
(Kimya) ötektik sıcaklık
evaporation temperature
buharlaşma sıcaklığı
exit temperature
(Mekanik,Teknik) çıkış sıcaklığı
fermi temperature
(Fizik) fermi sıcaklığı
English - English
(when not used in relation with something) The temperature(1) of the immediate environment

The temperature dropped nearly 20 degrees; it went from hot to cold.

The balance of humours in the body, or one's character or outlook as considered determined from this; temperament

that not only the production of a rational Being was concern'd in it, but that possibly the happy foundation and temperature of his body, perhaps his genius and the very cast of his mind .

A property of macroscopic amounts of matter that serves to gauge the average intensity of the random actual motions of the individually mobile particulate constituents
The state or condition of being tempered or moderated
A measure of cold or heat, often measurable with a thermometer

The boiling temperature of pure water is 100 degrees Celsius.

An elevated body temperature, as present in fever and many illnesses

You have a temperature; I think you should stay home today. You’re sick.

{n} temperament, moderation, state
Having a higher than normal or elevated body temperature
A measure of the intensity of heat, i e the hotness or coldness of a sample or object
The temperature of an object is a measure of how hot or cold the object is
is a snapshot of the expected temperature in degrees F valid at the indicated hour
The temperature is a measure of the internal energy that a substance contains This measure of the internal energy that a substance contains This is the most measured quantity in the atmosphere
If something is at room temperature, its temperature is neither hot nor cold. Stir the parsley into the potatoes and serve at room temperature
Temperature is a measure of the heat content of a body (the atmosphere in the case of weather) The molecular motion of a substance creates energy, which can be measured in terms of the heat it generates Air, water, and soil can all be measured for temperature
the somatic sensation of cold or heat
In thermodynamics, the integrating factor of the differential equation referred to as the first law of thermodynamics, In statistical mechanics, a measure of translational molecular kinetic energy (with three degrees of freedom) In general, the degree of hotness or coldness as measured on some definite temperature scale by means of any of various types of thermometers
A measure of cold or hot. A thermometer can usually be used to determine its value
Operationally, a measure of the tendency of a body or system to give up or take in heat from its surroundings Heat always flows from high temperature to low temperature Two bodies in equilibrium must have the same temperature (this is sometimes called the zeroth law of thermodymamics) This qualitative definition can be put on an absolute scale in a few ways, based either on the Second Law, the ideal gas law, or statistical mechanics In each case there exists an absolute zero (0 Kelvin or -273 15 °C) where there are no vibrational degrees of freedom and the Third Law applies Microscopically, of course, temperature is associated with kinetic energy of atoms, and quantum mechanically with occupancy of excited quantum states
{i} degree of hotness or coldness; abnormally high body temperature, fever
measure of the quantity of thermal energy in a substance High temperature indicates more heat energy than low temperature
temperature is what you measure with a thermometer (this is kind of an operational definition) More precisely, the temperature of a system tells how much the internal energy of the system grows upon a given increase of entropy
5° F
Mixture; compound
in units of J, where J is the nearest neighbor exchange energy (NOT joules) (A value temperature = 3 J implies a temperature T = 3J/k in kelvin with k being Boltzmann's constant )
refers to the temperature of the ambient air excluding direct heating of the sensor by solar radiation
Temperature is the thermal state of matter with reference to its ability to transfer heat to other matter Temperature is distinguished from heat in that heat is the energy that is transferred between matter by radiation, conduction and/or convection The three most common scales for measuring temperature are Celsius (centigrade), Fahrenheit and Kelvin
The degree of heat of the body of a living being, esp
The level or degree of thermal energy in a substance, an object, or the surrounding environment as measured on a standard scale In other words, temperature refers to whether something is hot or cold It is the measurement of how fast the molecules are moving back and forth
The degree of hotness or coldness Also, a measure of the average energy of the molecular motion in a body or substance at a certain point
Temperature is defined as the measure of the average speed of atoms and molecules The higher the temperature the faster they move
A measure of the average energy of a system of atoms
