
listen to the pronunciation of status
English - Turkish

Tom mülteci statüsü için başvuruda bulundu. - Tom applied for refugee status.

Onun şirketteki statüsünü biliyor musun? - Do you know his status in the company?

{i} hal

Medeni durumun nedir? - What's your marital status?

İşverenler ırkları, dinleri, etnik kökenleri, deri renkleri, cinsiyetleri, yaşları, medeni durumları, engellilikleri ya da cinsel yönelimleri nedeniyle işçileri işe almayı reddemezler. - Employers cannot refuse to hire workers because of their race, religion, ethnic origin, skin colour, sex, age, marital status, disability or sexual orientation.

(Kanun) yasal durumlar
yasal durum
toplumsal ya da mesleki durum
{i} statü, durum, hal, vaziyet; pozisyon
övünme payı
{i} sosyal durum
(Tıp) Durum, hal, vaziyet
status quo statüko
(Tıp) status

Ocak 2011 itibariyle, Jüpiter'in 50 tane adlandırılmış uydusu vardır. 13 tane daha keşfedildi ama resmi statü veya isim verilmemiştir. - As of January 2011, Jupiter has 50 named moons. 13 more have been discovered but not given official status or names.

(Latin) hukuki durum
(Denizbilim) stok durumu
(Bilgisayar) durumu

Durumu kontrol etmek için pazartesi sabahı beni arayın. - Call me Monday morning to check on the status.

Lütfen hemen bana durumun ne olduğunu bildirir misin? - Would you please let me know what the status is right away?

mevcut durum
marital status
medeni hal
marital status
Medenî hâl
status quo
(Mukavele) mevcut durum, şu anki durum
status analysis
(Askeri) durum analizi
status bar
(Bilgisayar) durum çubuğunu
status bit
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) durum ikilisi
status change
(Bilgisayar) durum değişikliği
status group
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) statü grubu
status monitor
(Bilgisayar) durum izleyici
status unknown
(Bilgisayar) durum bilinmiyor
status asthmaticus
status astmatikus
status bit
durum biti
status byte
durum baytı
status epilepticus
status epileptikus
status inquiry
status of ownership
sahiplik hali
status quo
mevcut durum
status quo

Onlar geliştirmek değil, statükoyu korumaya çalışıyorlar. - They're trying to preserve the status quo, not to improve.

