
listen to the pronunciation of systems
English - Turkish

Modern iletişim ve ulaşım sistemleri sayesinde dünya küçülüyor. - Because of modern communication and transportation systems, the world is getting smaller.

Bir gökdelendeki asansörler hayati sistemlerdir. - The elevators in a skyscraper are vital systems.

{i} sistem

Komünizm, Sovyet Sosyalist Cumhuriyetler Birliği'nde uygulanmış sistemdir. - Communism is the system practiced in the Soviet Union.

Linux ücretsiz bir işletim sistemidir, denemelisiniz. - Linux is a free operating system; you should try it.

systems analysis
(Bilgisayar,Politika, Siyaset,Teknik) sistem çözümlemesi
systems analyst
(Askeri,Bilgisayar,Teknik) sistem çözümleyici
systems and services
(Ticaret) ürünlerin
systems application
sistem uygulama mimarisi
systems software
sistem yazılımı
systems analysis
jüye çözümleme
systems analysis
jüye analizi
systems analyst
jüye çözümleyici
systems analyst
jüye analisti
systems engineer
jüye mühendisi
systems engineering
jüye mühendisliği
systems man
systems operator
jüye operatörü
systems program
sistem programı
systems programmer
jüye bağdarlamacısı
systems programming
jüye bağdarlamalama
systems software
jüye yazılımı
Systems of Systems Analysis
(Askeri) Sistemler Analizi Sistemi
systems advisor
sistemleri danışmanı
systems analyst
sistem analizci
systems compatibility
sistemi uyumluluğu
systems consultant
sistemleri danışmanı
systems definition
sistem tanımı, dizge tanımı
systems designer
sistemleri tasarımcısı
systems flowchart
sistem akış diyagramı, dizge akış çizenegi
systems integrator
sistem entegratörü
systems operator
sistem operatörü
systems programmer
sistem programcısı
systems programming
sistem programlama
systems research
sistemleri araştırma
systems science
sistem bilimi
systems software
sistem yazılımı, dizge yazılımı
systems synthesis
sistemleri sentez
systems theory
sistem teorisi, dizge kuramı
systems analysis
(Askeri) SİSTEMLER ANALİZİ: Bir manajman veya bir işletme sisteminin; vazifelerin ifasındaki müessiriyet derecesini değerlendirmek veya ıslahat tavsiyelerinde bulunmak üzere, manajman analizi, harekat araştırması, endüstri mühendisliği metotları ve diğer usullerden faydalanmak, bir düzen dahilinde incelenmesi
systems analysis
sistem çözümleme
systems analysis
sistem analizi
systems analyst
sistem analisti
systems application architecture
(SAA) Sistem Uygulama Mimarisi
systems approach
sistem tetkiki
systems approach
(Dilbilim) dizge yaklaşımı
systems control
(Askeri) sistem kontrolü
systems control and operations concept
(Askeri) sistem kontrol ve işletim konsepti
systems definition
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sistem tanımı
systems definition
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dizge tanımı
systems design
(Askeri) SİSTEM DİZAYNI: Organize bir bütün teşkil etmek amacı ile düzenlenmiş dahili işlemlerle birleştirilmiş bir metot, usul veya teknik birleşimin hazırlanması
systems engineer
sistem uzmanı
systems engineer
sistem mühendisi
systems engineering
(Askeri) SİSTEMLER MÜHENDİSLİĞİ: Bilim ve teknolojinin, topyekün bir hava-uzay araç sistemine uygulanması işlemi. Bu suretle; sistemle ilgili çeşitli parçanın birbiriyle münasebeti ve çeşitli tali sistemlerden faydalanma hususları, model imalata geçirilmeden önce, tamamen planlanmış ve anlaşılmış olur
systems engineering
sistem mühendisliği
systems flowchart
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sistem akış diyagramı
systems integrator
sistem tümleştirici
systems management
(Askeri) SİSTEMLER MANAJMANI: Bir sistem proje subayının sorumluluğu altında, bir işletme bünyesi üzerine oturtulmuş, istihsal tipi bir kuruluş halinde özel tip bir manajman sistemi. Bu manajman; bir silah sistemi nevinden özel bir projeyi hızlandırmak veya koordine ya da kontrol etmek maksadı ile, teşkilat kademelerini kısaltan bir manajman cihazı özelliğini taşır. SYSTEM SUPPORT MANAGER. Bak. "system manager"
systems marketing
(Ticaret) sistem pazarlaması
systems network architecture (sna
Sistem Ağ Mimarisi
systems overview
(Otomotiv) sistemin genel görünümü
systems overview
(Otomotiv) sisteme genel bakış
systems programming 
(Bilgisayar) sistem programlama 
systems selling
(Ticaret) sistem satışları
systems theory
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim,Teknik) sistem teorisi
systems theory
dizge kuramı

Düzeni değiştirmek için çalışalım. - Let's try to change the system.

Onun dikiş sepeti, şifonyer çekmeceleri ve külotlu çorap rafları hepsi sistemli olarak yerli yerinde düzenlenir. - Her sewing basket, dresser drawers and pantry shelves are all systematically arranged in apple-pie order.