If you take someone's temperature you use an instrument called a thermometer to measure the temperature of their body in order to see if they are ill. He will probably take your child's temperature too. Measure of hotness expressed in terms of any of several arbitrary scales, such as Fahrenheit, Celsius, or Kelvin. Heat flows from a hotter body to a colder one and continues to do so until both are at the same temperature. Temperature is a measure of the average energy of the molecules of a body, whereas heat is a measure of the total amount of thermal energy in a body. For example, whereas the temperature of a cup of boiling water is the same as that of a large pot of boiling water (212°F, or 100°C), the large pot has more heat, or thermal energy, and it takes more energy to boil a pot of water than a cup of water. The most common temperature scales are based on arbitrarily defined fixed points. The Fahrenheit scale sets 32° as the freezing point of water and 212° as the boiling point of water (at standard atmospheric pressure). The Celsius scale defines the triple point of water (at which all three phases, solid, liquid, and gas, coexist in equilibrium) at 0.01° and the boiling point at 100°. The Kelvin scale, used primarily for scientific and engineering purposes, sets the zero point at absolute zero and uses a degree the same size as those of the Celsius scale
A feeling how much one want to do; a fever
Condition with respect to heat or cold, especially as indicated by the sensation produced, or by the thermometer or pyrometer; degree of heat or cold; as, the temperature of the air; high temperature; low temperature; temperature of freezing or of boiling
), loosely, the excess of this over the normal (of the human body 98°-99
The temperature of something is a measure of how hot or cold it is. The temperature soared to above 100 degrees in the shade Coping with severe drops in temperature can be very difficult
You can use temperature to talk about the feelings and emotions that people have in particular situations. There's also been a noticeable rise in the political temperature
in the mouth of an adult about 98
A measurement of the degree of heat or cold of a body or place
of the human body; also Colloq
the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity)
the temperature of the sea surface as measured by the Datawell Waverider buoy (in degrees Celsius)
If you are running a temperature or if you have a temperature, your temperature is higher than it usually is. He began to run an extremely high temperature
A measure of the energy in a substance The more heat energy in the substance, the higher the temperature The Earth receives only one two-billionth of the energy the sun produces Much of the energy that hits the Earth is reflected back into space Most of the energy that isn't reflected is absorbed by the Earth's surface As the surface warms, it also warms the air above it
A degree of hotness or coldness the can be measured using a thermometer Also a measure of how fast the atoms and molecules of a substance are moving (see Kinetic energy) Temperature is measured in degrees on the Fahrenheit, Celsius, and Kelvin scales
The measure of molecular motion or the degree of heat of a substance It is measured on an arbitrary scale from absolute zero, where the molecules theoretically stop moving It is also the degree of hotness or coldness In surface observations, it refers primarily to the free air or ambient temperature close to the surface of the earth
the degree of hotness or coldness of a body or environment (corresponding to its molecular activity) the somatic sensation of cold or heat
Numerical measures of heat or cold registered on a thermometer The common measures (scales) of temperature are Fahrenheit and Celsius Water freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit or 0 degrees Celsius
Constitution; state; degree of any quality
The measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules of a substance The greater the kinetic energy the higher the temperature A measure of how fast the air molecules are moving
A system in which internal vibrational modes have equilibrated with one another can be said to have a particular temperature Two systems A and B are said to be at different temperatures if, when brought into contact, °heat flows from (say) A to B, increasing the °thermal energy of B at the expense of the thermal energy of A
a measure of the random motion energy (the average kinetic energy) of a group of particles in a gas, liquid, or solid The temperature is higher if the particles are moving faster
The temperature(1) of the immediate environment
Freedom from passion; moderation
Your temperature is the temperature of your body. A normal temperature is about 37° centigrade. His temperature continued to rise alarmingly

There was a drop in temperature after it rained. - There was a drop in temperature after the rain.

There was a drop in temperature after the rain. - There was a drop in temperature after it rained.

