
listen to the pronunciation of t-carrier
English - Turkish

Definition of t-carrier in English Turkish dictionary


Posta taşıyıcı postaları kapıdan kapıya dağıtır. - The mail carrier delivers mail from door to door.

Sivrisinekler hastalık taşıyıcılarıdır. - Mosquitoes are carriers of diseases.

cargo carrier
telefon operatörü
(Askeri) araç
baskı arabası
(Ticaret) sürücü
(Ticaret) taşıyıcı firma
(Havacılık) uçak gemisi

Bir uçak gemisi ancak bir taktik nükleer silahla yok edilebilir. - An aircraft carrier can only be destroyed with a tactical nuclear weapon.

Amerikan donanmasında kaç tane uçak gemisi var? - How many aircraft carriers does the US Navy have?

carrier bag
carrier cable
(Askeri) taşıyıcı kablo
carrier channel
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) taşıyıcı kanalı
carrier pigeon
(Askeri) muhabere güvercini
carrier power
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) taşıyıcı gücü
carrier system
(Bilgisayar) taşıyıcı dizge
carrier system
(Tıp) taşıyıcı sistem
carrier system
carrier wave
ana dalga
destination carrier
(Askeri) adreste teslim aracı
independent carrier
bağımsız taşıyıcı
knife carrier
bıçak zarfı
minority carrier
(Bilgisayar,Elektrik, Elektronik) azınlık taşıyıcısı
offset carrier
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) kaydırılmış taşıyıcı
pack carrier
pulse carrier
darbeli taşıyıcı
scheduled carrier
(Turizm) tarifeli taşıyıcı
suit carrier
bagaj taşıyıcı
virus carrier
virüs taşıyıcı
vision carrier frequency
(Televizyon) resim taşıyan frekans
vision carrier frequency
(Teknik,Televizyon) resim taşıyıcı frekans
air carrier
tenek taşıyıcısı
air carrier
hava taşıyıcısı
aircraft carrier
uçak gemisi
airplane carrier
uçak gemisi
battery carrier
akü kutusu
bearing carrier
yatak kovanı
bevel gear carrier
ayna dişli taşıyıcısı
cargo carrier
yük gemisi

Onun kariyeri başarılarla doluydu. - Her carrier was full of successes.

(hastalık) taşıyıcı
carrier bag
saplı naylon çanta
carrier based aircraft
uçak gemisinde üslenmiş uçak
carrier born aircraft
uçak gemisinden kalkan uçak
carrier current
taşıyıcı akım
carrier current
kuran partör
carrier current relay
taşıyıcı akım rölesi
carrier filter
taşıyıcı süzgeci
carrier frequency
taşıyıcı frekans
carrier gas
taşıyıcı gaz
carrier line
taşıyıcı hattı
carrier mobility
taşıyıcı devingenliği
carrier noise
taşıyıcı gürültüsü
carrier pigeon
posta güvercini
carrier repeater
taşıyıcı repetörü
carrier rocket
taşıyıcı roket
carrier shift
taşıyıcı kayması
carrier suppression
taşıyıcı bastırma
carrier system
taşıyıcı sistemi
carrier to noise ratio
taşıyıcı gürültü oranı
carrier transfer filter
taşıyıcı transfer filtresi
carrier wave
taşıyıcı dalga
charge carrier
yük taşıyıcı
colour carrier
renk taşıyıcısı
common carrier
ortak taşıyıcı
common carrier
common carrier
common carrier
genetic carrier
gen taşıyıcı
hod carrier
image carrier
resim taşıyıcı dalga
lathe carrier
torna fırdöndüsü
lathe carrier
letter carrier

Postacı her üç günde gelir. - The letter carrier comes every three days.