Ben sistematik bir yöntemi tercih ederim. - I prefer a systematic method.

client systems
(Bilgisayar) istemci sistemler
communication systems
(Askeri) muhabere sistemleri
communication systems
iletişim sistemleri
competitive party systems
(Politika, Siyaset) rekabetçi parti sistemleri
controls systems
kontrol sistemleri
curriculum systems
öğretim sistemleri
drug delivery systems
(Eczacılık,Tıp) ilaç dağıtım sistemleri
electronic systems
(Askeri) elektronik sistemler
embedded computer systems
(Askeri) entegre bilgisayar sistemleri
expert systems 
uzman sistemler 
flexible manufacturing systems
esnek imalat sistemleri
hypertext systems
hipertext sistemler
information systems
bilişim sistemleri
linear systems
doğrusal sistemler
measurement systems
ölçüm sistemleri
operating systems
işletim sistemleri
payment systems
ödeme sistemleri
shift systems
vardiya sistemleri
stochastic systems
stokastik sistemler
(Denizbilim) dizgi
telephone systems
telefon sistemleri
vehicle systems
(Otomotiv) araç sistemleri
wage systems
ücret sistemleri
weapon systems
silah sistemleri
business systems analyst
yönetsel sistemler çözümleyicisi
colour television systems
renkli televizyon sistemleri
open systems interconnection
açık sistemler bağlantısı
open systems interconnection architecture
açık sistemler bağlantısı mimarisi
Continous Systems Analysis
(Askeri) Sürekli Sistemler Analizi
battlefield automation systems
savaş otomasyon sistemleri
coputer systems support person
Bilgisayar sistem destek elemanı
electronic funds transfer systems
elektronik fon aktarım sistemleri
encoding systems
şifreleme sistemi
exhibition systems
sergileme sistemleri
general systems theory
genel sistem kuramı
human body systems
insan vücudundaki sistemler
information systems
Bilgi sistemleri
instructional systems specialist
öğretim sistemleri uzmanı
legacy systems
eski sistemler
management information systems
yönetim bilgi sistemleri
open systems architecture
açık sistemler mimarisi
open systems interconnection architectur
açık sistemler bağlantısı mimarisi
packet systems and transmission speed
paket sistemler ve gönderme hızı
physical simulation systems
fiziksel simülasyon sistemleri, fiziksel benzetim dizgeleri
steel case systems
çelik kafes sistemleri
tightly coupled systems
sıkıca bağlantılı sistemler
Allied Data Systems Interoperability Agency
(Askeri) Müttefik Bilgi Sistemleri Karşılıklı İşlerlik Ajanlığı
Command, Control, and Communications Systems Master Plan
(Askeri) Komuta, Kontrol Ve Muhabere Sistemi Ana Planı
Defense Information Systems Agency
(Askeri) Savunma Bilgi Sistemleri Dairesi
Defense Information Systems Agency Network Management and Operations Center
(Askeri) Savunma Bilgi Sistemleri Ağı İdare ve Harekat Merkezi
Defense Information Systems Network
(Askeri) Savunma Bilgi Sistemleri Ağı
Defense Logistics Standard Systems
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı Lojistik Standart Sistemleri
Defense Network Systems Organization
(Askeri) Savunma Bakanlığı (Ağ) Sistemleri Teşkilatı
Directorate for Information Systems and Services (DIA); direct support; doctrine
(Askeri) Bilgi Sistemleri Ve Hizmetleri Başkanlığı (DIA); doğrudan destek; doktrin sponsoru
Electronics Systems Center
(Askeri) Elektronik Sistemler Merkezi
Joint Data Systems Support Center
(Askeri) Müşterek Veri Sistemleri Destek Merkezi
Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems
(Askeri) Müşterek Taktik Komuta ve Kontrol Sistemlerinin Karşılıklı İşlerliği
Joint Interoperability of Tactical Command and Control Systems (JINTACCS) automa
(Askeri) Müşterek Taktik Komuta ve Kontrol Sistemlerinin Karşılıklı İşlerliği (JINTACCS) otomatik mesaj hazırlama sistemi
Joint Tactical Switched Systems Configuration Control Board
(Askeri) Müşterek Taktik Sistemler Konfigürasyon Kontrol Kurulu
National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Committee
(Askeri) Milli Güvenlik Muhabere Ve Bilgi Sistemleri Güvenlik Komitesi
Naval Air Systems Command (Also called NAVAIR)
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Hava Sistemleri Komutanlığı (NAVAIR olarakta adlandırılır)
Naval Sea Systems Command
(Askeri) Deniz Kuvvetleri Deniz Sistemleri Komutanlığı
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Communications and Information Systems
(Askeri) NATO Muhabere Ve Bilgi Sistemleri Ajansı
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) Communications and Information Systems
(Askeri) NATO Muhabere Ve Bilgi Sistemleri Komitesi
Warfighting and Intelligence Systems Dictionary for Information Management
(Askeri) Bilgi Yönetimi Muharebe ve İstihbarat Sistemleri Sözlüğü
acquisition systems protection program
(Askeri) tespit sistemleri koruma programı
adjacent systems
çevredeki sistemler
air conditioning systems
(Nükleer Bilimler) klima sistemleri
alternative drive systems
(Otomotiv) alternatif tahrik sistemleri