temperature coefficient
A coefficient which relates the change of the magnitude of a physical property to a unit change in temperature
temperature coefficients
plural form of temperature coefficient
temperature gradient gel electrophoresis
Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) is a form of electrophoresis where there is a temperature gradient across the gel. TGGE is useful for analyzing nucleic acids such as DNA and RNA, and sometimes for proteins. TGGE is a highly specialized technique practiced by a relatively small number of scientists
temperature change
a process whereby the degree of hotness of a body (or medium) changes
temperature control
system which regulates temperature
temperature forecast
prediction of the temperature for the coming days
temperature gradient
change in temperature as a function of distance (especially altitude)
temperature gradient
The rate of change of temperature with displacement in a given direction from a given reference point
temperature inversion
In meteorology, an increase of air temperature with altitude. Such an increase is a reversal of the normal temperature condition of the troposphere, where temperature usually decreases with altitude. Inversions play an important role in determining cloud forms, precipitation, and visibility. An inversion acts as a lid, preventing the upward movement of the air below it. Where a pronounced inversion is present at a low level, convective clouds cannot grow high enough to produce showers and, at the same time, visibility may be greatly reduced by trapped pollutants (see smog). Because the air near the base of the inversion is cool, fog is frequently present there
temperature scale
a system of measuring temperature
temperature unit
a unit of measurement for temperature
temperature-controlled room
room that has a system for regulating the temperature
Planck temperature
The fundamental upper limit of temperature conceivable under current models of physics, in which all matter is accelerated as quickly as possible to the speed of light, approximately 1.41679 x 10^32 kelvins
absolute temperature
thermodynamic temperature
body temperature
The temperature considered to be the accepted standard normal temperature of a healthy, living person or animal

The body temperature for a dog falls within the range of about 38°C to 39°C.

core temperature
The operating temperature of an organism, specifically in deep structures of the body such as the liver, in comparison to temperatures of peripheral tissues
curie temperature
The temperature (which is characteristic for each substance) at which a ferromagnetic material loses its ferromagnetic property
dry bulb temperature
Temperature of the free air as measured with a dry thermometer on a sling psychrometer over a grassy surface at a height of approximately 6 feet (1.8 meters)
equiviscous temperature
The temperature at which a bitumen attains the proper viscosity for built-up membrane application
glass transition temperature
The temperature below which an amorphous material is a glassy solid and above which it is a viscous liquid
ignition temperature
the lowest temperature at which combustion will occur spontaneously under specific conditions
kinetic temperature
a measure of the energy of motion possessed by a substance; especially a function of the root mean square velocity of the molecules of a gas
low temperature flexibility
the ability of a membrane or other material to resist cracking when flexed after it has been cooled to a low temperature
perceived temperature
The apparent temperature of the environment; may be different from the actual temperature because of factors such as wind chill or humidity
room temperature
A normal temperature of a room in which people live; typically 20 to 23°C (68 to 73ºF); neither heated nor chilled

food served at room temperature.

At a typical temperature of indoor surroundings (about 20 to 23ºC); neither heated nor chilled

a pan of room-temperature water.