local carrier
lokal taşıyıcı
main jet carrier
ana jet taşıyıcısı
majority carrier
çoğunluk taşıyıcısı
pulse carrier
darbe taşıyıcı
soil carrier
kir taşıyıcı
sound carrier
ses taşıyıcısı
spear carrier
troop carrier
asker taşıma aracı
ball carrier
top taşıyıcı
cable carrier
(Elektrik, Elektronik) Kablo taşıyıcısı
cargo-carrier aircraft
yük taşıyıcı uçak
carrier column
taşıyıcı kolon
carrier mobility
taşıyıcı devingenligi
carrier oil
taşıyıcı yağ
carrier return
yeni satırbaşı
carrier's policy
nakliye senedi
common carrier bill of lading
genel taşımacı konsimentosu
data carrier
veri taşıyıcı
digital loop carrier
dijital loop taşıyıcı
emulsion carrier
emülsiyon tabanı, duyarkat tabanı
flag carrier
Mecazen öncü, bayrağı taşıyan
free carrier
ücretsiz taşıyıcı
grain carrier
tane taşıyıcı
load carrier
yük taşıyıcı
people carrier
kişi taşıyıcı
picture carrier
resim taşıyıcı
pilot carrier
pilot taşıyıcı
spear carrier
spring carrier
yay mesnedi
tyre carrier
yedek lastik askısı, stepne askısı
vision carrier
resim taşıyıcı dalga
wheel carrier
Tekerlek mesnedi
1980 United Nations Convention on Conventional Weapons; continuous carrier wave
(Askeri) 1980 Birleşmiş Milletler Konvansiyonel Silahlar Kongresi; süreki taşıyıcı dalgası
adjective video carrier
(Tiyatro) komşu video taşıyıcısı
aerial port commander; armored personnel carrier; assign preprogrammed conferenc
(Askeri) hava limanı komutanı; Zırhlı Personel Taşıyıcı; önceden programlanmış konferans listesi tahsisi
air carrier
(Askeri) UÇAK TAŞIT/TAYYARE GEMİSİ; UÇAK GEMİSİ: bkz: "aircraft carrier"
aircraft carrier
(Askeri) UÇAK GEMİSİ; TAYYARE GEMİSİ: Tayyareler için üs vazifesi görmek üzere inşa edilmiş gemi. Kısaca "carrier" de denir. Ayrıca bakınız: "noncapital ship"
aircraft carrier; carrier; curriculum vitae
(Askeri) uçak gemisi; kariyer; özgeçmiş
ammunition carrier
(Askeri) CEPHANE ARABASI: Topların cephanesini nakleden ve toplara refakat eden araç
ammunition carrier
(Askeri) mühimmat nakil aracı
antisubmarine carrier group
(Askeri) DENİZALTI SAVUNMA UÇAK GEMİSİ GRUBU: Bir veya daha çok denizaltı savunma uçak gemisi ile bir miktar refakat gemisinden geçici olarak teşkil edilen ve başlıca görevi denizaltıları keşif ve imha olan bir grup. Bu şekilde teşkil edilmiş gruplar, konvoy desteğinde veya denizaltı arama ve tahrip görevlerinde kullanılır
antisubmarine support aircraft carrier
(Askeri) DENİZALTI SAVUNMASI DESTEK TAYYARE GEMİSİ: Başlıca vazifesi; sürekli denizaltı savunma harbi yapmak ve konvoy refakati için hava araçlarını destekleyip faaliyetlerini devam ettirmek olan bir gemi. Bu gemiden, ayrıca, yakın hava desteği içinde faydalanılır. Önceleri CVA olarak adlandırılırdı. şimdi CVS olarak tanımlanır
armored personnel carrier
(Askeri) ZIRHLI PERSONEL TAŞITI: Esas olarak taktik harekat esnasında personeli ve teçhizatını taşımak için kullanılan hafif zırhlı, yüksek derecede çevik, tam paletli, amfibi ve havadan indirilebilir taşıt. Üretim tadilatları ve özel kitlerin uygulanması bu araçları havan taşıyıcısı, komuta yeri, alev makinası, uçaksavar topçu şasisi veya sınırlı kurtarma aracı olarak kullanmamıza imkan vermektedir
attack aircraft carrier
(Askeri) HÜCUM UÇAK GEMİSİ: Uçakları desteklemek ve hareketlerini idare etmek; su üstü ve kıyıdaki hedeflere karşı taarruza katılmak, sürekli harekatta, diğer kuvvetlerin desteğinde harekata girişmek amacıyla imal edilmiş bir harp gemisi CV veya CVN olarak bilinmektedir. CVN nükleer güçlüdür