analog electronic systems
analog elektronik sistemler
attack systems
(Spor) hücum sistemleri
bomb sighting systems
(Askeri) TAKOMETRİK VEYA SENKRONİZE NİŞANGAHLAR: Nişan çizgisini hedef üzerinde tutarak ve böylece hedefe oranla sürati ve bazı durumlarda hedef boyunca yolu hesaplayarak bombayı otomatik olarak doğru bombardıman açısında salan nişan alma sistemleri
bonus systems
ikramiye sistemi
cellular telephone systems
hücresel telefon sistemleri
chiller systems
(Tekstil) çiller sistemler
command systems operation division
(Askeri) komuta sistemleri harekat dairesi
command systems operations branch
(Askeri) komuta sistemleri harekat kısmı
command, control, communications, and computer systems directorate of a joint st
(Askeri) müşterek karargah komuta, kontrol, muharebe ve bilgisayar sistemleri başkanlığı
communication and computer systems
(Askeri) muhabere ve bilgisayar sistemleri
complicated systems
çözülemeyen sistemler
conservative systems
(Fizik) korunumlu sistemler
contemporary political systems
çağdaş siyasi sistemler
cooling systems control
(Nükleer Bilimler) soğutma sistemleri kontrolu
cooling systems instrumentation
(Nükleer Bilimler) soğutma sistemleri donanımı
coupled systems
bağlı sistemler
data system support organization; defense systems support organization
(Askeri) veri sistemi destek teşkilatı; savunma sistemleri destek teşkilatı
defense medical systems support center
(Askeri) savunma bakanlığı sıhhi sistemleri destek merkezi
defensive systems officer; domestic support operation
(Askeri) savunma sistemleri subayı; yerel destek harekatları
deployable medical systems
(Askeri) konuşlandırılabilir tıbbi sistemler
dimensional measuring systems
(Ticaret) boyutsal ölçüm sistemleri
ejection systems
emergency cooling systems
(Nükleer Bilimler) tehlike durumu soğutma sistemleri
endoscopy systems
(Politika, Siyaset) endoskopi sistemleri
enterprise systems connection
Pirketler Topluluğu bağlantısı
fire fighting systems
yangınla mücadele sistemleri
heating systems
(Nükleer Bilimler) ısıtma sistemleri
information systems security organization
(Askeri) bilgi sistemleri güvenlik teşkilatı
integrated information systems
entegre bilgi sistemleri
integrated information systems
(Politika, Siyaset) bütünleşik bilgi sistemleri
intelligence data handling systems
(Askeri) İSTİHBARAT BİLGİLERİ İŞLEME SİSTEMİ: Ham bilgi ve istihbarat bilgilerini ihtiyaç duyulduğu şekilde işleme tabi tutan ve idare eden bilgi sistemleri. Genel amaçlı kompüterler, kompüter bilgi verme-alma teçhizatı ve döküman ve fotoğraflar için otomatik biriktirme ve çağırma teçhizatı ile tavsif edilirler, otomasyon, istihbarat bilgi işlem sistemlerinin belirgin bir özelliğidir. Tek sistem elemanları otomatikleştirilebilir veya el ile işletilebilir
intelligent control systems
akıllı kontrol sistemleri
military command, control, and information systems working group
(Askeri) askeri komuta kontrol ve bilgi sistemleri çalışma grubu
missile warning systems
(Askeri) füze ikaz sistemleri
mobile communication systems
mobil iletişim sistemleri
mobile rapcon systems
(Askeri) mobil rapcon sistemleri
mouse systems
(Bilgisayar) mouse systems
municipal watter systems
içme suları şebekesi
naval air; Naval Air Systems Command
(Askeri) deniz hava; Deniz Hava Sistemleri Komutanlığı
naval supply; Naval Supply Systems Command
(Askeri) deniz kuvvetleri ikmali; Deniz Kuvvetleri Kaynak Sistemleri Komutanlığı
open systems interconnection arc
hitecture;Açık Sistemler Bağlantısı
open systems interconnection architecture
Açık Sistemler Bağlantı Mimarisi
passive safety systems
(Otomotiv) pasif güvenlik sistemleri
planning systems division
(Askeri) planlama sistemleri bölümü
process systems
(Nükleer Bilimler) işleme sistemleri,işletme sistemleri
prompt alarm systems
(Avrupa Birliği) hızlı alarm sistemleri
recovery assistance, securing, and traversing systems
(Askeri) kurtarma yardım, emniyet ve hareket sistemleri
restraint systems
engelleme sistemleri
safety related systems
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlikle ilgili sistemler
safety systems
(Nükleer Bilimler) güvenlik sistemleri
satellite communications (SATCOM) systems expert
(Askeri) uydu muhaberesi sistem uzmanı
signage systems
sinyal sistemleri
special information systems
(Askeri) özel bilgi sistemleri
specialized systems
(Ticaret) uzmanlaşmış sistemler
specialized systems
(Ticaret) uzman sistemler
squadron group systems advisor
(Askeri) bölük grup sistemleri danışmanı
strategic systems program office
(Askeri) stratejik sistemler program ofisi
supported activities supply systems
(Askeri) desteklenen faaliyetler ikmal sistemleri
bütün kâinat
{i} 1. sistem, dizge: solar system güneş sistemi. philosophical system felsefe dizgesi. digestive system sindirim sistemi. nervous system sinir
{i} evren
{i} katman
(Tıp) Metot
{i} şebeke
(Tıp) Anatomi
(Tıp) Organizma

