talked about

listen to the pronunciation of talked about
English - Turkish
sözü geçmek
talk about
hakkında konuşmak

O, o konu hakkında konuşmak istemiyor. - She doesn't want to talk about it.

Onun hakkında konuşmak için birinci olmak isteyen kimse olmadığı ortaya çıktı.Şimdi ne yaparız? - It turned out there was nobody who would be the first to talk about it. What do we do now?

talk about
(Fiili Deyim ) -den söz etmek , -den bahsetmek
be talked about
sözü geçmek
talk about
to be talked about
sözü geçmek
talk about
lafını etmek
talk about

Tom telefonda ondan bahsetmek istemedi. - Tom didn't want to talk about that over the phone.

Şimdi bundan bahsetmek için henüz çok erken. - It's still too early to talk about this now.

talk about
söz etmek

Tom'un yaptığı şeyden söz etmek istiyor musun? - Do you want to talk about what Tom did?

talk about
-den bahsetmek, -i konuşmak: They're talking about you. Seni konuşuyorlar
English - English

Definition of talked about in English English dictionary

talk about
Used to draw attention to the speaker's characterization of someone or something

Talk about a smooth talker! Did you hear his TV speech?.

talk about
chat about, discuss (something or someone)
talk about
discuss or mention; "They spoke of many things"
talk about
to consider or examine in speech or writing; "The article covered all the different aspects of this question"; "The class discussed Dante's `Inferno'"
talk about
speak of
talked about


    talked a·bout

    Turkish pronunciation

    tôkt ıbaut


    /ˈtôkt əˈbout/ /ˈtɔːkt əˈbaʊt/


    [ 'tok ] (verb.) 13th century. Middle English; akin to Old English talu tale.


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