
listen to the pronunciation of staff
English - Turkish

Bill yazı işleri kadrosunda. - Bill is on the editorial staff.

Köpeklerin efendileri var. Kediler kadroya sahip. - Dogs have masters. Cats have staff.


O restorandaki personeli bize çok iyi bir izlenim verdi. - The staff in that restaurant gave us a very good impression.

Personel toplantıda samimi bir görüş alışverişinde bulunmuştur. - The staff exchanged frank opinions in the meeting.

kadro,v.görevli olarak çalış: n.personel
(Askeri) KARARGAH, KURMAY, PERSONEL, KADRO: Emir ve komuta yetkisini kullanmada yardımda bulunmak üzere, özel surette tayin edilmiş veya görevlendirilmiş subaylar. Karargah heyeti; komutan için bilgi toplar, ilerde yapılacak planlama için durumu devamlı surette inceler, hazırlanacak planlar ve verilecek emirler hususunda komutana, kendi inisiyatifiyle veya verilmiş direktifler dahilinde, tekliflerde bulunur, komutanın kararlarını emir haline intikal ettirir ve bu şekilde yayımlanmalarını sağlar; komutanın niyet ve prensiplerine uygun şekilde hareket edilmesini ve bunların başarılı şekilde yerine getirilmesini temin için emirlerin icrasını, verilmiş direktifler dahilinde, murakabe eder. Bak. "Army General Staff", "Army Staff", "combined staff", "general staff", "integrated staff", "joint staff", "parallel staff", "personnel staff"
notaların yazıldığı beş çizgili porte
(Askeri) karargah
gönder (bayrak için)
(Askeri) karargah heyeti
{i} (çoğ. --s/staves) asa
memur kadrosu

Ofis çalışanları problemi çözmek için hızlı ve etkili çalıştılar. - The office staff worked quickly and efficiently to resolve the problem.

eleman sağlamak
personel sağlamak
(Askeri) Müşterek Kurmay Başkanları Başkanı acil faaliyet/işlem usulleri
{i} nota çizgisi
{i} (çoğ. --s/staves) müz. porte
{i} (çoğ. --s/staves) değnek
{i} gereç
{i} (çoğ. --s/staves) (bayrak için) gönder, direk
{i} prefabrik yapıda kullanılan alçı harç
staff notation müz
{i} baston
{f} kadrosu olmak
{i} porte [müz.]
{f} kadro oluşturmak
portede kullanılan işaretler sistemi
kurmay subayları
{i} destek
(Tıp) 1. Hastane kadrosu; 2.Çomak, çubuk

Şöhretler gelip geçici. Sadakatler değişken. Yönetim ekipleri gittikçe elemanlarından daha kopuk. - Reputations are volatile. Loyalties are fickle. Management teams are increasingly disconnected from their staff.

Tom yılın çoğunu Mary'nin Senato kampanyasında bir eleman olarak çalışarak geçirdi. - Tom spent much of the year working as a staffer on Mary's Senate campaign.

