
listen to the pronunciation of specialist
English - Turkish

Önde gelen bir uzman resmi tasdik etmek için içeriye getirildi. - A leading specialist was brought in to authenticate the painting.

Ben bir uzman değilim. - I'm not a specialist.

uzmanlık gerektiren
(Askeri) sanatkar
uzman, bir konu hakkında uzamanlaşmış (çalışmış) kimse. eşanlam olarak "expert"
(Tekstil) bilirkişi, eksper, uzman
{i} cober (borsa)
{i} uzman doktor

Bir uzman doktorla konuşmalısın. - You should talk to a specialist.

Hastalığın daha da kötüleşirse, bir uzman doktoru ara. - If your illness becomes worse, call in a specialist.

(Askeri) UZMAN, SANATKAR: Eğitim ve tecrübe sayesinde, kendi sınıfının esas askeri eğitiminden daha ileri bir eğitime ihtiyaç gösteren hizmetleri yapabilecek hale gelmiş kimse. Örneğin; bir paraşütçü, uzman, er (military specialist), bir aşçı da sanatkar bir er (occupational specialist) dir
(Tıp) uzman tabip
uzman hekim
uzman ekip
specialist school
(Askeri) uzmanlık okulu
specialist corporal
(Askeri) uzman onbaşı
specialist in judicial affairs
specialist intelligence report
(Askeri) özel istihbarat raporu
specialist intelligence report
(Askeri) ÖZEL İSTİHBARAT RAPORU: İstihbaratın yayımında kullanılan ihtisası gerektiren teknik raporlar. Bak. "intelligence reporting", "normal intelligence reports"
specialist intelligence report; spot intelligence report
(Askeri) uzmanın istihbarat raporu; nokta tespit istihbarat raporu
specialist nurse
uzman hemşire
specialist pay
(Askeri) İHTİSAS ZAMMI: ABD Kara, Hava ve Deniz Kuvvetlerinde, faal görevde bulunan doktor ve diş tabiplerine her ay 100 dolar olarak verilen ek bir ücret
specialist pay
(Askeri) ihtisas zammı
specialist rating
(Askeri) erat uzmanlık derecesi
specialist rating
(Askeri) ERAT UZMANLIK DERECESİ, ERAT SANATKARLIK DERECESİ: Eskiden, ihtisas isteyen işleri gören altıncı veya yedinci derecedeki erata verilen derece
specialist rating
(Askeri) erat sanatkarlık derecesi
specialist reserve
(Askeri) UZMAN YEDEK SUBAYLIK: Yedek subay teşkilatının bir kısmı. Bu kısma dahil olan subaylar, bazı teknik mesleklerde kabiliyet ve ihtisas sahibidirler. Bunlar, tedarik işlerinde veya endüstri seferberliğinde belirli vazifelerde kullanılırlar
specialist reserve
(Askeri) uzman yedek subaylık
specialist school
(Askeri) UZMANLIK OKULU: Belirli bir muharip veya yardımcı sınıfa inhisar etmeyerek, subay ve erat sınıfına mensup herkese, herhangi bir konu üzerinde ihtisas mahiyetinde eğitim gösteren okul. SPECIALIST, SCIENTIFIC AND PROFESSIONAL AND LINGUISTIC PERSONNEL: UZMAN, BİLGİN, MESLEK SAHİBİ VE DİL BİLGİNİ PERSONEL: Askeri meslek ihtisasında bir karşılığı bulunan ve ordu için daimi bir ihtiyaç arz eden sivil meslek ve teknik ihtisasa sahip personel. Bu kategorilere dahil askeri meslek ihtisasları, genel olarak, uzun vadeli eğitime ihtiyaç gösteren yüksek derecede teknik bilgi ve melekeyi gerektirir
specialist tour operator
(Turizm) uzman tur operatörü
chief specialist
education specialist
(Askeri) eğitim uzmanı
encounter specialist
yargısız infazcı
import specialist
ithalat sorumlusu
mental specialist
occupational specialist
(Askeri) sanatkar er
vendor channel specialist
(Ticaret) iş ortağı kanal uzmanı
heart specialist
kalp uzmanı
medical specialist
tıp uzmanı
research specialist
Informatics Specialist
(Bilgisayar) Bilişim Uzmanı
Occupational Safety Specialist
(İmalat) İş Güvenliği Uzmanı
assessment specialist
değerleme uzmanı
human resources specialist
İnsan kaynakları uzmanı
information specialist
bilgi uzmanı
instructional systems specialist
öğretim sistemleri uzmanı
investment specialist
yatırım uzmanlığı
property valuation specialist
gayrimenkul değerleme uzmanlığı
public relation specialist
halkla ilişkiler uzmanı
regulatory affairs specialist
kıdemli ruhsatlandırma uzman

