A percentage applied to each taxing body's assessed valuation which will produce the amount of that taxing body's equals the tax rate The tax rate is expressed in terms of "dollars per $100 of assessed value"
A percentage applied to the assessed value of a property to generate tax payable Municipalities will set the tax rate for each property class based on the revenue they will need to provide local services
A percentage applied to each taxing body's assessed valuation which will produce the amount of that taxing body's levy, or in other words, the levy divided by assessed value equals the tax rate The tax rate is expressed in terms of 'dollars per $100 of assessed value'
T - Decimal rate, usually graduated, used to calculate corporate or individual taxes (17 1)
the percentage of income or the value of a good paid to the government in the form of taxes (chapter 12)
The amount of property tax paid by property owners for each $1,000 of their property's assessed value
Amount of tax stated in terms of a unit of the tax base For example, 5 000 mills yield $5 per $1,000 of taxable value
The rate, normally stated in units of $100, multiplied by the assessed value of property, to determine the amount of the property tax due
The rate of tax on assessed value of real property per $100 or $1000 00 This rate fluctuates in the State of South Carolina and is dependent upon whether the borrower is using the property as a primary home or a second home/investor Additional consideration for tax reduction is given citizens over the age of 65
The percentage of assessed value at which each property is taxed in a given district
The unemployment tax rate assigned to an employer by the state agency The rate multiplied by taxable wages is the amount of quarterly contributions owed by an employer
The amount of tax stated in terms of a unit of the tax base; for example, 25 mills per dollar of assessed valuation of taxable property
The rate of tax, usually stated in terms of tax per $100 of assessed value of real property
The tax rate for each taxing body is computed separately To arrive at a tax rate, the total monies needed for the coming fiscal year are divided by the total assessments of all real estate located within the taxing body's jurisdiction
The amount of tax stated in terms of a unit of the tax base; for example, 10 mills per dollar of assessed valuation of taxable property
The amount of tax paid for each increment (usually $100) of assessed value of property
The amount of tax due stated in terms of a percentage of the tax base Example: 2 76% of equalized assessed valuation is a representation of a tax rate of $2 76 per one hundred dollars of equalized assessed valuation of property
A multiplier used to compute the amount of tax a property owner pays The rate for a taxing district is derived by dividing the tax levy by net assessed value It is generally expressed in dollars per hundred
The ratio of dollars of tax found by dividing the budget (the amount of money the local government will spend in one year) by the total assessed value of real estate in the taxing district The tax rate is shown as dollars per hundred ($7 00 per hundred shown as 07) and may also be known as the mill rate (millage means per thousand A millage rate quoted as 70 mills would be equivalent to a tax rate of $70 00 per thousand in valuation)
The percentage of taxable earnings, up to the maximum tax base, that is paid for the HI tax Currently, the percentages are 1 45 for employees and employers, each The self-employed pay 2 9 percent
The tax levy (as determined by the taxing bodies) divided by the tax base It is often expressed in terms of dollars per thousand The tax rate is multiplied by the assessed value to determine the amount of tax that each property must pay
The tax rate that applies to the next dollar of taxable income If another dollar of taxable income is received in the same tax year, the number of cents that must be paid in additional income taxes is the same as the percentage of additional income that will be paid in taxes
The total tax payable on the last dollar of income The overall tax rate, which measures the total tax payable as a percentage of total income, will be significantly lower
The tax rate you would owe on your next dollar of taxable income This can be highly valuable information when you are making investment decisions In the U S progressive income tax system, the marginal tax rate increases as income rises So if you're thinking about realizing some short-term capital gains, buying fixed-income securities or prepaying your mortgage, you should consider what income tax bracket you're in first See "Should I Prepay?" BACK TO TOP
The rate you pay on the last (highest) dollar of personal or household (if married) earnings Current federal marginal tax rates range from 15% to 39 6%
The income tax rate at which the last dollar of your income is taxed Under federal law, you often pay a lower tax rate on your first dollar of taxable income than you do on your last dollar The marginal rate is the highest rate at which your income is taxed
The ratio of the increase in tax to the increase in the tax base (i e the tax rate on each additional dollar of income) A single individual earning $40,000 who experiences a $1,000 increase in income and has to pay an additional $452 in income tax has a marginal tax rate of 45 2 per cent ($452 divided by $1,000)
tax rate
Turkish pronunciation
täks reyt
/ˈtaks ˈrāt/ /ˈtæks ˈreɪt/
[ 'taks ] (transitive verb.) 14th century. Middle English, to estimate, assess, tax, from Old French taxer, from Medieval Latin taxare, from Latin, to feel, estimate, censure, frequentative of tangere to touch; more at TANGENT.