technical education

listen to the pronunciation of technical education
English - Turkish
teknik öğretim
English - English
Academic and vocational preparation of students for jobs involving applied science and modern technology. It emphasizes the understanding and practical application of basic principles of science and mathematics, rather than the attainment of proficiency in manual skills that is properly the concern of vocational education. The goal of technical education is to prepare graduates for occupations that are classified above the skilled crafts but below the scientific or engineering professions. People so employed are frequently called technicians. See also employee training
technical vocational education
education that is designed to provide students with knowledge to enter a specific technical profession
technical education


    tech·ni·cal Educa·tion

    Turkish pronunciation

    teknîkıl ecyukeyşın


    /ˈteknəkəl ˌeʤyo͞oˈkāsʜən/ /ˈtɛknɪkəl ˌɛʤjuːˈkeɪʃən/