Polonyalı uzmanlar Afrika'da çalışıyorlar. - Polish specialists work in Africa.

subject specialist
Konu uzmanı
buying specialist
(Ticaret) satın alma uzmanı
bypassed specialist
(Askeri) KURS GÖRMEMİŞ UZMAN (HV. ): Daha önceki sivil veya askeri tecrübesine veya tahsiline ve ihtisas bilgi testini başarıyla bitirmesine dayanılarak 3 ncü seviye bir Hava Kuvvetleri ihtisası kazanmış havacı
career specialist
(Ticaret) kariyer uzmanı
contracting specialist
(Ticaret) sözleşme uzmanı
defensive specialist
(Spor) defans uzmanı
enlisted specialist
(Askeri) Uzman erbaş
enlisted specialist
(Askeri) UZMAN ER: İdari veya teknik ihtiyaçların, liderlik vasfının üstünde sayıldıkları bir mevkie, belirli idari veya teknik görevleri yerine getirmek üzere, E-4 veya daha yukarı maaş derecesiyle atanmış, erat sınıfına mensup şahıs
extended training service specialist
(Askeri) uzatılmış eğitim servisi uzmanı
food service specialist
(Askeri) İAŞE KONTROL UZMANI: İaşe hizmet programına nezarette ve program tatbikatında iaşe kontrol subayına yardım eden, erat sınıfına mensup şahıs. Buna "food service technician" da denir
forensic specialist
adli tıp uzmanı
internal specialist
internal specialist
dahiliye doktoru
joint specialty officer or joint specialist
(Askeri) müşterek mütehassıs subay veya müşterek uzman
key specialist
(Askeri) KİLİT UZMAN PERSONEL: Uzun süre eğitim görmek suretiyle bir iş üzerinde gelişmiş ve o iş için elzem olan personel
military specialist
(Askeri) UZMAN ER: Eğitim ve tecrübe esas tutularak, belirli askeri görevi başarmaya ehliyetli olarak derecelendirilmiş, er sınıfına mensup er
mis specialist
(Ticaret) mis uzmanı
occupational specialist
(Askeri) SANATKAR ER: Sivil hayatta kazanılmış belirli bir hüner, sanat, meslek veya özel bilgi sahibi olarak orduya giren er
purchase specialist
(Ticaret) satın alma sorumlusu
role specialist nation
(Askeri) rolün uzmanı ülke
service specialist
(Askeri) HİZMET UZMANI: Sivil bir ticari firmayı temsil eden ve özel mekanik teçhizat veya silahların bakım ve onarımına yardım etmek üzere, birliklere refakat eden sivil teknik uzman
{s} uzmanlık gerektiren
(sıfat) uzmanlık gerektiren
staff specialist
where is the nearest ear specialist
en yakın kulak uzmanı nerede
where is the nearest eye specialist
en yakın göz uzmanı nerede
where is the nearest throat specialist
en yakın boğaz uzmanı nerede
women's medical specialist corps
(Askeri) KADIN SIHHİ UZMANLAR SINIFI: ABD ordusunda; ordu sağlık başkanının tensip ettiği okullardan mezun olarak ordu hizmetine girmiş olan kadın subaylardan müteşekkil sınıf. Bunlar; diyetçilik, meşguliyetle tedavi ve fizik tedavisi olmak üzere üç ayrı ihtisas kolundan birine dahildir. WOMEN'S MEDICAL SPECIALIST CORPS RESERVE: KADIN SIHHİ UZMANLAR SINIFI İHTİYATI: Müşekkel ihtiyat teşkilatının kadın subaylardan mürekkep olan kısmı. Bunlar; diyet hemşireleri (dieticions), fizik tedavi uzmanları (physical therapist) ve meşguliyetle tedavi uzmanları (occupational therapist) tir
English - English
Someone who is an expert in, or devoted to, some specific branch of study or research
Any of several non-commissioned ranks corresponding to that of corporal
A physician whose practice is limited to a particular branch of medicine or surgery
One who devotes himself to some specialty; as, a medical specialist, one who devotes himself to diseases of particular parts of the body, as the eye, the ear, the nerves, etc
an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning
A species with a very narrow range of habitat or food requirements
is the person appointed in an organised social or commercial dance studio to introduce the dances and their basic steps to beginners During the introductory course the specialist plans a more complete dance programme for their pupils This course is based on the pupils dancing ability and tailored to suit their particular dance needs
A Physician who provides medical care in any generally accepted medical or surgical specialty or subspecialty
{s} characterized by adherence to a particular profession or field of study
A member of the New York Stock Exchange, Inc who has two functions: first, to maintain an orderly market insofar as reasonably practicable in the stocks in which he is registered as a specialist In order to maintain an orderly market, the exchange expects the specialist to buy or sell for his own account, to a reasonable degree, when there is a temporary disparity between supply and demand Second, the specialist acts as a broker's broker When a commission broker on the exchange floor receives a limit order, say, to buy at $50 a stock then selling at $60, he cannot wait at the post where the stock is traded to see if the price reaches the specified level So he leaves the order with the specialist, who will try to execute it in the market if and when the stock declines to the specified price At all times the specialist must put his customers' interests above his own There are about 350 specialists on the NYSE
