
listen to the pronunciation of teapot
English - Turkish
{i} demlik
(isim) demlik
çay demliği

Çaydanlık masanın altındadır. - The teapot is under the table.

Çaydanlık uğulduyordu. - The teapot is whistling.

teapot dome scandal
demlik kubbe skandalı
English - English
A vessel for brewing and serving tea
{n} a pot in which tea is made
If you describe a situation as a tempest in a teapot, you think that a lot of fuss is being made about something that is not important. On Capitol Hill, senators today appear to view the matter as something of a tempest in a teapot
A vessel with a spout, in which tea is made, and from which it is poured into teacups
{i} pot for heating and serving tea
A teapot is a container with a lid, a handle, and a spout, used for making and serving tea
pot for brewing tea; usually has a spout and handle
Teapot Dome scandal
Secret leasing of U.S. government land to private interests. In 1922 oil reserves at Teapot Dome, Wyo., and Elk Hills, Calif., were improperly leased to private oil companies by Secretary of the Interior Albert Fall, who accepted cash gifts and no-interest loans from the companies. When the leases became known, Congress directed Pres. Warren G. Harding to cancel them. A later investigation revealed illegal actions by several government officials, some of whom later received fines and short prison sentences. The scandal became a symbol of government corruption
teapot dome
a government scandal involving a former United States Navy oil reserve in Wyoming that was secretly leased to a private oil company in 1921; became symbolic of the scandals of the Harding administration
tempest in a teapot
A major fuss over a trivial matter

The media frenzy over the actor's drunken behavior was a tempest in a teapot.

tempest in a teapot
big fuss made over a relatively unimportant issue, great uproar over something insignificant
Russell's teapot
a china teapot hypothetically orbiting the Sun between Earth and Mars, too small to be detected by telescope
Utah teapot
A three-dimensional mathematical model of a teapot, often used as a reference object to test or assess a rendering technique

At the RfB site you will find the complete dataset for the Utah teapot and Gumbo. You are encouraged to use them in your own RenderMan renders.

as much use as a chocolate teapot
Thoroughly useless
celestial teapot
Russell's teapot
cosmic teapot
Russell's teapot
plural of teapot