axle carrier
(Otomotiv) aks taşıyıcısı
bicycle carrier
bisiklet taşıyıcısı
boat carrier
bot taşıyıcısı
bobbin carrier
(Tekstil) bobin taşıyıcısı
breech block carrier
(Askeri) kama yatağı
bulk carrier
(Ticaret) dökme mal taşıyan gemi
cargo carrier
(Askeri) YÜK TAŞIYICISI: Kundağı motorlu topçu silahını bulunduran ve bunlara bütünleme ikmali yapan, yurt içindeki su yollarında yüzme kapasitesini haiz yüksek derecede seyyar, havadan nakliyesi yapılabilen zırhlı olmayan, tam paletli yük ve lojistik taşıyıcı. M548 olarak gösterilmektedir
{i} kızak
taşıyan şey veya kimse
{i} portör
{i} ulak
(Askeri) PORTÖR: Bir hastalığı taşıyan veya yayan kimse veya şey
{i} nakliye şirketi
bir elemanı bir karışımdan diğer bir karışıma tasıyan katalitik madde
carrier air group
(Askeri) UÇAK GEMİSİ HAVA GRUBU: Harekatın bir uçak gemisinden idari ve taktik kontrolu için, bir komuta altında teşkil edilmiş iki veya daha çok uçak filosu
carrier air traffic control center
(Askeri) kariyer hava trafik kontrol merkezi
carrier air wing
(Askeri) uçak gemisi hava grubu
carrier aircraft inertial navigation system
(Askeri) uçak gemisi uçak atalet seyir sistemi
carrier bag
İng. büyük torba/poşet
carrier battle group
(Askeri) uçak gemisi muharebe sahası grubu
carrier board
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) taşıyıcı karton
carrier board
(Matbaacılık, Basımcılık) taşıma amaçlı karton
carrier boat
(Askeri) taşıyıcı bot
carrier cable circuits
carrier channel
tasiyici kanali
carrier fluid
(Nükleer Bilimler) taşıyıcı sıvı
carrier frequency
(Askeri) TAŞIYICI DALGA FREKANSI: Bir telsiz, radar ve diğer tip göndermeçten çıkan modüle edilmemiş telsiz dalga frekansı
carrier lost
(Bilgisayar) taşıyıcı kayboldu
carrier noise ratio
tasiyici gurultu orani
carrier onboard delivery; combat operations division
(Askeri) gemide teslim; muharebe harekat tümeni
carrier patrol
(Askeri) motorize devriye
carrier pigeon
(Askeri) MUHABERE GÜVERCİNİ: Bak. "homing pigeon"
carrier pigeon
haber güvercini
carrier rail
taşıyıcı ray
carrier return
carrier roller
(İnşaat) taşıyıcı makara
carrier sense multiple access
tasiyiciyi dinleyen coklu erisim
carrier ship
(Askeri) taşıyıcı gemi
chronic carrier
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) kronik taşıyıcı
contracting carrier
(Ticaret) sözleşmeli taşıyıcı
destination carrier
(Askeri) ADRESTE TESLİM ARACI: Bir yükü gideceği yere kadar götüren ve doğrudan doğruya veya aracı bir değiştirme vasıtası ile, teslim alacak olan kimseye teslim eden ticari nakil aracı
differential carrier
diferansiyel taşıyıcısı
double sideband suppress carrier modulation
tasiyicisiz cift yanbant kiplenimi
emulsion carrier
(Fotoğrafçılık) duyarkat tabanı
exempt carrier
(Ticaret) muafiyetli taşıyıcı
freight carrier
(Ticaret) yük taşıyıcısı
freight carrier
(Ticaret) eşya nakliyecisi
germ carrier
mikrop taşıyıcısı
germ carrier
group carrier
grup tasiyici
guided missile equipment carrier
(Askeri) GÜDÜMLÜ FÜZE TEÇHİZAT TAŞIYICISI: Muhtelif güdümlü füze sistemleri ve teçhizatları için kullanılan kendinden müteharrik, tamamen paletli, amfibi, havadan nakledilebilir, zırhsız bir taşıyıcıdır
hod carrier
inşaat işçisi
hod carrier
duvarcı yamağı
international carrier
(Telekom) uluslararası taşıyıcı
isotopic carrier/tracer
(Nükleer Bilimler) izotopik taşıyıcı/izleyici
jet carrier
(Otomotiv) meme gömleği
jet carrier
