sticking up

listen to the pronunciation of sticking up
English - English
Present participle of stick up
stick up
To protect one's status

Don't let them push you around, stick up for yourself.

stick up
To put up by sticking

Stick up the postcard with a bit of tape.

stick up
To rob at gunpoint

I think they intend to stick up the bank.

stick up
defend against attack or criticism; "He stood up for his friend"; "She stuck up for the teacher who was accused of harassing the student"
stick up
rob at gunpoint or by means of some other threat
sticking up


    stick·ing up

    Turkish pronunciation

    stîkîng ʌp


    /ˈstəkəɴɢ ˈəp/ /ˈstɪkɪŋ ˈʌp/