bir idarenin bütün memurları
{i} uzun sap
eleman kadrosu
görevli olarak çalışmak
personel (kuruluştaki)
kadro (devlet kuruluşundaki)
staff absence
Personel yokluğu
staff colonel
(Askeri) kurmay albay
staff gauge
staff officer
(Askeri) kurmay
staff officer
(Askeri) karargah subayı
staff sergeant
staff manager
personel müdürü
staff member
staff officer
kurmay subay
staff officer
kurmay subayı
staff reductions
personel indirimi
staff regulations
personel yönetmeliği
staff augmentation
personel arttırımı
staff captain
kurmay yüzbaşı
staff catalogue
personel katalog
staff change
personel değişimi
staff commander
kurmay yüzbaşı
staff continuation control system
personel devam kontrol sistemi
staff enclosure
personel muhafaza
staff handbook
personel el kitabı
staff manual
personel kılavuzu
staff meeting
personel toplantısı
staff members
staff nurse
personel hemşire
staff position
personel pozisyon
staff rest room
personel dinlenme odası
staff work
personel çalışma
staff work time logging
personelin çalışma süresi günlük
Staff Judge Advocate
(Askeri) Askeri Adli Müşavir
staff action
(Askeri) personelin yapacağı işlem
staff and administrative reserve
(Askeri) MÜŞEKKEL İHTİYAT KARARGAH VE İDARİ KISMI: ABD de; Müşekkel İhtiyat Teşkilatının özel karargaha mensup personelden mürekkep kısmı. Bu kısımdaki personel; belirli hizmet dallarından herhangi birine inhisar etmeyen görev yerlerinde vazife görür ve stratejik veya taktik konular dışındaki faaliyetlerin yönetiminde yetiştirilir
staff car
(Askeri) karargah binek aracı
staff car
kumandan arabası
staff car
(Askeri) KARARGAH BİNEK OTOSU, MAKAM OTOSU: Komutanın veya karargaha mensup kimselerin bindikleri otomobil
staff college
harp okulu
staff coordination
(Askeri) KARARGAH KOORDİNASYONU: Komutanlara ait planların yerine getirilmesinde, muhtelif karargah subaylarının ahenk ve anlaşma zihniyeti içinde hareket etmelerini; plan ve prensiplerde, uygulanmalarına geçilmeden lüzumlu düzeltmeleri yapmak suretiyle anlaşmazlıkların ve tekerrürlerin giderilmesini temin için bir karargah dahilinde yapılması gerekli işlem
staff coordination
(Askeri) karargah koordinasyonu
staff corps officer
(Askeri) MUHARİP SUBAY: Amerikan Deniz Kuvvetlerinde güverte subayı hariç olmak üzere, diğer muharip deniz subaylarını ifade için kullanılan terim. Bak. "line officer"
staff division
(Askeri) karargah şubesi
staff division
(Askeri) KARARGAH ŞUBESİ: Büyük bir birliğin komutanına, sorumluluklarının yerine getirilmesinde yardımcı olmak üzere kurulan ve normal olarak, icrai bir yetkiye sahip bulunmayan teşkilat birimi. Karargah şubelerinin personeli; planlar düzenler, icracı durumundaki birliklere işleri hakkında fikir verir ve komutan tarafından onaylanmış programların icrasını takip eder
staff duty
(Askeri) KARARGAH HİZMETİ: Bir komutanın karargahındaki hizmet
staff duty
(Askeri) karargah hizmeti
staff entrance
personel girişi
staff insurance
(Ticaret) personel sigortası
staff intelligence
(Askeri) karargah istihbaratı
staff intelligence
(Askeri) KARARGAH İSTİHBARATI: Kendi özel ihtiyaçlarını ve sorumluluklarını karşılamak üzere, herhangi bir daire veya makam tarafından, elindeki bütün istihbarat bilgilerinin birbiriyle ilişkilerini tespit etmek ve yorumlamak suretiyle hazırlanmış istihbarat. Bak. "intelligence"
staff judge advorate
(Askeri) ASKERİ ADLİ HAKİM, ASKERİ ADLİ MÜŞAVİR: Bak. "judge advorate"
staff manager
(Ticaret) danışman yönetici
staff member
staff noncommissioned officer
(Askeri) karargah astsubayı
staff officer
(Askeri) KARARGAH SUBAYI: Bir karargahta, karargah heyetine mensup bir subay, kurmay subay
staff officer
ask. kurmay subay, kurmay
staff officers field manuals
(Askeri) KARARGAH SUBAYLARI SAHRA TALİMNAMELERİ: ABD Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı tarafından çıkarılan ve tümen, kolordu, ordu ve daha büyük birliklerdeki genel karargah subaylarının eğitimi ve yetiştirilmesi için gerekli prensip, usul ve bilgileri ihtiva eden 101 serisi sahra talimnameleri
staff only
İşi olmayan giremez
staff operations
(Askeri) harekat şubesi
staff operations
(Askeri) harekat dairesi
staff planning factor
(Askeri) HAREKAT PLANLAMA FAKTÖRÜ: Tasarlanmış bir harekatın icap ettireceği çabanın önemini ve şeklini hesaplamak için planlamada kullanılan, tecrübeye dayanan ve uygun şekilde seçilmiş bir çarpan
staff recruiting
eleman alımı
staff reductions
personel azaltımı
staff reductions
personel sayısını düşürme
staff ride
(Askeri) KARARGAH GEZİSİ: Belirli askeri durumlardaki taktik meselelerin aracı üzerinde verilip halledilmesi maksadıyla bindirilmiş olarak yapılan tatbikat. Bu tatbikata hiç bir kıta katılmaz. Bak. "staff walk"
staff ride
(Askeri) karargah gezisi
staff room
öğretmenler odası
staff room
personel salonu
staff room
dinlenme salonu
staff room
personel odası
staff salaries
(Ticaret) personel aylıkları
staff scheme
(Ticaret) kadro taslağı
staff section
(Askeri) KARARGAH KISMI: Tugaydan küçük, yani genel karargahı bulunmayan birliklerdeki karargah kısımlarından biri
staff section
(Askeri) karargah kısmı
staff section work sheet
(Askeri) KARARGAH İŞ MUHTIRASI: Durum muhakemelerinin, planların, emirlerin ve periyodik raporların hazırlanılmasında faydalanılan yürürlükteki emir, mesaj, direktif ve karar özetlerini ihtiva eder fihristli muhtıra
staff sergeant
kıdemli başçavuş
staff sergeant
(Askeri) KARARGAH ÇAVUŞU: ABD Deniz Piyadesinde ve Hava Kuvvetlerinde, rütbece çavuştan (Airman 1st class sergeant) büyük ve astsubay üstçavuştan (technical sergeant) küçük astsubay. Hava Kuvvetlerinde en küçük rütbeli astsubay olup genellikle çavuş denilir
