Definition of stowage factor in English Turkish dictionary
(Askeri) YÜKLEME FAKTÖRÜ: Gemi ile nakledilmek üzere ambalajlanmış herhangi bir malzemenin bir long tonunun ambalaj dahil kapladığı hacmi ifade eden rakam. Her long tonunun yükleme faktörü 40 fit küpten az olan malzemeye ağırlık yükü (beadweight cargo) ve yükleme faktörü 40 fit küpten fazla olan malzemeye de ölçü yükü (measurement cargo) denir
Definition of stowage factor in English English dictionary
Volume occupied by unit weight of cargo ( usually cu m/tonne ) It does not take into account lost space by broken stowage
The volume, of a product as shipped (eg: unitized pulp or palletized sheet reams), occupied by the unit weight specified Effectively, bulk Used to determine freight rate in the hold of a vessel Pulp ranges 1 0-1 5 m3/ton, paper rolls range 1 5-2 3 m3/ton 1 m3/ton = 32 1 ft3/short ton
The -->volume-->, of a product as shipped (eg: unitized pulp or palletized sheet reams), occupied by the unit weight specified Effectively, bulk Used to determine freight rate in the hold of a vessel Pulp ranges 1 0-1 5 m³/ton, paper rolls range 1 5-2 3 m³/ton 1 m³/ton = 32 1 ft³/short ton