
listen to the pronunciation of sorry
English - Turkish

Üzgünüm, seni seviyorum. - I'm sorry, I love you.

Geç kaldığım için üzgünüm. - Sorry for being late.


Afedersiniz. Sizi rahatsız etmek istememiştim. - Sorry. I didn't mean to bother you.


Afedersiniz. Sizi rahatsız etmek istememiştim. - Sorry. I didn't mean to bother you.

Afedersin, ama bana biraz yardım edemez misin? - Sorry, but can't you help me a little?


Geç kaldığım için üzgünüm. - Sorry for being late.

Üzgünüm, seni seviyorum. - I'm sorry, I love you.


Maalesef babam burada değil. - I'm sorry, my father's not here.

Err! Maalesef, hatalısın! - Err! Sorry, you are incorrect!

(Bilgisayar) pardon
esef etmek
{s} saçma
{s} sudan

Berbat Fransızcam için özür dilerim. Ben hala başlangıç düzeyindeyim. - I'm sorry for my terrible French. I'm still a beginner.

üzgün olmak

Üzgün olmaktansa güvende olmak daha iyi. - It's better to be safe than sorry.

Üzgün olmaktansa güvende olmayı tercih ederim. - I'd rather be safe than sorry.


Tom Mary'ye acıdığını söyledi. - Tom said he felt sorry for Mary.

Neden olduğum acı için çok üzgünüm. - I'm very sorry for the pain I caused.

(Bilgisayar) üzgünüz

Size yardım edemediğimiz için üzgünüz. - We're sorry we weren't able to help you.

Siparişiniz zarar gördüğü için çok üzgünüz. - We are very sorry that your order was damaged.

müteessir olmak

Onun için üzülmekten başka bir şey yapamıyorum. - I cannot but feel sorry for him.

Onun için üzülmekten kendimi alamadım. - I could not help feeling sorry for him.


Affedersiniz ama bu sipariş ettiğim şey değil. - Sorry, but that's not what I ordered.

Affedersiniz, adınızı unuttum. - I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name.


Sen ve Tom hakkında böylesine kötü şeyler söylediğime üzgünüm. - I'm sorry that I said such mean things about you and Tom.

Kusura bakma, açıklama yapma konusunda kötüyüm. - Sorry, I'm bad at explaining.


Üzgünüm efendim. Tamam, ama tekrar yok - I'm sorry, Sir. Alright. But no repeats.

Üzgünüm efendim. Bir hata olmuş olmalı. - I'm sorry, sir. There must have been some mistake.

özür dilerim

Kestiğim için özür dilerim. - Sorry for the interruption.

Öyle kaba olduğum için özür dilerim. - I'm sorry I was so rude.

{s} acınacak halde
{s} üzüntülü

Tom üzüntülü olduğunu söyledi. - Tom said he was sorry.

Tom üzüntülü olduğunu söyledi. - Tom said that he's sorry.

{s} zavallı

Zavallı Tom! Senin için üzülüyorum! - Poor Tom, I'm sorry for you.

Tom için kendimi çok üzgün hissediyorum, zavallı adamcağız. - I feel very sorry for Tom, poor fellow.


Tom'la evlenirsen, pişman olursun. - If you marry Tom, you'll be sorry.

Yaptığım şeyden pişmanım. - I'm sorry for what I've done.

be sorry
sorry for
sorry for

Onun için üzülmekten kendimi alamadım. - I couldn't help feeling sorry for him.

Onun için üzülmekten kendimi alamadım. - I could not help feeling sorry for him.