(Otomotiv) meme taşıyıcı
lathe carrier
(torna) fırdöndü
letter carrier
İng. postacı
livestock carrier
(Çiftçilik) canlı hayvan nakliyecisi
livestock carrier
canlı hayvan nakliye aracı
mail carrier
main carrier
ana tasiyici
minority carrier
azinlik tasiyicisi
modulated carrier
kiplenmis tasiyici
modulated carrier wave
(Askeri) modüle edilmiş taşıyıcı dalga
mortar carrier
(Askeri) havan taşıma aracı
mortar carrier
(Askeri) HAVAN TAŞIMA ARACI: Bir havanın monte edildiği veya bir havanı taşıyan araç. Bir yanı tırtıllı kariyer üzerine monte edilmiş olan havan genel olarak, araç üzerinden ateş eder
offset carrier
kaydirilmis tasiyici
ore carrier
(Askeri) cevher taşıyıcı
origin carrier
(Askeri) ticari başlangıç taşıtı
origin carrier
(Askeri) TİCARİ BAŞLANGIÇ TAŞITI: Bir yükü sevkıyatın başladığı noktada teslim alan ticari taşıt
original carrier frequency
özgün taşıma frekansı
oxygen carrier
(Kimya) oksijen taşıyıcı
personnel carrier
(Askeri) PERSONEL TAŞIMA ARACI: Kıtalarla teçhizatını taşımak için kullanılan motorlu araç. Zırhlı da olabilir. Bak. "carrier"
pinion carrier
(Otomotiv) pinyon taşıyıcı
planet carrier
planet taşıyıcı
pulse carrier
darbeli tasiyici
redox carrier
(Denizbilim) yük-in taşıyıcı
required carrier return
istenen satırbaşı
residual carrier
tasiyicinin kalintisi
sound carrier
ses tasiyicisi
spindle carrier
(Otomotiv) aks taşıyıcı
straddle carrier
(Askeri) liman istif taşıyıcısı
troop carrier
(Askeri) KITA NAKLİYE UÇAĞI: Bak. "troop carrier aircraft"
troop carrier
(Askeri) kıta nakliye uçağı
troop carrier aircraft
(Askeri) KITA NAKLİYE UÇAĞI: Özellikle, kıta ve malzemenin haya yolu ile nakledilmesinde kullanılan ağır, orta ve hafif hücum tipi uçak. Buna, kısaca, "troop carrier" de denir
troop carrier aviation
(Askeri) KITA NAKLİYE HAVACILIĞI: Askeri havacılığın, havadan kıta nakletmek için teşkil ve teçhiz edilmiş bir şubesi
troop carrier command
(Askeri) HAVA KITA NAKLİYE KOMUTANLIĞI: ABD Hava Kuvvetlerinin kıta nakliye uçakları ile kıta ve malzeme nakli ve yaralıların tahliyesi işleri ile uğraşan bir şubesi
troop carrier squadron
troop carrier units
(Askeri) HAVA KITA NAKLİYE BİRLİKLERİ: Kıta ve ikmal maddelerini muharebe yerine nakletmek, hasta ve yaralılar ile kıta ve harp malzemesinin tahliyesinde kullanılmak üzere teşkil edilen hava birlikleri
troop carrier units
(Askeri) hava kıta nakliye birlikleri
tyre carrier
(Otomotiv) yedek lastik askısı
tyre carrier
(Otomotiv) stepne askısı
unmodulated carrier
kiplenmemis tasiyici
virus carrier
virus tasiyici
weapons carrier
(Askeri) SİLAH TAŞIYICI: Bak. "weapons carrier truck"
wheeled carrier
(Askeri) tekerlekli taşıyıcı
yarn carrier stop motion
(Tekstil) alt durdurma tertibatı
English - English
The generic designator for several digitally multiplexed signal carrier systems
A Northern Athabaskan language spoken in Canada. Sometimes considered to be three separate languages; Southern Carrier, Northern Carrier and Central Carrier
Free Carrier
Meaning the seller incurs all costs of transportation up to a named carrier, after which the responsibility is with the buyer
aircraft carrier
A warship with a deck on which airplanes can be launched and landed
armored personnel carrier
An armored vehicle for carrying infantry soldiers in combat
armoured personnel carrier
Alternative spelling of armored personnel carrier
A relatively unimportant assistant or spokesman of a more important person

