stand someone up

listen to the pronunciation of stand someone up
English - Turkish
(Dilbilim) birisini ekmek
(Dilbilim) birisini satmak
(Dilbilim) birisini ağaç etmek
Randevuya gelmeyerek birini boşuna bekletmek
stand up
ayağa kalkmak

Amy ayağa kalkmak için bir çaba sarfetti. - Amy made an effort to stand up.

Ayağa kalkmak istiyorum. - I'd like to stand up.

stand up

Ayağa kalkmak istiyorum. - I'd like to stand up.

Amy ayağa kalkmak için bir çaba sarfetti. - Amy made an effort to stand up.

stand up
stand up
stand up
stand somebody up
(deyim) birisini satmak
stand somebody up
(deyim) birisini ekmek
stand somebody up
birini satmak
stand somebody up
birini ekmek
stand somebody up
stand up
göğüs germek
stand up
karşı koymak
stand up
sağlam kalmak
stand up
ayağa kalk

Amy ayağa kalkmak için bir çaba sarfetti. - Amy made an effort to stand up.

O bana ayağa kalkmamı emretti. - He ordered me to stand up.

stand somebody up
to fail to keep an appointment with someone, especially a romantic dateWhen you stand somebody up, you arrange to meet somebody and not go, usually in a romantic relationship
stand s.o. up
randevuya gelmeyerek birini boşuna bekletmek
stand up
(deyim) dayanmak 2.sorgulamada yeterli olmak
stand up
ağaç etmek
stand up
(deyim) stand up for someone/sth. moral vermek,korumak,tarafını tutmak. stand up to someone karşı durmak,cesaretle karşılamak. stand up to sth
stand up
stand up
stand up
taraftarı olmak
stand up
(Fiili Deyim ) 1- ayağa kalkmak 2- terketmek , randevuya gitmemek
stand up
dik dik olmak
stand up
ayaküstü alınan
stand up
stand up
stand up
ayakta yapılan
English - English

Definition of stand someone up in English English dictionary

stand up
To avoid a prearranged meeting, especially a date, with (a person); to jilt or shirk

A gentleman never stands a lady up.

stand up
To stand immediately behind the wicket so as to catch balls from a slow or spin bowler, and to attempt to stump the batsman
stand up
To bring something up and set it into a standing position

Laura stood the sofa up on end.

stand up
To rise from a lying or sitting position

Stand up, then sit down again.

stand up
put into an upright position; "Can you stand the bookshelf up?"
stand up
If something such as a claim or a piece of evidence stands up, it is accepted as true or satisfactory after being carefully examined. He made wild accusations that did not stand up How well does this thesis stand up to close examination?
stand up
to ride a minibike while standing, in order to keep balance and control
stand up
defend against attack or criticism; "He stood up for his friend"; "She stuck up for the teacher who was accused of harassing the student" refuse to back down; remain solid under criticism or attack resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc
stand up
rise to one's feet; "The audience got up and applauded"
stand up
"Her shoes won't hold up"; "This theory won't hold water
stand up
refuse to back down; remain solid under criticism or attack resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc
stand up
defend against attack or criticism; "He stood up for his friend"; "She stuck up for the teacher who was accused of harassing the student"
stand up
A simple promo statement made directly to a camera, usually with an interviewer present
stand up
A commentary or report by a TV correspondent seen on camera, usually at the scene of the action Used to open, close, or bridge the elements of a report
stand up
be in an upright position; get up from a seated position; fail to arrive for an appointment (figurative)
stand up
rise up as in fear; "The dog's fur bristled"; "It was a sight to make one's hair uprise!"
stand up
be standing; be upright; "We had to stand for the entire performance!"
stand up
refuse to back down; remain solid under criticism or attack
stand up
see stand 1, 2
stand up
resist or withstand wear, criticism, etc ; "Her shoes won't hold up"; "This theory won't hold water"
stand up
If a boyfriend or girlfriend stands you up, they fail to keep an arrangement to meet you. We were to have had dinner together yesterday evening, but he stood me up
stand someone up


    stand some·one up

    Turkish pronunciation

    ständ sʌmwʌn ʌp


    /ˈstand ˈsəmˌwən ˈəp/ /ˈstænd ˈsʌmˌwʌn ˈʌp/