statutory law

listen to the pronunciation of statutory law
English - Turkish
(Ticaret) devlet yasaları
English - English
Law enacted by the legislative branch of government, as distinguished from case law or common law
Rules passed by a state or national legislature
The type of law created by a legislative branch of government
Written law developed by city councils, provincial legislatures, and parliament
Written (Codified) law of Act of a Legislature declaring, commanding or prohibiting something
Written law enacted by legislative bodies
The laws, rules and regulations enacted by legislatures and other governing bodies (See civil law, common law, constitutional law)
          Law enacted by legislature
Rules formulated into law by legislative action
the body of laws created by legislative statutes
Laws promulgated by Congress and state legislatures See case law and common law
statutory law


    sta·tu·to·ry law

    Turkish pronunciation

    stäçıtôri lô


    /ˈstaʧəˌtôrē ˈlô/ /ˈstæʧəˌtɔːriː ˈlɔː/