spilling over

listen to the pronunciation of spilling over
English - Turkish
üzerine dökülüp
spill over
English - English

Definition of spilling over in English English dictionary

spill over
To enter into another zone by way of accident or overcrowding; to overflow
spill over
Overflow with a certain feeling; "The children bubbled over with joy"; "My boss was bubbling over with anger". (synonym) bubble over, overflow
spill over
Be disgorged; "The crowds spilled out into the streets". (synonym) spill out, pour out
spill over
overflow with a certain feeling; "The children bubbled over with joy"; "My boss was bubbling over with anger"
spill over
be disgorged; "The crowds spilled out into the streets
spill over
{f} overflow, be filled to the point of flowing over; spread out, extend; be disgorged; go into another zone by overcrowding, pour out
spill over
be disgorged; "The crowds spilled out into the streets"
spilling over


    spill·ing over

    Turkish pronunciation

    spîlîng ōvır


    /ˈspələɴɢ ˈōvər/ /ˈspɪlɪŋ ˈoʊvɜr/