staff specialist
staff supervision
(Askeri) karargah denetimi
staff supervision
(Askeri) PERSONEL NEZARETİ: Komutanın emrindeki diğer karargah subayları ile şahıslara, komutanın plan ve prensipleri hakkında fikir vermek, bunları yorumlamak, tatbik şeklini tespit etmek ve sonuçları komutana bildirmek suretiyle yapılan kontrol ve nezaret
staff targets
staff task
(Askeri) karargah görevi
staff task
(Askeri) KARARGAH GÖREVİ: Herhangi bir komuta karargahında cereyan eden karargah işleri
staff travel
(Politika, Siyaset) personel yolculuğu
staff utilization
(Ticaret) personel kullanımı
staff walk
(Askeri) yaya karargah gezisi
staff walk
(Askeri) YAYA KARARGAH GEZİSİ: Belirli askeri durumlardaki taktik meselelerin arazi üzerinde verilip halledilmesi maksadıyla, yaya olarak yapılan tatbikat. Bu tatbikata, hiç bir kıta katılmaz. Bak. "staff ride"
staff weather officer
(Askeri) karargah meteoroloji subayı
staff wellfare
(Ticaret) pesonel sağlığı
administrative staff
(Askeri) yönetim kadrosu
chief of staff
kurmay başkan
deputy chief of staff
(Askeri) kurmay yarbaşkanı
expert staff
uzman kadro
flag staff
(Askeri) sancak gönderi
general staff
(Askeri) genel kurmay başkanlığı
general staff
(Askeri) kurmay sınıfı
general staff
(Askeri) kurmay heyeti
general staff
(Askeri) genel kurmay (başkanlığı)
health staff
(Ticaret) sağlık memuru
junior staff
(Ticaret) küçük memurlar
leveling staff
(İnşaat) mira
senior staff
(Ticaret) yönetim kadrosu
surveyor's staff
(Coğrafya) jalon
temporary staff
(Askeri) sözleşmeli personel
turkish general staff
genelkurmay başkanlığı
turkish general staff
(Askeri) genel kurmay başkanlığı
Deputy Chief of the General Staff
Genelkurmay ikinci Başkanı
academic staff
akademik personel
auxiliary staff
yardımcı personel
chief of staff
genelkurmay başkanı
engineering staff
teknik kadro
flag staff
bayrak direği
general staff
maintenance staff
bakım personeli
managerial staff
yönetim kadrosu
office staff
ofis personeli
office staff
kurmay subay
office staff
büro elemanları
reduction of staff
personel sayısını azaltma
research staff
araştırma grubu
salaried staff
aylıkla çalışan personel
sales staff
satış ekibi
security staff
güvenlik görevlisi
teaching staff
öğretim üyesi
of the staff
the staff
treble staff
(Muzik) Porte
waiting staff
Secretary, Joint Staff, memorandum; Service manager; staff memorandum; system ma
(Askeri) Müşterek karargah Bakanı memorandumu; Hizmet yöneticisi; karargah memorandumu; sistem yöneticisi
senior battle staff; support battle staff
(Askeri) üst muharebe karargahı; destek muharebe karargahı
bak staff
stave delin/del
{i} porteler
{i} nota çizgileri
English - English
(plural: staff) The employees of a business. (e.g. The company employed 10 new staff this month.)
A mixture of plaster and fibre used as a temporary exterior wall covering (see )
to supply (a business) with employees
(plural: staves) A series of horizontal lines on which musical notes are written
(plural: staffs or staves) a long, straight stick, especially one used to assist in walking
{n} a stick, prop, stay, ensign of office, stanza
A water level gauge consisting of a vertical graduated staff from which the height of the water level can be read directly It is called a fixed staff when secured in place so that is cannot be easily removed A portable staff is one that is designed for removal from the water when not in use For such a staff a fixed support is provided The support has a metal stop secured to it so that the staff will always have the same elevation when installed for use See electric tape gauge
A staff is a strong stick or pole
The general's staff consists of those officers about his person who are employed in carrying his commands into execution
is a pole a flag hangs on
Lara Loep Jennifer Holman Rosa Sigala Paula Knesel
The five lines and the spaces on which music is written; formerly called stave
building material consisting of plaster and hair; used to cover external surfaces of temporary structure (as at an exposition) or for decoration
serve on the staff of; "The two men staff the reception desk
The horizontal lines on which notes are placed
A stick carried in the hand for support or defense by a person walking; hence, a support; that which props or upholds
The 5 horizontal lines upon which music is written Usually included on a Staff are: a Clef, a Key Signature, and a Time Signature
the body of teachers and administrators at a school; "the dean addressed the letter to the entire staff of the university"
serve on the staff of; "The two men staff the reception desk"
a series of horizontal lines on which musical notes are written
(music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written a rod carried as a symbol the body of teachers and administrators at a school; "the dean addressed the letter to the entire staff of the university"
People who are part of a particular staff are often referred to as staff. 10 staff were allocated to the task He had the complete support of hospital staff
The five horizontal lines and four spaces used in music notation
Plaster combined with fibrous and other materials so as to be suitable for sculpture in relief or in the round, or for forming flat plates or boards of considerable size which can be nailed to framework to make the exterior of a larger structure, forming joints which may afterward be repaired and concealed with fresh plaster
a strong rod or stick with a specialized utilitarian purpose; "he walked with the help of a wooden staff"