saturation temperature
The boiling point of a liquid
standard temperature and pressure
The international, standard conditions used to aid reproducibility; a temperature of 0 °C (273.15 K) and a pressure of 1 atmosphere (101.325 kPa). Abbreviated as STP
thermodynamic temperature
Temperature defined in terms of the laws of thermodynamics rather than the properties of a real material: expressed in kelvins
transition temperature
The temperature at which one phase of a material changes into another; a transition point
transition temperature
The temperature at which one form of a polymorph changes into another
core temperature
(Tıp, İlaç) Core temperature is the operating temperature of an organism, specifically in deep structures of the body such as the liver, in comparison to temperatures of peripheral tissues
dew point temperature
(Bilim, İlim) The dew point temperature is the temperature that a parcel of air must be cooled to in order to reach saturation. Cooling past the dew point temperature normally results in condensation or precipitation
heat deflection temperature
The heat deflection temperature or heat distortion temperature (HDT or HDTUL) is the temperature at which a polymer or plastic sample deforms under a specified load. This property of a given plastic material is applied in many aspects of product design, engineering, and manufacture of products using thermoplastic components
transition temperature
The temperature at which a substance acquires or loses some distinctive property, in particular superconductivity
wet bulb temperature
(Bilim, İlim) The wet-bulb temperature is the lowest temperature an object may be cooled to by the process of evaporation. It is read directly from the wet-bulb thermometer on an electric psychrometer, sling psychrometer, or rotor psychrometer
wet bulb temperature
Wet-bulb temperature is measured using a standard mercury-in-glass thermometer, with the thermometer bulb wrapped in muslin, which is kept wet. The evaporation of water from the thermometer has a cooling effect, so the temperature indicated by the wet bulb thermometer is less than the temperature indicated by a dry-bulb (normal, unmodified) thermometer
absolute temperature
temperature measured from absolute zero, where all motion stops
absolute temperature
The temperature of a body referred to the absolute zero, at which point the volume of an ideal gas is theoretically zero (absolute zero = - 459 67°F / - 273 15°C)
absolute temperature
The Kelvin and Rankine temperature scales are absolute temperature scales They use absolute zero (theoretically no molecular movement) as the zero point Conversely, the Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature scales are relative They use the freezing point of water (0°C in Celsius and 32°F in Fahrenheit) as the reference points The absolute temperature scales are used to convert from standard cubic feet per minute to actual cubic feet per minute
absolute temperature
The temperature of matter calculated from absolute zero Thermometer temperature to which is added 273°C or 459 6°F Sometimes called the Kelvin scale
absolute temperature
The temperature of a body referred to the absolute zero, at which point the volume of an ideal gas theoretically becomes zero (Fahrenheit scale is minus 459 67°F / Celsius scale is minus 273 15°C) (010)
absolute temperature
Temperature based on an absolute scale
absolute temperature
Temperature measured or calculated on an absolute scale
absolute temperature
is the temperature of a body referred to the absolute zero, at which point the volume of an ideal gas theoretically becomes zero On the Fahrenheit scale this is minus 459 67°F; on the Celsius scale it is minus 273 15°C Engineering values of minus 460°F and minus 273°C are used herein
absolute temperature
Temperature measured from absolute zero
absolute temperature
temperature as measured using a scale in which the hypothetical lowest possible temperature is marked as zero (Thermodynamics)
absolute temperature
temperature measured on the absolute scale
absolute temperature
A temperature expressed on the thermodynamic scale, measured from Absolute Zero, or 0 Kelvin (K), also equivalent to -273 15C or -459 67F
absolute temperature
Temperature measured from absolute zero In the Fahrenheit scale it is gauge temperature plus 460 degrees and is called Rankine temperature; in the Centigrade scale it is gauge temperature plus 273 degrees and is called Kelvin temperature
absolute temperature
Temperature based on an absolute scale See thermodynamic temperature
absolute temperature
the temperature of a body or substance using the Kelvin temperature scale It is calculated by adding 273 15 to the Celsius temperature of the body
air temperature
degree of hotness or coldness of the air
air temperature
The temperature of the air in degrees fahrenheit, taken at a height of 2 meters (approx 6ft) above the ground More Info
air temperature
air temperature
The temperature indicated by a thermometer exposed to the air in a place sheltered from direct solar radiation
basal body temperature
{i} body temperature in the morning before getting out of bed or before eating anything
basal body temperature
body temperature in the morning before rising or moving about or eating anything
basal body temperature method of family planning
natural family planning in which the fertile period of the woman's menstrual cycle is inferred by noting the rise in basal body temperature that typically occurs with ovulation
body temperature
temperature of the body; normally 98
body temperature
6 F or 37 C in humans; usually measured to obtain a quick evaluation of a person's health
boiling temperature
temperature at which a liquid becomes a gas
color temperature
A measurement of the color of light radiated by an object while it is being heated This measurement is expressed in terms of absolute scale, or degrees Kelvin Lower Kelvin temperatures such as 2400°K are red; higher temperatures such as 9300°K are blue Neutral temperature is gray, at 6504°K
color temperature
A numerical description of the color of light It is the temperature in degrees Kelvin (K) to which a perfect black-body radiator (an object that does not reflect any light falling on it) would have to be heated to produce a given color
color temperature
A scientific measurement of the balance of wavelengths making up any "white" light The unit of measurement is the Kelvin, abbreviated K Although it may not seem sensible, a higher color temperature means a cooler, bluer light source Typical color temperatures are 2800°K (incandescent), 3200°K (halogen) and 5500°K (daylight)