Sistemik hastalıklar tüm organizmayı etkilerler. - Systemic diseases are those that affect the entire organism.

{i} usul
mountain system sıradağlar
system of philosophy felsefe sistemi

Şirketimiz, tüm Japonya'da konuşlanan, iyi organize edilmiş 200 satış ofisi ağına sahiptir. - Our company has a well organized system of 200 sales offices, located all over Japan.

Ağacın kök sistemi otuz metre boyunca uzanır. - The tree's root system stretches over thirty meters.

(Tıp) Aynı vazifeyi gören organların oluşturdukları birlik, systema
sistem, dizge: solar system güneş sistemi. philosophical system felsefe dizgesi. digestive system sindirim sistemi. nervous system sinir
(Askeri) DÜZEN, DİZGİ, SİSTEM: Belirli bir görev veya görevlerin başarıyla ifası yolunda karşılıklı faaliyet ve bağımlılıkla birleştirilmiş ve düzenlenmiş usul ve kaynakların tertiplenmiş her türlü ana unsur
(İnşaat) sistem, düzen T
system of pulleys makara takımı
birkaç dağ silsilesinden ibare
{i} yapı

Sistem yapısı hakkında daha fazla bilgi, özellikler bölümünde mevcuttur. - More information on the system structure is available in the Features section.

Büyük bankaların çoğunluğu bu sisteme geçiş yapıyor. - The majority of big banks are introducing this system.

{i} vücut
transaction systems
rapor sistemleri
tunnel formwork systems
tünel kalıp sistemleri
Turkish - Turkish

Definition of systems in Turkish Turkish dictionary

Hardware, software ve diğer yardımcı birimlerden oluşan ve bir ünite olarak çalışan grup
English - English
Pertaining to systems, specific to systems

The Python language's huge object library includes a full set of features for systems programming. — viewed 13 Feb. 2005.