U.K Prime Minister) Gordon Brown's former bag-carrier Neal Lawson is in a state of ecstacy.

An person who carries someone's bags
ball carrier
A player who carries the football
bulk carrier
Any ocean-going cargo vessel designed to carry bulk cargo in its holds
car carrier
A special ship that transports cars in a garage with ambient control and ventilation
A mobile network operator; wireless carrier
A company in the business of shipping freight
A carrier pigeon, a newspaperese term (misnomer) for a homing pigeon, racing pigeon, racing homer, homer
A person or object that carries someone or something else

armored personnel carrier.

A signal such as radio, sound, or light that is modulated to transmit information
A person or animal that transmits a disease to others without itself contracting the disease
An Old English carrier pigeon or Old English carrier (the "King of the Doos")
An inert material added to an active ingredient to aid in the application and/or the effectiveness of active ingredient
carrier bag
A bag made of thin polythene or paper, generally used for carrying groceries or other purchased items
carrier bags
plural form of carrier bag
carrier protein
Any protein whose function is to transport small molecules (or other proteins) through biological membranes
carrier shell
A marine snail (species: Xenophoridae) which cements stones and shell fragments to its own shell
carrier wave
An electromagnetic wave that can be modulated, either in frequency, amplitude or phase, to transmit speech, music, images, or other signals
carrier waves
plural form of carrier wave
child carrier
Any of several devices for carrying babies or very young children within a framework carried as a backpack or on the front of the body
electron carrier
Any of several classes of molecule that acts as both an acceptor and donator of electrons and functions in an energy-producing system such as photosynthesis
energy carrier
A substance or phenomenon that can be used to produce mechanical work or heat or to operate chemical or physical processes (ISO 13600)

Solar radiation is an energy carrier that is not an energyware.

flag carrier
A strong supporter of a cause, or perhaps the strongest and most visible supporter of said cause

Bill was the flag carrier of the movement to improve inner city education..