status report
durum raporu
status word
durum sözcüğü
status bar
durum çubuğu
status byte
durum bayti
status conscious
durum bilinçli
status indian
(Kanun) (Kanada) vatandaşlık almış olan kızılderililerin kanunî durumu
status maps
durum haritaları
status of
status quo
şimdiki durum
status quo
Statüko: Yürürlükte bulunan antlaşmalara göre olması gereken veya süregelen durum
status quo ante
önceki durum
status register
durum yazmacı
status update
durum hakkında bilgi, güncelleme
Status indication
(Tekstil) Durum belirteci
Status of Resources and Training System
(Askeri) Kaynak Durumu ve Eğitim Sistemi
status analysis
(Askeri) DURUM ANALİZİ: Manajman analizinin, esas görevlerini yerine getirmede görev unsurlarının hazırlık ve imkanları üzerine yöneltilmiş özel tatbikatı
status board
(Askeri) DURUM TAHTASI: Hava savunmasında üzerine bütün bataryaların hareket durumları çizilmiş tahta. Bu tahta, hava savunma harekat merkezinde bulunur
status box
durum kutucuğu
status chart
(Askeri) PERSONEL DURUM MUHTIRASI: Bir komutanlıktaki askeri personelin gayri resmi muhtırası. Bu muhtıra; askeri personel hakkında mevcut bilgiyi çabuk temin etmek üzere, emir subayı veya personel subayı tarafından dosya halinde tutulur. Özel görevlere personel seçmede, bu muhtıranın büyük değeri olur
status chart
(Askeri) personel durum muhtırası
status control
(Bilgisayar) durum denetimi
status enquiry
(Bilgisayar) durum sorgusu
status events
(Bilgisayar) durum olayları
status id
(Bilgisayar) durum no
status lights
(Bilgisayar) durum ışıkları
status line
durum satırı
status mask
(Bilgisayar) durum maskesi
status message
durum iletisi
status need
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) statü ihtiyacı
status of a body
(Avrupa Birliği) bir kurumun statüsü
status of action file
(Askeri) taarruz durumu dosyası
status of limitations
(Askeri) ZAMAN AŞIMI: Bir şahsın ne kadar süre içinde muhakeme edilmesi gerektiğini tespit eden ve o süre hitamından sonra -belirli bazı şartlar dışında- şahıs hakkında kanuni kavuşturma yapılmasını yasaklayan hüküm
status of mission agreement
(Askeri) görev durumu anlaşması
status offense
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) statü suçu
status panicus
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) panik durumu
status punch card
(Askeri) DELİKLİ PERSONEL DURUM KARTI: Bir erin, makinalı kayıt cihazı tarafından tutulan resmi sicili. Bu kartta, erin tayini ve yeri hakkında bilgiler bulunur. Personelin durumu, kartın kenarına özel bir koda göre yapılmış delikler veya kesintilerle gösterilir
status set
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) statü seti
status symbols
(Ticaret) statü sembolü
status text
Durum Metni
status totals
(Bilgisayar) durum sonuçları
status: error
(Bilgisayar) durum: hata
status: paused
(Bilgisayar) durum: bekletiliyor
state, status
stock status lag time
health status
(Tıp) sağlık durumu
active status
(Askeri) faal hizmet durumu
civil status
(Kanun) ahvali şahsiye
device status
(Bilgisayar) aygıt durumu
download status
(Bilgisayar) yükleme durumu
educational status
(Eğitim) eğitim durumu
expert status
uzman durumu
hostilities status
(Politika, Siyaset) savaş hali
index status
(Bilgisayar) dizin durumu
job status
(Bilgisayar) iş durumu
network status
(Bilgisayar) ağ durumu
performance status
(Tıp) performans durumu
query status
(Bilgisayar) sorgu durumu
ready status word
hazır durum bilgisi
remote status
(Bilgisayar) uzaktaki durum
request status
(Bilgisayar) istek durumu
request status
(Bilgisayar) durum iste
resource status
(Bilgisayar) kaynak durumu
review status
(Bilgisayar) gözden geçirme durumu
session status
(Bilgisayar) oturum durumu
social status
sort by status
(Bilgisayar) duruma göre sırala
status of
(Bilgisayar) durumu
status of
(Bilgisayar) durum
update status
(Bilgisayar) güncelleştirme durumu
verify status
(Bilgisayar) doğrulama durumu
channel status table
kanal durumu tablosu
economic status
ekonomik statü
financial status
mali yağdayı
high status
yüksek statü
higher status
yüksek statü
input/output status word
giriş / çıkış durum sözcüğü
legal status
yasal durum
low status
düşük statü
lower status
düşük statü
processor status word
işlemci durum sözcüğü
program status word
program durum sözcüğü
senior status
achieved status
elde durumu
adjustment status
sıkışma durumu
ambivalent status
belirsiz statü
ascribed status
atfedilir durum
conditional reserve status
koşullu rezerv durumu
crisis-free status
krizin olmadığı durum
delivery status
Teslim durumu
delivery status notification
Gönderim durumu bildirimi
education status
Tahsil durumu
employment status
istihdam durumu
health status
sağlık düzeyi
legal entity status
tüzel kişilik perdesi
lower in grade, lower in status
sınıfta, durum daha düşük alt
lower-status occupation
alt durum işgal
maintaining the status-quo
durumu korumak-quo
marital status
Medenî hâl, evlilik durumu
memory status
hafıza durumu
mental status
aklı durum
mental status examination
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Ruhsal durum muayenesi
military status
askeri durum
military status/delayed
askerlik durumu/tecilli
negotiations status
müzakerelerin durumları
sinking status
(Sosyoloji, Toplumbilim) sonum statüsü

From Clifford Geertz.

status quo
subroutine status table
altyordam durum çizelgesi
upset the status-quo
status-quo üzgün
woman's status
kadının durumu
English - English
The legal condition of a person or thing
Prestige or high standing

The king has status in his kingdom, and the pauper has status within his immediate group of peers.

A person’s position or standing relative to that of others

Superstition is highly correlated with economic status.

Registered under the Indian Act
A situation or state of affairs

New York is known for its status as a financial center.