plural form of system
BAE Systems Indic writing systems systems analysis systems ecology systems engineering systems programming
In Plant Records and Assignment, these terms refer to circuits whose network elements have been assigned manually rather than by automatic assignment
understanding social, organizational, and technological systems, monitoring and correcting performance, and designing or improving systems
Where appropriate indicates the systems underlying the service
There are five school organizational systems that support staff behavior: (a) Leadership (a school's role/ability to develop a cohesive, key-stakeholder team to establish positive teaching and learning environments within all school systems), (b) School-Wide (all students, all staff, and all settings), (c) Non-Classroom (particular times or places where supervision is emphasized), (d) Classroom (all instructional settings), and (e) Individual Student (specific supports for students who engage in chronic behaviors) top
Computers, either standalone or networked to other computers See local host
Either refers to SRG conglomerate, or the Networks and Operating Systems group
complete, predictable cycles, structures, or processes occurring in natural phenomena; may also be an artificial construction created to represent or explain a natural occurrence; system boundaries and interrelationships of subsystems exist; input to and outputs from
are units of investigation, an organized group of related objects or components that form a whole (organisms, machines, fundamental particles, galaxies, ideas, numbers, transportation, and education Systems have boundaries, components, resources flow (input and output), and feedback
A dynamic entity like a cell, organism, organisation or environment which is comprised of interdependent parts, fundamentally characterised by inputs, processes or throughputs, and outputs; parts in interrelationships that work together for the purpose of the whole
Router Interconnect Synchronization Issues Access Methods Quality of Service
In the world of MPEG compression, systems refers to a movie file containing interleaved MPEG audio and MPEG video Systems is short for the technical compression term systems bitstream
Sets of related or interacting variables which function together for a specific purpose Systems are dynamic and often change over time
Plural of system
This is the IT bit Inexperienced developers sometimes assume that this is the only area touched by a systems project
systems analysis
the scientific analysis of systems, and the interactions within them
systems analysis
a range of techniques used especially in commercial computing in which the needs of a company or its staff are analysed and translated into a technical description of the necessary software - which is then created by programmers
systems analyst
A person whose job is to perform systems analysis by being responsible for researching, planning and recommending software and system choices to meet an organization's business requirements
systems biology
The systematic study of the complex interactions in biological systems
systems biology
The study of the self-organizing behaviour of complex, dynamic non-biological systems
systems design
Design tools such as UML now address some of the issues of computer systems design and interfacing
systems design
the process or art of defining the hardware and software architecture, components, modules, interfaces, and data for a computer system to satisfy specified requirements. One could see it as the application of systems theory to computing. Some overlap with the discipline of systems analysis appears inevitable
systems engineering
The systematic study of the complex interactions in engineering systems
systems engineering
The scientific analysis of engineering systems, and the interactions within them
systems engineering
Interdisciplinary field of engineering, that focuses on the development and organization of complex artificial systems
systems engineering
A collection of methods on the development and organization of complex systems
systems science
An interdisciplinary field of science that studies the nature of complex systems in nature, society, and science, aiming at developing interdisciplinary foundations that are applicable in a variety of areas including engineering, biology, medicine and social sciences
systems sciences
plural form of systems science
systems software
Alternative spelling of system software
systems theory
interdisciplinary field of science, which studies the nature of complex systems in nature, society and science, and studies complex parts of reality as systems
systems theory
systematic study of the complex interactions in systems
systems theory
collection of methods on the development and organization of complex systems
systems administrator
(Bilgisayar) A system administrator, IT systems administrator, systems administrator, or sysadmin, is a person employed to maintain and operate a computer system and/or network. System administrators may be members of an information technology (IT) or Electronics and Communication Engineering department
systems integrator
(Bilgisayar) A systems integrator is a person or company that specializes in bringing together component subsystems into a whole and ensuring that those subsystems function together, a practice known as System Integration. Systems integrators may work in many fields but the term is generally used in the information technology (IT) field, the defense industry, or in media
systems analysis
checking the possibilities for computing a project and preparing a computed infrastructure
systems analysis
analysis of all aspects of a project along with ways to collect information about the operation of its parts
systems analysis
In information processing, a phase of systems engineering. The principal objective of the systems-analysis phase is the specification of what the system needs to do to meet the requirements of end users. In the systems-design phase such specifications are converted to a hierarchy of charts that define the data required and the processes to be carried out on the data so that they can be expressed as instructions of a computer program. Many information systems are implemented with generic software, rather than with such custom-built programs
systems analyst
A systems analyst is someone whose job is to decide what computer equipment and software a company needs, and to provide it. One who performs systems analysis. someone whose job is to study a company's computer needs and provide them with suitable software and equipment a'nalysis
systems analyst
a person skilled at systems analysis
systems ecology
Branch of ecosystem ecology (the study of energy budgets, biogeochemical cycles, and feeding and behavioral aspects of ecological communities) that attempts to clarify the structure and function of ecosystems by means of applied mathematics, mathematical models, and computer programs. It concentrates on input and output analysis and has stimulated the development of applied ecology: the application of ecological principles to the management of natural resources, agricultural production, and problems of environmental pollution
systems engineering
Technique of using knowledge from various branches of engineering and science to introduce technological innovations into the planning and development stages of a system. Systems engineering was first applied to the organization of commercial telephone systems in the 1920s and '30s. Many systems-engineering techniques were developed during World War II in an effort to deploy military equipment more efficiently. Postwar growth in the field was spurred by advances in electronic systems and by the development of computers and information theory. Systems engineering usually involves incorporating new technology into complex, man-made systems, in which a change in one part affects many others. One tool used by systems engineers is the flowchart, which shows the system in graphic form, with geometric figures representing various subsystems and arrows representing their interactions. Other tools include mathematical models, probability theory, statistical analysis, and computer simulations
systems programming
The development and management of programs that are a part of an operating system. Development of computer software that is part of a computer operating system or other control program, especially as used in computer networks. Systems programming covers data and program management, including operating systems, control programs, network software, and database management systems
systems software
basic program that organized a computer's operations
Small Computer Systems Interface
A standard interface and command set for transferring data between devices on a bus
Westminster systems
plural form of Westminster system
alarm systems
plural form of alarm system
all systems go
"Everything is ready"; originally used in the aerospace industry to indicate preparedness to launch
automatic leveling systems
plural form of automatic leveling system
axiomatic systems