Employees of the Union
Official ODP employees, who are responsible for the overall running of the directory See also Editors: Types: Staff/root
State assessments
{i} stick, rod, pole; group of 5 horizontal lines and the 4 spaces between them on which music is written; spear, lance (Archaic)
The staff of an organization are the people who work for it. The staff were very good He thanked his staff. members of staff Many employers seek diversity in their staffs. see also Chief of Staff
provide with staff; "This position is not always staffed"
The five horizontal lines upon which music is written Usually including a clef, and having a time signature and key signature
If an organization is staffed by particular people, they are the people who work for it. They are staffed by volunteers The centre is staffed at all times + staffed staffed The house allocated to them was pleasant and spacious, and well-staffed. see also short-staffed
A small pole from which a flag is flown
(staff, staff html) • Staff section Home Page
A staff is the five lines that music is written on. A building material of plaster and fiber used as an exterior wall covering of temporary buildings, as at expositions. to be or provide the workers for an organization overstaffed, understaffed understaffed
the five parallel lines (and the spaces between them) on which composers write their notes
{i} employees working in an organization, personnel; crew, team
(music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written
Personnel employed by our Council who work at one of the service center/satellites or camps to provide assistance and support to the volunteer membership
A series of verses so disposed that, when it is concluded, the same order begins again; a stanza; a stave
{f} employ a group of workers, provide with employees, man
An object which is the token of authority to drive a train over one section of a single track The staff is carried in the driver’s cab and therefore reduces the chance of two trains being dispatched in opposite directions along the same line
Hence: A body of assistants serving to carry into effect the plans of a superintendant or manager; as, the staff of a newspaper
A pole upon which a flag is supported and displayed
A long piece of wood; a stick; the long handle of an instrument or weapon; a pole or srick, used for many purposes; as, a surveyor's staff; the staff of a spear or pike
building material consisting of plaster and hair; used to cover external surfaces of temporary structure (as at an exposition) or for decoration provide with staff; "This position is not always staffed"
a rod carried as a symbol
Lee Daniel Quinn (Chief scribe) Hilary Fried (Editor)
An establishment of officers in various departments attached to an army, to a section of an army, or to the commander of an army
Five parallel lines on which music is traditionally written
personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task; "the hospital has an excellent nursing staff"; "the general relied on his staff to make routine decisions"
The round of a ladder
See État Major
Five parallel horizontal lines upon and between notes are written to indicate their pitch & rhythm Line, Space
the five horizontal lines on which musical notation is written
The grooved director for the gorget, or knife, used in cutting for stone in the bladder
Describes all staff, both teaching and support, unless stated otherwise
a long, straight stick, especially one used to assist in walking
1 semester
is a pole to which a flag is fastened
a strong rod or stick with a specialized utilitarian purpose; "he walked with the help of a wooden staff" (music) the system of five horizontal lines on which the musical notes are written a rod carried as a symbol the body of teachers and administrators at a school; "the dean addressed the letter to the entire staff of the university" personnel who assist their superior in carrying out an assigned task; "the hospital has an excellent nursing staff"; "the general relied on his staff to make routine decisions" building material consisting of plaster and hair; used to cover external surfaces of temporary structure (as at an exposition) or for decoration provide with staff; "This position is not always staffed" serve on the staff of; "The two men staff the reception desk
An arbor, as of a wheel or a pinion of a watch
The most frequently used staff has five horizontal lines, with four spaces, upon which the notes and other musical symbols are placed
the employees of a business. (e.g. The company employed 10 new staff this month.)
The five horizontal lines, with four spaces between, on which musical notation is written
The set of five lines and four spaces used to notate music See Section 3 21
A pole, stick, or wand borne as an ensign of authority; a badge of office; as, a constable's staff
staff function
Any secondary business activity that supports the line functions of a business, but does not directly affect customers or profits
staff of life
Bread, or some other staple foodstuff
staff officer
An officer that fulfills a non-combat support function, often in a headquarters or planning office
staff officers
plural form of staff officer
staff sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Army, ranking above sergeant and below sergeant first class
staff sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the British Army, ranking above a sergeant and below a warrant officer class 2
staff sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the armed forces of several countries, ranking above a sergeant. (Sometimes abbreviated to "staff")