A specialist is a person who has a particular skill or knows a lot about a particular subject. a specialist in diseases of the nervous system. = expert
A member of the New York Stock Exchange who has two primary functions: first, to maintain an orderly market in the securities registered to the specialist In order to maintain an orderly market, the exchange expects specialists to buy or sell for their own account, to a reasonable degree, when there is a temporary disparity between supply and demand Second, the specialist acts as a broker's broker When commission brokers on the exchange floor receive a limit order, say, to buy at $50 a stock then selling at $60 - they cannot wait at the post where the stock is traded to see if the price reaches the specified level They leave the order with a specialist, who will try to execute it in the market if and when the stock declines to the specified price At all times the specialists must put their customers' interests above their own
A species with a narrow range of environmental tolerance
Central to the New York Stock Exchange customer-driven system is the specialist Specialists manage the auction market in the specific securities allocated to them Specialist units are independent companies in corporate or partnership structures There are 27 firms employing approximately 460 specialists who specialize in more than 3,000 stocks Specialists conduct trading in equities across a range of industries The number of stocks traded by an individual specialist varies according to the total activity of the stocks Specialist firms distribute the activity to balance the workload for each specialist Most specialists manage between 5 and 10 stocks A specialist managing one of the most active issues would normally specialize in that stock and, perhaps one less active stock
Stock exchange member with the responsibility of ensuring an orderly market in the shares of a particular security traded on the exchange Often the specialist will buy or sell securities from its own account when orders from other investors cannot be evenly matched
An exchange member whose function it is to both make markets--buy and sell for his own account in the absence of public orders--and to keep the book of public orders Most stock exchanges and some option exchanges utilize the specialist system of trading
Physician, dentist, or other healthcare professional, usually with special advanced education and training
On an exchange, the member firm that is designated as the market maker (or dealer for a listed common stock) Only one specialist can be designated for a given stock, but dealers may be specialists for several stocks In contrast, there can be multiple market makers in the O T C market This member of a stock exchange who maintains a "fair and orderly market" in one or more securities Major functions include executing limit orders on behalf of other exchange members for a portion of the floor broker's commission, and buying or selling for his own account to counteract temporary imbalances in supply and demand and thus prevent wide swings in stock prices
Those who provide the best bid and asked prices on the options floors of the American Stock Exchange and the Philadelphia Stock Exchange Specialists typically do not compete with each other, but rather focus on certain underlying stocks' options
practices one branch of medicine
A healthcare professional whose practice is limited to a certain branch of medicine, specific procedures, certain age categories of patients, specific body systems, or certain types of diseases 28
Member of a stock exchange who executes limit orders for one or more securities on behalf of other exchange members (who pay the specialist a commission), and who is charged with helping maintain an orderly market In this second capacity, a specialist acts as a dealer, buying and selling securities to maintain a balance between supply and demand
an expert who is devoted to one occupation or branch of learning practices one branch of medicine