sorry for
sorry to
üzgün ol
sorry to
üzgün olmak
sorry to hear what happened
geçmiş olsun
sorry ass
(Argo) İşe yaramaz, kalitesiz mal ya da kişi
sorry for the inconvinience
verilen rahatsızlıktan dolayı özür dileriz
sorry of
üzgün ve
sorry excuse
sudan bahane
sorry excuse
saçma özür
sorry for the inconvenience
zahmet oldu
sorry for the inconvenience
sana da zahmet oldu
sorry for the trouble
sana da zahmet oldu
sorry for the trouble
zahmet oldu
sorry pickle
zor durum
sorry, currently we have no rooms
şu anda odamız yok maalesef
sorry, i can't come
üzgünüm gelemem
sorry, i don't have any time
üzgünüm hiç vaktim yok
sorry, it's a prescription drug
üzgünüm bu reçeteli ilaç
sorry, my fault
özür dilerim, benim hatam
sorry, we are closed
üzgünüm kapaliyiz
sorry, we don't accept credit cards
üzgünüm kredi kartı kabul etmiyoruz
be sorry
özür dilemek
I am sorry
I am sorry
be sorry
1. üzülmek, üzgün olmak: "Yusuf died." "I'm sorry." "Yusuf öldü." "Üzüldüm." I was sorry to see her go. Gittiğine üzüldüm. I'm sorry I've
feel sorry for
i am sorry
başın sağolsun
i am sorry

Onu işittiğime üzüldüm. - I am sorry to hear that.

i am sorry
başınız sağolsun
i'm sorry

Üzgünüm, seni seviyorum. - I'm sorry, I love you.

Geç kaldığım için üzgünüm. - I'm sorry to be late.

be sorry
üzgün olmak
be sorry
esef etmek
be sorry for
be sorry for
be sorry for
-e acımak
feel sorry
pişman olmak
feel sorry for
-e acımak
feel sorry for somebody
i'm sorry

Affedersiniz fakat söylediğinizi anlamadım. - I'm sorry, but I didn't catch what you said.

Affedersiniz, adınızı unuttum. - I'm sorry, I've forgotten your name.

to be sorry
to be sorry
üzgün olmak
to be sorry for
be sorry for
üzgün olmak
be sorry for
feel sorry
feel sorry
yazığı gelmek
feel sorry
için üzülmek

Onun için üzülmekten başka bir şey yapamıyorum. - I cannot but feel sorry for him.

feel sorry for
için üzülmek

Onun için üzülmekten başka bir şey yapamıyorum. - I cannot but feel sorry for him.

i'm sorry
I should like ...: I should like to tell you I´m sorry
Senden özür dilemek istiyorum. İ´d like to buy a novel. Roman almak istiyorum
be sorry
better safe than sorry
daha üzgün daha güvenli
feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about
için pişmanlık hissediyorum; için üzülüyorum; pişman olmak hakkında
feel sorry
feel sorry
feel sorry

Tom için gerçekten üzgünüm. - I really do feel sorry for Tom.

feel sorry
feel sorry
(for) (-e) acımak, için üzülmek
feeling sorry for
üzgünüm için duygu
Üzgün olarak, üzgün bir halde
terribly sorry
Çok üzgünüm
the sorry
we are extremely sorry
biz çok üzgünüz
you'll be sorry
üzgün olacağım
I am sorry

Onunla gidemediğim için üzgünüm. - I am sorry that I could not go with her.

Üzgünüm, gitmek zorundayım. - I am sorry, I've got to go.

I am sorry
be in a sorry pickle
zor durumda olmak
be in a sorry pickle
perişan halde olmak
be sorry for
be sorry for
üzgün olmak (için)
be sorry for
pişman olmak
be/feel sorry for
-e acımak: I feel sorry for those who work there. Orada çalışanlara acıyorum
i am sorry to have kept you waiting
sizi beklettiğim için özür dilerim
i'm sorry to discomfort you
sana da zahmet oldu
i'm sorry to discomfort you
zahmet oldu
i'm sorry to trouble you
sana da zahmet oldu
i'm sorry to trouble you
zahmet oldu
i'm sorry, all tables are taken now
üzgünüm tüm masalar dolu
i'm sorry, but it is the last one
üzgünüm bu sonuncusu
i'm sorry, i didn't catch you
özür dilerim
i'm sorry, this isn't my signature
pardon bu benim imzam degil
i'm sorry, you have the wrong number
pardonyanlis numarayi çevirdiniz
make sorry show
başarısız olmak
make sorry show
kötü iş çıkarmak
make sorry show
very sorry
bin pişman olmak
English - English
Used as a request for someone to repeat something not heard or understood clearly

Sorry? What was that? The phone cut out.

Expresses regret, remorse, or sorrow

Sorry! I didn't see that you were on the phone.