staff sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps, ranking above sergeant and below gunnery sergeant
staff sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in United States Air Force, ranking above senior airman and below technical sergeant
staff sergeants
plural form of staff sergeant
Staff Captain
The ship's Staff Captain is second in command to the Captain; through study and experience, he is a certified Master in his own right, fully capable of handling the Captain's duties should it become necessary
staff and command college
interdisciplinary college for IDF officers and commanders
staff annual leave
yearly vacation of all employees
staff car
company car, car owned by a company and used by workers
staff college
interdisciplinary college for IDF officers and commanders
staff cutbacks
layoffs, dismissal of some workers
staff development
An activity or process intended to help educators improve their skills, attitudes, knowledge, and/or performance in their roles
staff development
Educational opportunities that continue throughout a teacher's professional career and unite staff as they implement new innovations within a school Ideally, staff development should include the active input of everyone within the school community while encouraging collaboration, dialogue and reflection
staff development
The activities of an organization or supervisor, such as training, providing constructive feedback, job rotation, etc , which are designed to improve the skills, motivation, and qualifications of employees Topic areas: Staff Development and Organizational Capacity, Volunteer Management, Operations Management and Leadership
staff development
Those learning activities which facilitate the nurse's job-related performance
staff development
The percentage of staff with adequate training and support for connecting technology uses to working and learning
staff development
Various, usually formal, training or activities, funded by employers to enhance the attitudes, knowledge and skills of current employees (See Inglis, Ling, & Joosten (1999) pp 89-92, 149)
staff development
A process involving evaluation, identification of needs, and planned activities for individuals, school and the entire district designed to improve those elements of professional knowledge and skills that affect student learning Also known as professional development and in-service education
staff development
Extension's commitment to employee training and development
staff line
any of the 5 horizontal marks comprising a staff
staff meeting
gathering of the general staff in relation to organizing a schedule
staff member
an employee who is a member of a staff of workers (especially a member of the staff that works for the President of the United States)
staff members
group of people assisting a leader; group of workers on a staff
staff nurse
A staff nurse is a hospital nurse whose rank is just below that of a sister or charge nurse. a British hospital nurse whose rank is just below a sister or charge nurse
staff of life
A staple or necessary food, especially bread
staff of life
food made from dough of flour or meal and usually raised with yeast or baking powder and then baked
staff officer
commanding officer, administrative officer
staff officer
In the army and air force, a staff officer is an officer who works for a commander or in the headquarters. a military officer whose job is to help an officer of a higher rank
staff officer
a commissioned officer assigned to a military commander's staff
staff position
open personnel slot, official job slot in a staff
staff quarters
personnel quarters, living areas devoted to a management team
staff room
room which is for the exclusive use of employees; meeting room, conference room
staff sergeant
A staff sergeant is someone who ranks just above sergeant in the British army or the United States army, marines, or air force. His father is a staff sergeant in the army. Staff Sergeant Robert Daily. a lower rank in the army or the US Air Force or Marines, or someone who has this rank
staff sergeant
military rank of a soldier between sergeant and master sergeant
staff sergeant
a noncommissioned officer ranking above corporal and below sergeant first class in the army or marines or above airman 1st class in the air force
staff suggestion scheme
plan to encourage proposals for improving efficiency
staff tree
any small tree or twining shrub of the genus Celastrus
Staffordshire (in postal addresses)
aesculapian staff
A symbol of the medical profession, consisting of a branched staff with a single snake twined around it
bass staff
a staff which starts with a bass clef
chief of staff
The senior officer of any of several services of the armed forces of several nations
chief of staff
The head of any of several political departments in several nations
An early navigational instrument, consisting of a wooden rod with a sliding crosspiece, used for measuring the altitude of a star; it developed into the sextant
grand staff
a treble staff joined to a bass staff by means of a brace, with the treble staff on top
level staff
A graduated rod used by surveyors to measure differences in level
member of staff
An employee in an organisation
members of staff
plural form of member of staff
skeleton staff
The minimum number of employees needed to operate a business during a vacation, weekend, or other period when people do not normally work, or full staffing is not necessary