Organism which has adopted a lifestyle specific to a particular set of conditions Contrast with generalist
A stock exchange member who is designated to maintain a fair and orderly market in a specific stock The specialist's job is to prevent imbalances in supply and demand for his assigned security If a broker wants to buy a stock but there are no offers to sell it, the specialist fills the order himself by selling shares from his own account And vice versa if a broker wants to sell but no one wants to buy, the specialist buys the shares A specialist is also known as a market maker BACK TO TOP
{i} one who limits himself to a particular profession or field of study; physician who specializes in a particular branch of medicine; enlisted person having specific expertise and ranking above private (U.S. Military)
A species with a very narrow range in habitat or food requirements For example, the Marbled Murrelet nests in old-growth forests on thick branches high up in the forest canopy
A member of a US stock exchange who holds an exclusive franchise to trade in one or more securities on the exchange floor The specialist in return is obliged to maintain a fair and orderly market in the stocks in which he or she is registered
A doctor or other health professional whose training and expertise are in a specific area of medicine, like cardiology or dermatology Most HMOs require members to get a referral from their primary care physician before seeing a specialist
single person responsible for all trades on a single stock NYSE and AMEX use specialists
A member of a stock exchange through which all trades in a given security pass
A medical doctor who specializes in a specific area of medicine, for example cardiology or gynecology
any of several noncommissioned ranks corresponding to that of corporal
Trader on the floor of the NYSE who is in charge of maintaining a fair and orderly trading in a stock Each NYSE stock has a specialist assigned to it Specialists are required to utilize their inventories when there is an imbalance of buyers and sellers but they can also trade for their own account Here is NYSE's own description of the role of specialists
A physician who has special experience and expertise in a portion of the medical field In most instances specific credentials, including residency placement and board certification must be acquired in order to qualify as a specialist
left-handed specialist
A left-handed relief pitcher who specializes in getting left-handed or poor right-handed switch batters out
procurement specialist
A procurement manager, also known as a purchasing manager or procurement specialist, is a person who is in charge of getting anything a company might need
validation specialist
Somebody who designs or plans protocols for equipment or processes to produce products meeting internal and external purity, safety, and quality requirements
document forgery specialist
expert at creating counterfeit documents
ear nose & throat specialist
doctor specializing in the treatment of disorders related to the upper respiratory system (ear, nose and throat)
ear-nose-throat specialist
doctor specializing in the treatment of disorders related to the ears nose and throat (upper respiratory system)
eye specialist
eye doctor, ophthalmologist, one who specializes in the treatment of the eye and its diseases
of or related to or characteristic of specialists
showing focused training; "specialist training"
plural of specialist
A member of the New York Stock Exchange that is permitted to trade for its own account in order to create more orderly markets
Doctors whose practices are limited to treating a specific disease (i e oncologists treat patients with cancer), specific parts of the body (i e otolaryngologists treat ear, nose and throat problems), a specific age group (i e pediatricians treat children), or specific procedures (i e oral surgeons perform specific surgeries)
Specialist firms are those securities firms which hold seats on national securities exchanges and are charged with maintaining orderly markets in the securities in which they have exclusive franchises They buy securities from investors who want to sell and sell when investors want to buy
are doctors who have extra qualifications in one or more clinical areas of practice Some examples of specialists are gynaecologists, ophthalmologists and neurosurgeons
- are doctors who have extra qualifications in one or more clinical areas of practice Some examples of specialists are gynaecologists, ophthalmologists and neurosurgeons