Active applications are those that are being processed Historical applications are those that have been issued, withdrawn or inactive for other reasons
The status of something is the importance that people give it. Those things that can be assessed by external tests are being given unduly high status = importance
The legal standing of a patent or patent application, i e whether it is pending, lapsed or still protected etc
The relative importance of characters Status can be endowed or assumed Elements of status include height, vocal quality, proximity, stage position, and eye contact
Returns a numeric status code indicating the success or failure of an XML document parsing operation
The Availability statement in the library catalogue, indicating where the library item is eg: Due: Out on Issue and due at this particular date These can be requested In Library: Indicates that the item is available in that particular library at the call number
The position of a request at a given point in the VDX system request cycle Examining the status in the Request Search results hitlist display will tell you the request's current position in the request's 'life cycle ' An action is used to change the status of a request See OCUL Primer#5 for more information
State; condition; position of affairs
Implementation status of a program Note: Most programs in the inventory are ongoing In some cases, status includes when a program started or ended
Status is the importance and respect that someone has among the public or a particular group. Nurses are undervalued, and they never enjoy the same status as doctors
An action acknowledged by Chase that confirms a previously entered payment or transfer instruction from a deposit account For ChaseMail, the status indicates read, unread and sent messages
a state at a particular time; "a condition (or state) of disrepair"; "the current status of the arms negotiations"
The status of an offender's record The possible values are
The status of something is its state of affairs at a particular time. What is your current financial status?
{i} individual's social or professional standing, position, rank; state of things, present situation
The Status column gives you information on your enrollment into that course RE is registered; AU is audit; WAITLIST is printed when you are on the waitlist for a course It is suggested that you select another course in case a spot does not become available for you before the semester begins Do not rely on getting into a waitlisted course unless you obtain written permission from the professor The waitlist is dropped from schedules 2 or 3 weeks before classes begin You may wish to take visit the registration database to aid in selecting another course
A character's sense of self-worth Many scenes are built around status transfers, in which one character's status drops while another's rises Physical environments and objects also have status
Application Status, e g Received, Awarded, Preliminary FRD, Transferred from other institution, Terminal Grant
This is the terms of the individual entry into the United States It is granted by an INS official at the time of entry Information is generally noted on the I-94
Brings up the Status of Requisitions Screen to review the processing status of Purchase Requests Accessible from: the Electronic Purchase Request System Menu, Order Information, and Cosignature of Requisitions screens
the relative position or standing of things or especially persons in a society; "he had the status of a minor"; "the novel attained the status of a classic"; "atheists do not enjoy a favorable position in American life"
The nonimmigrant classification granted by the INS to an individual who has presented him or herself to the INS at a port of entry, or who has subsequently requested a change of status, say, by asking and employer like Stanford to submit an I-129 for a change to H-1 See also "Visa"
Your status is your social or professional position. People of higher status tend more to use certain drugs. women and men of wealth and status. his wife's former status as his secretary
The state of the progress of the case The following status values can be used
A person's position or standing relative to that of others
When used to refer to the 'status' of a program (including utilities) this is meant as how complete or bug free a program is The statuses used in this documentation, in order from buggiest to cleanest, are: development, alpha, beta, release
The state of a Footprints Issue Each Issue has a status field, which tracks a problem from "Open", the default of a new Issue, to "Closed" The Project Administrator may easily add new states to a project
UN/EDIFACT documents/messages bear an indicator of their development level They can have the following status
Indicates the status of a permit: pre-draft, draft, proposed, or final EPA has 45 days to review and comment on proposed Title V permits Return to Top
The status of the driver's licence, noted as suspended, unlicensed, licensed, unrenewable, etc
Field on requisition screen Status of the requisition Use * if entering a requisition Used by Purchasing to track status of a requisition Possible status codes are as follows: C = Cancelled, M = Maintenance Order, O = Order Print Ready, Q = Quotation requested, R = Referred to financial unit, T = Transferred When ready to be an order, the status is set to O
status of the current release
A particular status is an official description that says what category a person, organization, or place belongs to, and gives them particular rights or advantages. Bristol regained its status as a city in the local government reorganisation. his status as a British citizen
A column on the Reports/Requests screen which indicates the current status of any given item The status' that may appear are: Ordered, Printed, Unprinted, or Mixed Ordered indicates an order that is not yet filled, Printed and Unprinted indicates whether or not the underlying report has been printed, and Mixed means that multiple items are ordered for the indicated Submission and that some are filled and some are not
Many Xlib functions return a success status If the function does not succeed, however, its arguments are not disturbed
status ailment
A negative status effect that adversely affects the afflicted character (such as poison, blind, mute)
status ailments
plural form of status ailment
status bar
An information area typically found at the bottom of windows in a graphical user interface
status bars
plural form of status bar
status candidates
plural form of status candidate
status conference
A meeting that a court may require to be held between parties to a case to determine whether those parties are prepared to go to trial
status conferences
plural form of status conference
status effect
A modifier to a character's status, either positive (i.e. strength up) or negative (i.e. poison) effects
status effects
plural form of status effect
status quo
The state of things; the way things are, as opposed to the way they could be; the existing state of affairs
status quo ante
The way things were before
status quo antes
plural form of status quo ante
status quos
plural form of status quo