flag carrier
A person carrying a standard or flag, usually at sporting events and parades, previously on the battlefield
flag carrier
A transportation company, such as a shipping or airline company, that is registered in a given state
flag carrier
An aircraft carrier serving as a flagship
hod carrier
A bricklayer's labourer who carries bricks (in a hod), mortar, cement and the like
lathe carrier
A clamp that fixes a workpiece to a lathe
letter carrier
An employee of the post office who delivers mail (post) to, and collects it from, a residence or business, or from public mailboxes
local exchange carrier
A company "that is engaged in the provision of telephone exchange service or exchange access" (except for wireless carriers, unless the FCC determines that the wireless carrier is to be included in the definition); that is, any local telephone company
low cost carrier
an airline selling very cheap tickets but which does not provide (or charges for) typical services like meals or the carriage of baggage
obligate carrier
An individual who may be clinically unaffected but who must carry a gene mutation based on analysis of the family history; this usually applies to disorders inherited in an autosomal recessive and X-linked recessive manner
people carrier
A car or minivan designed for spaciousness
A person in a play or movie with a minimal part; an extra
straddle carrier
A vehicle used in ports and yards for stacking and moving freight containers
bulk carrier
single decked ship that carries dry cargoes in bulk (as grain, sugar, coal etc.)
common carrier
Freight transportation company which serves the general public May be regular route service (over designated highways on a regular basis) or irregular route (between various points on an unscheduled basis)
{n} one who carries, a porter, messenger
AIDS carrier
person who carries the deadly HIV virus
Carrier oil
{i} vegetable oil or nut oil used to dilute essential oils before they are applied to the skin
{i} general name for a system of digital telephone lines used to convey Internet transmissions (on T1 and T3 lines)
Willis Haviland Carrier
born Nov. 26, 1876, Angola, N.Y., U.S. died Oct. 7, 1950, New York, N.Y. U.S. inventor and industrialist. Carrier designed the first system to control temperature and humidity in 1902. His "Rational Psychrometric Formulae," introduced in 1911, initiated scientific air-conditioning design. In 1915 he cofounded the Carrier Engineering Company, which became the world's largest manufacturer of air-conditioning equipment. Carrier was purchased by United Technologies Corporation in 1979
aircraft carrier
a large warship that carries planes and has a long flat deck for take-offs and landings
aircraft carrier
warship with a large and flat deck for carrying aircraft
aircraft carrier
An aircraft carrier is a warship with a long, flat deck where aircraft can take off and land. A large naval vessel designed as a mobile air base, having a long flat deck on which aircraft can take off and land at sea. a type of ship that planes can fly from and land on. Naval vessel equipped with a platform that allows airplanes to take off and land. Takeoffs are facilitated by the use of catapults or by a ramp at the end of the flight deck. For landing, aircraft are fitted with retractable hooks that engage arresting wires on the deck, or they are built with vectored-thrust engines that allow them to be landed vertically. Britain's Royal Navy developed the first true aircraft carrier near the end of World War I, and carriers played leading roles in World War II naval engagements such as the Pearl Harbor attack and the Battles of Midway and the Coral Sea. The largest modern carriers are 1,000-ft (300-m) nuclear-powered vessels of the U.S. Navy, which can carry 100 jet aircraft. Other types include the light carrier, equipped for anti-submarine warfare and ground attack, and the helicopter carrier, intended for conducting amphibious assault
armored personnel carrier
An armored vehicle, usually equipped with treads, used to transport infantry
armored personnel carrier
armored vehicle for conveying soldiers
armoured personnel carrier
{i} armored vehicle for conveying soldiers, armored vehicle for transporting infantry
ball carrier
(football) the player who is carrying (and trying to advance) the ball on an offensive play
bulk carrier
Single deck vessel designed to carry homogeneous unpacked dry cargoes such as grain, iron ore and coal
bulk carrier
All vessels designed to carry bulk cargos such as grain, fertilizers, ore and oil
bulk carrier
Vessel that carries bulk commodities such as petroleum, grain, or ore, which are not packaged bundled, bottled, or otherwise packed
bulk carrier
There are two types of bulk carriers, the dry-bulk carrier and the liquid-bulk carrier, better known as a tanker Bulk cargo is a shipment such as oil, grain, or one which is not packaged, bundled, bottled, or otherwise packed and is loaded without counting or marking
bulk carrier
A single-deck ocean going vessel designed to carry dry bulk commodities such as grain, coal and iron ore
car carrier
a trailer that can be loaded with new cars for delivery to sales agencies
cargo-carrier aircraft
aircraft that carries freight
a man who delivers the mail
A company, which owns or operates transmission facilities and offers telecommunication services to the general public
a radio wave that can be modulated in order to transmit a signal
a person or firm in the business of transporting people or goods or messages
A company that provides telecommunications circuits Carriers include both local telephone companies and long distance providers
a rack attached to a vehicle; for carrying luggage or skis or the like
A company that provides telecommunications services
A carrier is a long distance company that uses primarily its own transmission facilities, as opposed to resellers which lease or buy most or all transmission facilities from carriers Many people refer to any type of long distance company, whether it has its own network or not, as a carrier, so the term is not as restrictive as it used to be
a rack attached to a vehicle; for carrying luggage or skis or the like a self-propelled wheeled vehicle designed specifically to carry something; "refrigerated carriers have revolutionized the grocery business"