plural form of axiomatic system
belief systems
plural form of belief system
binary star systems
plural form of binary star system
buddy systems
plural form of buddy system
causal systems
plural form of causal system
central nervous systems
plural form of central nervous system
circulatory systems
plural form of circulatory system
complex systems
plural form of complex system
content management systems
plural form of content management system
contention systems
plural form of contention system
coordinate systems
plural form of coordinate system
digestive systems
plural form of digestive system
double star systems
plural form of double star system
dynamic systems
plural form of dynamic system
dynamical systems
plural form of dynamical system
eliminatory systems
plural form of eliminatory system
embedded systems
plural form of embedded system
expert systems
plural form of expert system
global positioning systems
plural form of global positioning system
ground proximity warning systems
plural form of ground proximity warning system
hydrostatic pressure relief systems
plural form of hydrostatic pressure relief system
immune systems
plural form of immune system
information systems
plural form of information system
intelligent systems
plural form of intelligent system
legacy systems
plural form of legacy system
limbic systems
plural form of limbic system
multi-agent systems
plural form of multi-agent system
nervous systems
plural form of nervous system
one country, two systems
Slogan for the reunification of China as one country, but with areas like Hong Kong and Taiwan with separate economic and political systems
operating systems
plural form of operating system
package management systems
plural form of package management system
performance management systems
plural form of performance management system
performance measurement systems
plural form of performance measurement system
performance monitoring systems
plural form of performance monitoring system
planetary systems
plural form of planetary system
political systems
plural form of political system
quadruple star systems
plural form of quadruple star system
respiratory systems
plural form of respiratory system
sealed systems
Plural of sealed system
single star systems
plural form of single star system
solar systems
plural form of solar system
sound systems
plural form of sound system
star systems
plural form of star system
supplemental restraint systems
plural form of supplemental restraint system
A set of equations involving the same variables, which are to be solved simultaneously
A set of staffs that indicate instruments or sounds that are to be played simultaneously
A collection of organized things; as in a solar system
A way of organising or planning
travel systems
plural form of travel system
trinary star systems
plural form of trinary star system
type systems
plural form of type system
voting systems
plural form of voting system
{n} a method, scheme, plan, theory, treatise
business information systems
(Bilgisayar) A combination of computers, printers, communications equipment, and other devices designed to handle data. A completely automated business information system receives, processes, and stores data; transfers information as needed; and produces reports or printouts on demand
Adobe Systems Incorporated
{i} large software company (headquartered in California) that produces sophisticated graphics and desktop publishing programs for use with person computers and networks (Internet, Computers)
BAE Systems
British manufacturer of aircraft, missiles, avionics, naval vessels, and other aerospace and defense products. BAE Systems was formed (1999) from the merger of British Aerospace (BAe) with Marconi Electronic Systems. BAe, in turn, dates to the merger (1977, with two other firms) of British Aircraft Corporation (BAC) and Hawker Siddeley Aviation, both having been nationalized a year earlier owing to unprofitable financial situations. Through its BAe antecedents, BAE Systems carries the legacy of some 20 British aircraft firms (e.g., Bristol, Avro, Gloster, De Havilland, Supermarine), several dating to the first decades of flight. In the 1960s and early '70s, BAC and Hawker Siddeley each produced significant aircraft. BAC built the Vickers-Armstrongs VC10 and BAC One-Eleven jetliners and, in partnership with Aerospatiale of France, the Concorde supersonic transport. Hawker Siddeley developed the HS 121 Trident jetliner, Vulcan bomber, and Harrier vertical/short-takeoff-and-landing (V/STOL) fighter. In 1979 British Aerospace joined the Airbus Industrie jetliner-manufacturing consortium, and during the early 1980s it became privatized. In the 1990s it became a partner with firms in Germany, Italy, and Spain in the Eurofighter Typhoon program. It also joined a venture led by Lockheed Martin to develop the Joint Strike Fighter
Cable Communication Systems
company which deals in cable programming for television
Cisco Systems
worldwide computer communications company that manufactures routing and connection systems for the Internet (based in San Jose, California, USA)
Conference on Data Systems Languages
(Computers) now-defunct organization established by the U.S. Department of Defense for the purpose of developing computer programming languages (known for the development of COBOL), CODASYL
Cybernet Systems Co. Ltd.
{i} Japanese company headquartered in Tokyo, provider of a variety of CAE and network related software
Data Over Cable Systems Interface Specification
specification listing standards for modems and related equipment for data communications via cable television systems, DOCSIS (Computers)
Dolphin Systems Sockets
dssocket, controller that allows connection to the Internet in the working environments VISUAL BASIC and C++ (used for developing financial programs, databases and mail networks)
Indic writing systems
Set of several dozen scripts used now or in the past to write many South and Southeast Asian languages. Aside from the Kharoshthi (Kharosthi) script, used 4th century BC-3rd century AD, all extant writing of the region descends from the Brahmi script, first attested in the Middle Indo-Aryan rock inscriptions of Ashoka (3rd century BC). In the first six centuries after Ashoka, Brahmi appears to have diversified into northern and southern variants. The northern types gave rise to the so-called Gupta scripts (4th-5th centuries), which are ultimately the progenitors of the Devanagari script (now used to write Sanskrit, Hindi, Marathi, and Nepali), the Bengali and Oriya scripts, and Gurmukhi, the script of the Sikh scriptures, used also for modern Punjabi in India. The southern types gave rise to the Sinhalese, Telugu, and Kannada scripts on the one hand, and to the Pallava script on the other. The latter formed the basis of numerous other scripts, including those of the Tamil and Malayalam languages, a host of Southeast Asian scripts (e.g., those used to write Mon, Burmese, Khmer, Thai, and Lao), and a number of Austronesian languages
Management Information Systems
central computer system (and the people who maintain it) that provides information on the activities resources and management method of a large company or organization, MIS
National Information Systems Security Conference
yearly professional conference dealing with issues related to computer data and information security (Computers), NISSC
collapse of systems
breakdown of systems, system crash
cost/schedule control systems criteria
(Ticaret) (C/SCSC) Government standards defined in 1967 that describe the management and reimbursement criteria for projects performed by private contractors
data collection systems
computer system designed for entering and rapid processing of data
decision support systems
program which supplies data to different sections which assist in the process of receiving decisions in a professional field
defense information systems agency
a combat support agency in the Department of Defense responsible for developing and operating and supporting information systems to serve the needs of the President and the Secretary of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff
feedback systems
computer system that is able to use feedback in its operation
guidance systems
system which directs rockets towards their targets
information systems
The unit of LA which manages all computer and media systems, including closed circuit television, within the Capitol Formerly known as "OLIS," but not to be confused with the OLIS 2000 computer system
information systems
The function within a business organization that facilitates data processing and enables the resulting information to be made available to employees who need it Also known as information technology
information systems
the entire infrastructure, organization, personnel, and components that collect, process, store, transmit, display, disseminate, and act on information (Joint Pub 6-0)
information systems
(p 522) Technology that helps companies do business; includes such tools as automated teller machines (ATMs) and voice mail
information systems