However, I do not mean to imply all local status quos revolve around territorial arrangements, or territory only matters in terms of minerals within it.

status symbol
A visible possession that is a sign of one's status or wealth
status symbols
plural form of status symbol
status Indian
A federally registered member of a band or First Nation, having special status under Canadian law. See Usage Note at First Nation
status asthmaticus
a prolonged and severe asthma attack that does not respond to standard treatment
status bar
Part of the display used for giving you information about the current state of operations
status bar
The area at the bottom of the FrontPage Editor or FrontPage Explorer that displays information about the currently selected command or about an operation in progress
status bar
Standard Windows control that supports a status bar (area displaying state information about the information being displayed in a window; usually placed at the base of a window)
status bar
Contains extra information, such as how many messages are in the “New Mail” folder
status bar
Located at the bottom of the window, the status bar contains information about many formatting options such as current font, insert and overtype mode, and page number
status bar
Located along the bottom of the screen; it displays a variety of information relating to the active document
status bar
The status bar is located at the bottom of the desktop window and at the bottom of some Revolve interfaces It contains several objects which provide quick access to important information and functions The right hand side of the status bar provides a display of the selected element
status bar
A line at the top or bottom of a screen which gives information about the task currently being worked on, such as the position of cursor, the number of lines, filename, time and so on
status bar
The strip at the bottom of the application window (or screen) that displays messages, prompts, and status information The area on the screen where messages such as tool prompts, errors, and the current status of MicroStation settings (snaps, levels, element selection, and design file disk status) are displayed
status bar
The status bar is the lower left corner of a browser window where messages are displayed
status bar
The bar at the bottom of the Passport screen Displays error and informational messages related to the Passport function you are currently performing
status bar
the bottom of a browser window that has a message about what the browser is doing
status bar
The bar or rectangular region at the bottom of the browser window that displays information regarding the transfer of a Web document to the browser When the mouse moves over a hyperlink, the status bar shows the hyperlink's URL When a Web page is requested, the status bar gives information about contacting and receiving information from a server During transmission, the status bar displays a percentage that reflects how much of the document has been transferred The status bar also indicates whether transmissions are occurring in a secure manner
status bar
Bar appearing at the bottom of the display that shows general information about the worksheet and selected keyboard keys
status bar
A control consisting of a number of recessed static text fields that are used to display status information, such as whether the Caps Lock key is pressed, or the current position of the cursor in a file The status bar is usually displayed along the bottom of a window or dialog box
status bar
An area at the bottom of the screen where the browser shows its status For example, this is where the browser will tell you that it's loading a page, graphic, etc
status bar
The status bar is at the bottom left of your browser window
status bar
The area at the bottom of the browser window that contains text describing a page's location or the progress of a connection to a page When the cursor is positioned over a link, the status bar shows the URL that will be used to bring the page to the screen When a Web page is loading, the status bar reports progress in contacting the URL source
status bar
Bottom of the Business Process window where messages and abbreviated help text are displayed
status bar
A line of information or the monitor usually located at the bottom of a window
status bar
The Status Bar is located at the bottom of the screen and displays information about a page while it is loading, such as the page address and the amount of time it takes for the page to load The Status bar also holds any pages minimized by the user
status bar
The status bar appears at the bottom of the browser window It tells you what is going on while you are on the internet It may tell you the address of the website you are accessing, if the server is being contacted, what is being downloading, etc
status bar
The set of fields that appear, by default, at the bottom of an application's main window
status bar
at the bottom of the screen, a strip called the Status Bar lets you know what is happening when you try to access a web page Messages like: "Finding site" or "Connecting to site" may appear
status bar
The status bar is the grey strip at the bottom of the web browser and other applications As the user interacts with a web page information appears in this area keeping the user informed about what is happening and what is available When the mouse cursor moves over a link the status bar displays the address (URL) of that link If a user clicks on a link information is displayed relating to the request to be connected to the new site and the status of the downloading (how big is the file being downloaded and how long is it expected to take, etc ) It is possible to hide this bar and so increase the room your browser has to display a web page (see Preferences)