But you must keep skeleton staff on duty at all car parks while the event is still open.

Simple past tense and past participle of staff
plural form of staff (long, straight stick)
plural form of stave
Third-person singular simple present indicative form of stave
treble staff
a staff which starts with a treble clef
verge staff
The metal bar with two pallets that drive the crown wheel in a verge escapement
verge staff
A flag pole that protrudes from a low deck off the back of a ship
Alternative spelling of verge staff
academic staff
workers of a university or college
Stafford, county in the Midlands (Britain)
Occupied by staff, having members of staff
past of staff
The supply of workers within a company
the practice of hiring and firing staff
Staffing refers to the number of workers employed to work in a particular organization or building. Staffing levels in prisons are too low
Activities undertaken to attract, hire, and retain effective sales force personnel within an organization
An interdisciplinary conference bringing together several professional experts, each of whom has examined a given patient, for the purpose of combining diagnostic knowledge in order to arrive at a decision concerning the nature, the initiation, or the continuation of treatment
Activities undertaken to attract, hire, and retain effective sales force personnel within an organisation
{i} number of employees working in a place or in an organization; act of providing with employees
the personnel required for some project
The personnel strength as expressed in the numbers, series, and grades of personnel required and/or available It is expressed in relationship to the applicable organizational level
A plural of staff in some senses (see also staves)
Third-person singular indicative present tense of to staff
of Staff
Plural of staff
third-person singular of stave
plural of staff, nodot=9, long, straight stick
Plural of staff--those horizontal lines and spaces
Pieces of wood made out of planks of oak split by hand and dried naturally; they are used to make the casks
{i} plural of "staff" having the meaning of stick or rod or pole
plural of stave
A plural of staff. the plural of staff (2)
of Stave
Turkish - English
(Askeri) Müşterek Kurmay Başkanları Başkanı acil faaliyet/işlem usulleri