Technology that helps companies do business; includes such tools as automated teller machines (ATMs) and voice mail
information systems
The general term for computer systems in an organisation that provide information about its business operations
information systems
Assumed to mean computer-based information systems, which are combinations of hardware, software, and telecommunications networks that people build and use to collect, create, and distribute useful data; this term is also used to represent the field in which people develop, use, manage, and study computer-based information systems in organizations
information systems
An organized method of transforming data into information that can be used for decision making
information systems
The kind of software developed for use in general business operations, such as payroll software, accounting software, and billing software Compare Applications programs, Real-time software, Shrink-wrap software, and Systems software
information systems
Carnegie's data processing/computer department
information systems
Work that involves developing, delivering, managing, and maintaining HR information systems when the paramount knowledge requirement is human resources management, rather than information technology
information systems
Computer and communications hardware and software used to supply information rather than, for example, control machines Often used interchangeably with information technology
information systems
The unit of LAC which manages all computer and media systems, including closed circuit television, within the Capitol Formerly known as "OLIS," but not to be confused with the OLIS 2000 computer system
information systems
A structured, interacting, complex of persons, machines, and procedures designed to produce information which is collected from both internal and external sources for use as a basis for decision-making in specific contract/procurement activities
legacy systems
A mainframe or minicomputer information system that has been in existence for a long period of time
legacy systems
Currently existing computer systems (e g UFAS, etc )
legacy systems
Hardware and software applications in which a company has already invested considerable time and money Legacy systems typically perform critical operations in companies for many years even though they may no longer use state- of- the- art technology Replacing legacy systems can be disruptive and therefore requires careful planning and appropriate migration support from the manufacturer [ISPE International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering Glossary: Resources and glossaries, Michelle Gonzalez] http: //www ispe org/
legacy systems
Mainframe and minicomputer systems which pre-date LANs and Bridge/Router based WAN internetworking
legacy systems
Legacy systems are the information resources currently available to the organization They include existing mainframes, personal computers, serial terminals, networks, databases, operating systems, application programs and all other forms of hardware and software that a company may own Typically they are, like most legacies, of great value to the organization, and for this reason, it is not viable to replace an entire system, when changing the programs that run on it Unfortunately, most legacy systems cannot easily or economically be extended, modified or otherwise modified to fulfill new requirements
legacy systems
The older, traditional mainframe-based business information systems of an organization
legacy systems
Operative systems using old data management technology
legacy systems
Computer systems or application programs which are outdated and incompatible with other systems, but are too costly to replace or redesign They are often large, intimidating, and difficult to modify
legacy systems
Older computing technology used by an organization over time Legacy systems perform business-critical functions and can be integrated with newer systems
legacy systems
Large, entrenched systems, consisting of thousands of programs written and modified over ten to twenty years that cannot be changed because of their complexity or lack of documentation
legacy systems
Computer applications -- both hardware and software -- which have been inherited through previous acquisition and installation Most often, these systems run business applications which are not integrated with each other
materials handling systems
(Ticaret) Equipment that moves items between required locations on either a programmed (automatic) or manually-initiated basis. They sometimes perform weighing and other measurement functions, are designed specifically for the products to be handled, and include conveyors, pick and placement systems, and other dedicated equipment
open systems
computer system which operates under agreed standards and enables it to work with all types of hardware and software (with independence from the manufacturer)
A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements or parts that function together as a whole to accomplish a goal
instrumentality that combines interrelated interacting artifacts designed to work as a coherent entity; "he bought a new stereo system"; "the system consists of a motor and a small computer"
An assemblage of objects arranged in regular subordination, or after some distinct method, usually logical or scientific; a complete whole of objects related by some common law, principle, or end; a complete exhibition of essential principles or facts, arranged in a rational dependence or connection; a regular union of principles or parts forming one entire thing; as, a system of philosophy; a system of government; a system of divinity; a system of botany or chemistry; a military system; the solar system
Any organized assembly of resources and procedures united and regulated by interaction or interdependence to accomplish a set of specific functions
hence, the whole body as a functional unity
A whole composed of relationships among the members
(physical chemistry) a sample of matter in which substances in different phases are in equilibrium; "in a static system oil cannot be replaced by water on a surface"; "a system generating hydrogen peroxide
A system is a network of things that are linked together so that people or things can travel from one place to another or communicate. Australia's road and rail system. a news channel on a local cable system. = network
Organizations that are linked together in the provision of services/products (e g transportation system, K-college education system, child welfare) An interdependent linking of organizations that rely on each other for the exchange of resources
a group of physiologically or anatomically related organs or parts; "the body has a system of organs for digestion"
An integrated aggregation of end items, interfaces, and support functions designed to fulfill a specific mission requirement A system may include equipment, trained personnel, facilities, data and procedures, and software For project purposes, a system is typically defined as the highest level of hardware organization composed of multiple subsystems The term is also used to describe a disciplined and consistent approach to accomplish a task, e g , a failure reporting system
A collection of components organized to accomplish a specific function or set of functions [IEEE STD 610 12]
See Score, n
A group of parts that work together to become one thing There are two types of systems: 1) computer system - a term used to describe a computer or group of computers and usually just referred to as system; 2) operating system, often just called system as well, making things complicated
This refers to the unique name of a collection of computers connected to networks such as the Internet It is a general-purpose, replicated, distributed data query service for looking up host IP addresses based on host names The DNS is hierarchical, consisting of domains, sub domains, sites and hosts Unique names are formed from smallest to largest and are of the form user@host site subdomain, where host and site are often optional On the Internet, domain names typically end with a suffix denoting the type of site: com (commercial) edu (educational) net (network operations) gov (US government) mil (US military) org (non-profit organization) us (United States) ca (Canada) uk (United Kingdom) au (Australia) xx (where xx refers to another country’s two-letter abbreviation)
A collection of operations that perform a desired function
Your system is your body's organs and other parts that together perform particular functions. These gases would seriously damage the patient's respiratory system
1) An essential file (program) which makes up part of the MacOS The system file controls the basic operation of the computer at a low-level, such as printing, saving, etc 2) A generic term for an operating system
The region under consideration, as distinguished from the from the rest of the universe (the environment) Systems may be separated from environments by boundaries that prevent the transfer of mass (a closed system), of heat (an adiabatic system), or of any energy (an isolated system) Systems that exchange mass with the environment are open systems Sometimes the word system is also used to refer to all possible compositions defined by a particular set of components (for example, the MgO-SiO2 system)