status bar
{i} line usually located at the bottom of a program which reports on the program's state (Computers)
status conscious
class conscious, aware of one's social ranking
status constructus
{i} (in Semitic languages) construct state, inflected form of a noun dependent on a following noun with the combination indicating a genitive relationship
status epilepticus
a condition in which there are continuing attacks of epilepsy without intervals of consciousness; can lead to brain damage and death
status in quo
The state in which anything is already
status in quo
The phrase is also used retrospectively, as when, on a treaty of place, matters return to the status quo ante bellum, or are left in statu quo ante bellum, i
status in quo
the state (or, in the state) before the war
status line
line which appears usually on the bottom of a screen and informs a user about the status of the computer
status monitor
The software program that allows you to check the printer's status
status monitor
A Web-based application on the Cisco Unity server that contains pages providing information about system status, ports, and disk drives; also used to start and to shut down Cisco Unity
status monitor
The software that allows you to check the printer's status
status monitor
Three letters below a pokemon's name in the battle display which show the Status of a pokemon
status of Jerusalem
determination of factors that will govern different areas of Jerusalem and the method of government
status prestige
degree of prestige that accompanies a particular profession or position
status quo
the existing state of affairs
status quo
current situation
status quo
1 the existing condition 2 the present state of affairs
status quo
Maintaining things the way they are
status quo
The phrase is also used retrospectively, as when, on a treaty of place, matters return to the status quo ante bellum, or are left in statu quo ante bellum, i
status quo
From Latin The state of things as they are
status quo
The state in which anything is already
status quo
the current state of things; to "maintain the status quo" is to keep things the way they presently are
status quo
The current state of affairs, or current position
status quo
the state (or, in the state) before the war
status quo
The status quo is the state of affairs that exists at a particular time, especially in contrast to a different possible state of affairs. They have no wish for any change in the status quo. The existing condition or state of affairs. the status quo the state of a situation as it is maintain/preserve/defend the status quo (=not make any changes)
status quo
the state in which it was (or is)
status quo ante
conditions as they previously existed, things are they always have been
status symbol
A status symbol is something that a person has or owns that shows they have money or importance in society. Something, such as a possession or an activity, by which one's social or economic prestige is measured. something that you have or own that you think shows high social rank or position
status symbol
symbol that is a sign of high social status (especially expensive property)
stock status report
(Ticaret) A report of on-hand inventory that may also include days of supply, allocation and availability information
achieved status
A social status of a person that is acquired, such as being an Olympic athlete, being a criminal, or being a college professor
ascribed status
The social status a person that is given from birth or assumes involuntarily later in life
marital status
One of several discrete options describing a person's relationship with a significant other
master status
A social status that is the primary socially identifying characteristic of an individual, such as being the queen
senior status
In the United States federal court system, a form of semi-retirement in which a judge continues to engage in judicial activities including the disposition of cases on a limited basis
social status
The honor or prestige attached to one's position in society
achieved status
Achieved status is a sociological term denoting a social position that a person assumes voluntarily which reflects personal skills, abilities, and efforts. It is gained on the basis of merit. Examples of achieved status are being an Olympic athlete, being a criminal, or being a teacher
ascribed status
Ascribed status is the social status a person is given from birth or assumes involuntarily later in life. For example, a person born into a wealthy family has a high ascribed status. In contrast, an achieved status is a social position a person takes on voluntarily that reflects personal ability and merit
mental status
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) Ruhsal durum, ruh hâli, halet-i ruhiyye
mental status examination
(Psikoloji, Ruhbilim) The mental status examination (or mental state examination), abbreviated MSE, is an important part of the clinical assessment process in psychiatric practice. It is a structured way of observing and describing a patient's current state of mind, under the domains of appearance, attitude, behavior, mood and affect, speech, thought process, thought content, perception, cognition, insight and judgement
Plural of status
Turkish - English
(Tıp) status
status astmatikus
(Tıp) status asthmaticus
status epileptikus
status epilepticus