springen des flugzeugs (bei der landung)

listen to the pronunciation of springen des flugzeugs (bei der landung)
German - English
healthy; vigorous
Present participle of bounce
{n} a great or sudden noise, a crack
The process of combining several tracks together and re-recording them onto another track is called bouncing This is normally done to free up tracks for more recording For example, you might have three background vocals recorded on tracks 1 to 3 By combining these tracks with a mixer, and routing them to track 5, tracks 1 to 3 can be erased and used to record other materials Keep in mind that bouncing does require that you pre-decide on levels, EQ, etc for the tracks being bounced - once they are combined, it is impossible to adjust their relative levels (overall level and EQ of the bounced track can, of course, still be adjusted)
Excessive; big
Alternate name for Ping-Ponging (playing several tacks with sync playback through a console to mix them together and record them on an open track)
A process by which the processor computes all audio tracks, effects and VST instruments into a single audio file In Cubase VST and Cubasis VST, the Export Audio function is used to bounce tracks
marked by lively action; "a bouncing gait"; "bouncy tunes"; "the peppy and interesting talk"; "a spirited dance"
Present participle of to bounce
If you say that someone is bouncing with health, you mean that they are very healthy. You can also refer to a bouncing baby. They are bouncing with health in the good weather Derek is now the proud father of a bouncing baby girl. see also bounce. healthy and full of energy
Stout; plump and healthy; lusty; buxom
vigorously healthy; "a bouncing baby
rebounding from an impact (or series of impacts)
Bouncing is the copying of tracks onto other tracks Typically, this is done to combine a greater number of tracks into a fewer tracks, though there are other reasons to bounce Some people call bouncing "ping-ponging "
marked by lively action; "a bouncing gait"; "bouncy tunes"; "the peppy and interesting talk"; "a spirited dance" vigorously healthy; "a bouncing baby
Bouncing a message, means to re-send the message "as is" to someone, while making it appear that the new message is still from the person who sent the original message See section 8 1 Commands for Sending Mail
vigorously healthy; "a bouncing baby"
v Technique used for making progress up a route where the climber is below the last piece of protection and has no holds or contact with the rock, such a situation could be in the middle of the roof of a cave where the climber has fallen off and dropped a fair distance The technique involves the climber climbing the rope with their hands then letting go and the slack is taken in by the belayer before the climber begins to fall This technique is not easy and should be practiced! Also: to boink, to superman
{s} robust, strong, healthy
springen des flugzeugs (bei der landung)