The representative or senator assigned by the committee chair to explain and speak in favor of a measure on the floor of the House or Senate and to answer questions about it The carrier does not have to be a member of the committee in which the bill was heard If, for example, a particular cepresentative or senator is known to be knowledgeable or interested in a bill's issue, the committee chair, as a courtesy, might ask that member to carry the bill
An individual who possesses one copy of a mutant allele that causes disease only when two copies are present Although carriers not affected by the disease, two carriers can produce a child who has the disease 1
{i} one who ships; one who carries; messanger; thing that carries; aircraft carrier; shipping company; truck; steamship or vessel for carrying goods or transporting passengers; post-office worker who carries mail; person who delivers newspapers on a specific route; person (or animal) who transmits a disease to others but does not suffer from it themselves; signal transmitted over a telephone line when two computers are connected through modems (Computers); telecommunications company
A telecommunications company that offers communications services
(n ) A special frequency or company providing telecommunications services
(1) An insurance company which "carries" the insurance (The terms "insurance company" or "insurer" are preferred because of the possible confusion of "carrier" with transportation terminology) (2) In transportation, the trucker, air carrier, ocean steamship company or other entity which moves the goods (See "Contract Carrier)
That which drives or carries; as: (a) A piece which communicates to an object in a lathe the motion of the face plate; a lathe dog
A carrier is a person or an animal that is infected with a disease and so can make other people or animals ill. an AIDS carrier. carriers of disease such as mosquitoes and worms
The company providing transportation for your household goods and on whose interstate or intrastate operating authority the shipment is moved
Practically all people who are HCV antibody positive 'carry' the virus The term 'carrier' is often misused, though, to mean someone who has the hepatitis C virus yet is in good health Mutate: When cells divide or viruses multiply, their genetic material must be copied Sometimes mistakes are made when this happens and the resulting new cell or virus is different in some way This is important for viruses because mutation can fool the immune system into not recognising the virus
A licensed company (network operator) may market any number of communication services for voice and data Carriers offer their services to both end-customers (private or business) and other carriers In the latter case, the service simply consists of transport capacity for long-distance traffic For example, local/regional network operators will buy transport capacity from carriers that operate on a global basis
A modulated RF signal; that is, one which is carrying audio or other information Sometimes used in a general manner to refer to any RF signal
someone whose employment involves carrying something; "the bonds were transmitted by carrier"
A company which provides network transmission services or (b) a continuous electrical signal capable of being modified to carry information The carrier carries no information until some component of the signal (amplitude, frequency or phase) is changed These changes convey the information
A company which owns or operates transmission facilities and offers telecommunication services to the general public
One who, or that which, carries or conveys; a messenger
means the operator of any airline, railroad, motor carrier, shipping line, or other enterprise which is engaged in the business of transporting any animals for hire
Insurance company that actually underwrites and issues the insurance policy The term refers to the fact that the company carries (or assumes) certain risks for the policyholder
The insurance company that underwrites and issues the insurance policy The insurance company is said to carry the risk for the policyowner
an inactive substance that is a vehicle for a radioactive tracer of the same substance and that assists in its recovery after some chemical reaction
A carrier is a passenger airline. Switzerland's national carrier, Swissair, has been having a hard time recently
carrier bag
paper or plastic for carrying purchases
carrier bag
A carrier bag is a bag made of plastic or paper which has handles and which you carry shopping in. a bag that you are given in a shop, to carry the things you have bought
carrier detect
detection of a carrier signal, detection of a communications tone
carrier pigeon
a pigeon (=type of bird) that has been trained to carry messages
carrier wave
A high-frequency electromagnetic wave capable of being modulated to transmit a signal of lower frequency
carrier wave
{i} electromagnetic wave that can be modulated to transmit a signal from the transmitter to the receiver
carrier wave
Carrier waves are used to carry information from transmitter to receiver The carrier wave will be radio or microwave frequency There are two methods of using the carrier wave to carry information - amplitude modulation and frequency modulation In radio transmissions for example, the carrier is of a much higher frequency than the audio wave which is to be transmitted The higher the frequency of the carrier, the higher the quality of the transmitted signal
carrier wave
An electromagnetic wave that is emitted by a radio transmitter in order to carry information The information is superimposed onto the carrier by making small changes to either its amplitude or its frequency
carrier wave
a radio wave that can be modulated in order to transmit a signal
carrier wave
The radio frequency wave generated at a transmitting station for the purpose of carrying the modulated or audio frequency
carrier wave
A high-frequency wave that can be sent through the air and is modulated by a lower-frequency wave containing information 14 6
carrier wave
An electromagnetic wave that can be modulated, as in frequency, amplitude, or phase, to transmit speech, music, images, or other signals
common carrier
