spiders ensnare flies and other insects in their webs

listen to the pronunciation of spiders ensnare flies and other insects in their webs
English - German
Spinnen fangen Fliegen und andere Insekten in ihrem Netz
spiders ensnare flies and other insects in their webs


    spiders en·snare flies and oth·er insects in their webs

    Turkish pronunciation

    spaydırz însner flayz ınd ʌdhır însekts în dher webz


    /ˈspīdərz ənˈsner ˈflīz ənd ˈəᴛʜər ˈənˌsekts ən ˈᴛʜer ˈwebz/ /ˈspaɪdɜrz ɪnˈsnɛr ˈflaɪz ənd ˈʌðɜr ˈɪnˌsɛkts ɪn ˈðɛr ˈwɛbz/