One of the stellate or irregular clusters of intimately united zooids which are imbedded in, or scattered over, the surface of the common tissue of many compound ascidians
A system is a set of equipment or parts such as water pipes or electrical wiring, which is used to supply water, heat, or electricity. a central heating system
a collection of entities that are linked and interrelated such as hydrologic cycle, cities, and transportation modes
An integrated combination of generation, transmission and distribution of electricity or natural gas that may be used by 1 ) a utility, 2 ) a group of utilities through a power pool or 3 ) an operator that manages services for more than one system
the living body considered as made up of interdependent components forming a unified whole; "exercise helped him get the alcohol out of his system"
Collection of subsystems, components, or elements that work together, e g , to provide some major aspect of infrastructure's services (e g , water distribution system, building electrical system); the value of the assemblage is greater than the sum of its part Also, a set of building components specifically designed to work together to facilitate construction (e g , modular building system)
The classification schemes of Iconclass are called the 'system': the total of numerical notations and textual correlates designating iconographic themes The ten numerical subdivisions of the System are referred to as or 'Division 0', 'Division 1', etc The ten main divisions consist of 28,000 notations They take up 7 volumes of System in the printed edition of Iconclass
Regular method or order; formal arrangement; plan; as, to have a system in one's business
{i} combination of related things or parts that form a complex whole; body of an animal or human considered as a whole; set of principles or ideas; method, procedure; organization, orderliness
A system is a particular set of rules, especially in mathematics or science, which is used to count or measure things. the decimal system of metric weights and measures
a group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole; "a vast system of production and distribution and consumption keep the country going"
– a collection of components organized to accomplish a specific function or a set of functions
an ordered manner; orderliness by virtue of being methodical and well organized; "his compulsive organization was not an endearing quality"; "we can't do it unless we establish some system around here"
In music, a set of staffs that indicate instruments or sounds that are to be played simultaneously
Hence, the whole scheme of created things regarded as forming one complete plan of whole; the universe
A set of related elements that work together to accomplish a task or provide a service For example, a computer system includes both hardware and software
People sometimes refer to the government or administration of a country as the system. These feelings are likely to make people attempt to overthrow the system see also central nervous system, digestive system, ecosystem, immune system, metric system, nervous system, public address system, solar system, sound system
a set of basic facts or arguments (called 'elements') arranged accord虹ng to the order of their logical relationships, as determined by the architec負on虹c patterns of reason Kant's Critical philosophy is a System made up of three sub觔rdinate systems, each defined by a distinct standpoint, and each made up of the same four perspectives
an organized structure for arranging or classifying; "he changed the arrangement of the topics"; "the facts were familiar but it was in the organization of them that he was original"; "he tried to understand their system of classification"
A set of well-defined, designed and related processes for meeting the organization's purpose, including quality and operating performance requirements
An assemblage of parts or organs, either in animal or plant, essential to the performance of some particular function or functions which as a rule are of greater complexity than those manifested by a single organ; as, the capillary system, the muscular system, the digestive system, etc
a complex of methods or rules governing behavior; "they have to operate under a system they oppose"; "that language has a complex system for indicating gender"
An organized collection of interrelated elements that performs one or more functions (The Communication Handbook) "A system divides all of the Universe into a) all of the Universe outside the system, b) all of the universe inside the system, and c) the little bit of remaining Universe which comprises the system that separates the macrocosm from the microcosm" (Buckminster Fuller)
The collection of staves which form a full score
A composite, at any level of complexity, of personnel, procedures, materials, tools, equipment, facilities, and software The elements of this composite entity are used together in the intended operational or support environment to perform a given task or to achieve a specific production, support, or mission requirement
A collection of organized things; as, a solar system
An organized interrelationship and interaction of bionic and non-biotic matter with energy
A system is a set of devices powered by electricity, for example a computer or an alarm. Viruses tend to be good at surviving when a computer system crashes
A system is a set of interrelated components working together towards some kind of process
A collection of interacting parts that forms an integrated and consistent whole, isolatable from its surroundings The concept of dynamics or change over time is central to our treatment within complex systems
a procedure or process for obtaining an objective; "they had to devise a system that did not depend on cooperation"
1 A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent parts made up of matter and energy that form a complex whole 2 Anything that uses matter and energy to organize, maintain, or change itself (e g , the sun, a glass of water, a frog, a city)
A system is a way of working, organizing, or doing something which follows a fixed plan or set of rules. You can use system to refer to an organization or institution that is organized in this way. a flexible and relatively efficient filing system. a multi-party system of government
A set of actors or entities bound together by a set of rules and relationships into a unified whole A system’s health is dependent on the health of the whole pattern, which can sometimes be reflected (and thus measured) in the status of a key part of the system (See Indicator)
If you get something out of your system, you take some action so that you no longer want to do it or no longer have strong feelings about it. I want to get boxing out of my system and settle down to enjoy family life. free enterprise system Small Computer System Interface ABO blood group system actor manager system American System of manufacture Apgar Score System autonomic nervous system AWACS Airborne Warning and Control System Banner system bicameral system bulletin board system Canton system cardiovascular system Chinese examination system Chinese writing system Continental System control system cooling system coordinate system Copernican system Cultivation System Culture System database management system Dewey Decimal System domestic system putting out system economic system electoral system endocrine system equal field system expert system Federal Reserve System formal system geographic information system Global Positioning System East African Rift System ignition system immune system inertial guidance system jagirdar system Japanese writing system lymphatic system mechanical system metric system microelectromechanical system Missile Defense Alarm System Midas nervous system number system operating system party system plurality system post and beam system postal system reproductive system human respiratory system Rh blood group system sewage system solar system Space Transportation System STS spherical coordinate system spoils system patronage system structural system studio system system of equations urinary system renal system water supply system weapons system well field system International System of Units SI system reticuloendothelial system mononuclear phagocyte system macrophage system
Turkish - English

Definition of systems in Turkish English dictionary

mouse systems
(Bilgisayar) mouse systems
mouse systems faresi
(Bilgisayar) mouse systems mouse

    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˈsəstəmz/ /ˈsɪstəmz/


    [ 'sis-t&m ] (noun.) 1603. Late Latin systemat-, systema, from Greek systEmat-, systEma, from synistanai to combine, from syn- + histanai to cause to stand; more at STAND.


    ... and development systems. ...
    ... Large public school systems like Chicago, et cetera, ...