A telecommunications company that provides communications transmission services to the public for a fee or tariff Such companies are subject to oversight by federal and state regulatory commissions
common carrier
In the United States, Common Carriers are companies that furnish long-distance telecommunications services to the public Common carriers are subject to regulation by federal and state and regulatory commissions
common carrier
Government-regulated, private company that furnishes the general public with telecommunications services and facilities; for example, a telephone or telegraph company
common carrier
individual or company which transports persons or goods for hire
common carrier
A telecommunications company that is regulated by government agencies and offers communications relay services to the general public via shared circuits, charging published and nondiscriminatory rates
common carrier
FCC designation for a class of transmission systems, including certain satellites, available for public use under regulated fee structures
common carrier
A carrier that holds itself out as serving the public (or a segment thereof) indifferently (i e , without regard to the identity of the customer and without undue discrimination) Common carriers may vary rates based on special considerations and may in fact serve only a small fraction of the general public
common carrier
  In a telecommunications context, a telecommunications company that holds itself out to the public for hire to provide communications transmission services   Note: In the United States, such companies are usually subject to regulation by Federal and state regulatory commissions Synonyms carrier, commercial carrier, communications common carrier
common carrier
Government-regulated, private company that furnishes the general public with telecommunications services and facilities (e g , telephone or telegraph company)
common carrier
A company that provides telecommunications services to the public Telephone companies are an example
common carrier
An organization that transports persons or goods for a fee
common carrier
Any company engaged in the transport of people or goods for profit
common carrier
an individual, partnership, or corporation that transports people or goods
common carrier
A government-regulated private company offering telecommunications services or communications facilities to the general public
common carrier
In the United States and Canada, a public data transmission service, such as a telephone or telegraph company, that provides the general public with transmission service facilities
common carrier
Any motor carrier, which holds itself out to the general public to engage in the transportation by motor vehicle of passengers or property for compensation
data carrier
A medium, such as magnetic tape, that is selected to record and often transport or communicate data
disease carrier
something which carries and possibly transmits a disease (i.e. animal, insect, person)
fire-fighters carrier
fire engine, truck which transports fire-fighters and their equipment
free carrier
Describes the responsibility of the seller of goods, requiring that he deliver the goods into the charge of the carrier This term finds use in connection with shipments by combined transport
free carrier
Shipping term included in a contract of sale (abbreviated as FCA) meaning that the seller fulfills his obligation to deliver when he has handed over the goods, cleared for export, into the charge of the carrier, freight consolidator, or freight forwarder named by the buyer at the named place or point
free carrier
Free Carrier to a named place This term replaces the former FOB named inland port to designate the seller's responsibility for the cost of loading goods at the named shipping point It may be used for multi-modal transport, container stations and any mode of transport, including air
free carrier
Trade term Seller fulfills his obligations to deliver by handing over the goods, cleared for export, to a carrier named by the buyer
free carrier
Free Carrier, FCA, to a named place This term replaces the former "FOB named inland port" to designate the seller's responsibility for the cost of loading goods at the named shipping point It may be used for multimodal transport, container stations, and any mode of transport, including air » Back to top of screen
free carrier
At a named point-designed for multi-modal transport-containers, roll-on, roll-off
free carrier
The seller must clear the goods for export, and deliver them to a carrier at a specific point determined by the buyer The buyer then bears all costs and risks of transporting the goods to the desired destination Also see "Named Point and "Specific Delivery Point "
free carrier
With multi-modal transport taking the same goods by sea, air and other modes, FOB principles (as above) again come into play This time though, an exporter's obligations are met when the goods are handed over to the carrier named by the buyer and cleared for export at the specified place or port
germ carrier
organism which carries germs
hod carrier
a laborer who carries supplies to masons or bricklayers
letter carrier
A person, especially a postal worker, who delivers mail. Also called mail carrier
local exchange carrier
local telephone company, company which provides local telephone service in a particular geographical area, LEC (Telecommunications)
luggage carrier
carrier (as behind a bicycle seat) for luggage
mail carrier
{i} person who delivers mail, mailman, mailwoman
mail carrier
someone whose job is to deliver mail = mailman
personnel carrier
a vehicle for carrying soldiers
personnel carrier
a military vehicle (usually armored) for transporting military personnel and their equipment
tank carrier
large truck that is used to transport tanks
troop carrier
a ship, aircraft, or vehicle used for moving soldiers
troop carrier
any land or sea or air vehicle designed to carry troops
unlicensed gun carrier
one who transports a firearm without a license to do so
water carrier
{i} person who carries water; pipe or tank for transporting water; ship that conveys goods or people by navigable body of water
weapons carrier
military vehicle that is a light truck designed to carry mortars or machine guns and their crews