color temperature
The temperature of the Planckian radiator whose radiation has the same chromaticity as that of a given stimulus
color temperature
Description of the color of a light source Measured on a scale of degrees Kelvin
color temperature
An estimate of the temperature of an incandescent body, determined by observing the wavelength at which it is emitting with peak intensity (its color) and using that wavelength in Wien's law
color temperature
Originally, a term used to describe the "whiteness" of incandescent lamp light Color temperature is directly related to the physical temperature of the filament in incandescent lamps so the Kelvin (absolute) temperature scale is used to describe color temperature For discharge lamps where no hot filament is involved, the term "correlated color temperature" is used to indicate that the light appears as if the discharge lamp is operating at a given color temperature More recently, the term "chromaticity" has been used in place of color temperature Chromaticity" has been used in place of color temperature Typical color temperatures are 2800K (incandescent), 3000K (halogen), 4100K (cool white or SP41 fluorescent), and 5000K (daylight-simulating fluorescent colors
color temperature
An objective measure of image whiteness
color temperature
- Is a term used to describe the color of light from a source compared to a Blackbody It is often described in degrees Kelvin (0 K)
color temperature
A measure of the color of a light source relative to a black body at a particular temperature expressed in degrees Kelvin (°K) Incandescent lights have a low color temperature (approximately 2800°K) and have a red-yellowish tone; daylight has a high color temperature (approximately 6000°K) and appears bluish (the most popular fluorescent light Cool White is rated at 4100°K) Today, the phosphors used in fluorescent lights can be blended to provide any desired color temperature in the range from 2800°K to 6000°K
color temperature
a measure of the color appearance of a light source which helps describe the apparent "warmth" (reddish) or "coolness" (bluish) of that light source Generally, light sources below 3200K are considered "warm;" while those above 4000K are considered "cool" light sources
color temperature
Originally, a term used to describe the “whiteness” of incandescent lamp light Color temperature is directly related to the physical temperature of the filament in incandescent lamps so the Kelvin(absolute) temperature is used to describe color temperature For discharge lamps where no hot filament is involved, the “correlated color temperature” is used to indicate that the light appears as if the discharge lamp is operating at a given color temperature More recently, the term “chromacity” has been used in place of color temperature Typical color temperatures are 2800K (incandescent), 3000K (halogen), 4100K(cool white or Sp41 fluorescent) and 5000K (daylight simulating colors )
color temperature
A measurement of the color of white light, expressed in Kelvins (The Kelvin scale is a measure of temperature, starting from absolute zero ) The color temperature is the color of light a perfect black-body radiator emits when heated to that temperature Computer monitors typically have a color temperature of 5000-9300 Kelvins: 5000 Kelvins is a yellowish-white, 9300 Kelvins is a blue white
critical temperature
The temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied by pressure alone
critical temperature
temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied by exclusively by pressure (Physics)
critical temperature
The highest temperature at which well defined liquid and vapor states exist It may be defined as the highest temperature at which it is possible to liquefy a gas by pressure alone
critical temperature
the temperature above which vapor cannot be liquefied no matter what pressure is applied
critical temperature
Tcr is the temperature of a substance at the critical point Tcr is the temperature of a substance at the critical point
critical temperature
critical temperature
The highest temperature at which distinct vapor and liquid phases can coexist for a species
critical temperature
The temperature below in which certain elements become superconductive
critical temperature
The temperature at which high carbon steel will harden when quenched in a suitable medium
critical temperature
the temperature above which a gas cannot be liquefied, no matter how much pressure is applied
critical temperature
The highest temperature at which a fluid can exist as a liquid or vapor Above this temperature the fluid is a gas and, regardless of the amount of pressure applied, cannot be liquefied
curie temperature
where a ferromagnetic transition occurs
curie temperature
the temperature above which a ferromagnetic substance loses its ferromagnetism
curie temperature
Temperature at which magnet is totally demagnetized
curie temperature
The temperature at which ferromagnetic ef fects are destroyed by thermal agitation in ferromagnetic substances In common iron alloys, the curie temperature (or curie point) is typically 500 to 700° C
curie temperature
that temperatue above which a ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic material becomes paramagnetic D
curie temperature
differences in temperature
variations in levels of heat and cold, gradation of temperature
he has a temperature
he has a fever, he is sick
his temperature rose
he became feverish, he got a fever
lowering the temperature
reduced the temperature, made the temperature lower
mean temperature
The average temperature for a given time period, usually a day, a month, or a year
mean temperature
The average temperature of a process
mean temperature
The average of a series of temperatures taken over a period of time, such as a day or a month
mean temperature
average temperature
mean temperature
the average of the maximum and minimum temperatures of a process at equilibrium
mean temperature
room temperature
average comfortable temperature inside a building where people live or work
room temperature
the normal temperature of room in which people live
room temperature
An indoor temperature of from 20 to 25°C (68 to 77°F). the normal temperature inside a house
standard temperature
exactly zero degrees Centigrade
take one's temperature
measure someone's body heat
Plural of temperature
the temperature is falling
the temperature is becoming lower, the temperature is getting colder