The act of saying sorry; an apology

So learn how to tailor your sorries to the sexes. Women tend to want an acknowledgment of what they're going through.

Regretful for an action; grieved or saddened, especially by the loss of something or someone

I am sorry to hear of your uncle's death.

Poor, sad or regrettable

The storm left his garden in a sorry state.

{a} grieved, uneasy, poor, vile worthless
bad; unfortunate; "my finances were in a deplorable state"; "a lamentable decision"; "her clothes were in sad shape"; "a sorry state of affairs"
better safe than sorry: see safe
disapproval You say that someone is feeling sorry for themselves when you disapprove of the fact that they keep thinking unhappily about their problems, rather than trying to be cheerful and positive. What he must not do is to sit around at home feeling sorry for himself
If you feel sorry for someone who is unhappy or in an unpleasant situation, you feel sympathy and sadness for them. I felt sorry for him and his colleagues -- it must have been so frustrating for them I am very sorry for the family
keenly sorry or regretful; "felt bad about letting the team down"; "was sorry that she had treated him so badly"; "felt bad about breaking the vase"
Grieved for the loss of some good; pained for some evil; feeling regret; now generally used to express light grief or affliction, but formerly often used to express deeper feeling
depressing in character or appearance; "drove through dingy streets"; "the dismal prison twilight"- Charles Dickens; "drab old buildings"; "a dreary mining town"; "gloomy tenements"; "sorry routine that follows on the heels of death"- B A Williams
feeling or expressing pain or sorrow for sins or offenses
Melancholy; dismal; gloomy; mournful
{s} regretful, remorseful, distressed, apologetic; causing sorrow, causing grief; miserable, wretched; pitiful, contemptible
without merit; "a sorry horse"; "a sorry excuse"; "a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick"; "the car was a no-good piece of junk"
feelings You use the expression I'm sorry to say to express regret together with disappointment or disapproval. I've only done half of it, I'm sorry to say This, I am sorry to say, is almost entirely wishful thinking
formulae You say `Sorry?' when you have not heard something that someone has said and you want them to repeat it. = pardon, excuse me
You use sorry when you correct yourself and use different words to say what you have just said, especially when what you say the second time does not use the words you would normally choose to use. Barcelona will be hoping to bring the trophy back to Spain -- sorry, Catalonia -- for the first time
Poor; mean; worthless; as, a sorry excuse
feelings You say `I'm sorry' to express your regret and sadness when you hear sad or unpleasant news. I've heard about Mollie -- I'm so sorry `I'm afraid he's ill.' --- `I'm sorry to hear that.'
Possessing sorrow or regret
having regret or sorrow or a sense of loss over something done or undone; "felt regretful over his vanished youth"; "regretful over mistakes she had made"
You use I'm sorry or sorry as an introduction when you are telling a person something that you do not think they will want to hear, for example when you are disagreeing with them or giving them bad news. No, I'm sorry, I can't agree with you `I'm sorry,' he told the real estate agent, `but we really must go now.' Sorry -- no baths after ten o'clock I'm sorry to have to tell you that Janet West is dead
formulae You say `Sorry' or `I'm sorry' as a way of apologizing to someone for something that you have done which has upset them or caused them difficulties, or when you bump into them accidentally. `We're all talking at the same time.' --- `Yeah. Sorry.' Sorry I took so long Sorry for barging in like this I'm really sorry if I said anything wrong I'm sorry to call so late, but I need a favour The next morning she came into my room and said she was sorry
feeling or expressing sorrow or pity; "a pitying observer threw his coat around her shoulders"; "let him perish without a pitying thought of ours wasted upon him"- Thomas De Quincey
If someone or something is in a sorry state, they are in a bad state, mentally or physically. The fire left Kuwait's oil industry in a sorry state
If you are sorry about a situation, you feel regret, sadness, or disappointment about it. She was very sorry about all the trouble she'd caused I'm sorry about what's happened I'm sorry he's gone He was sorry to see them go
sorry ass
(Argo) Term used to show poor quality of something/someone
sorry about it
regret it, feel badly because of it
sorry could not resist
I apologize but I couldn't help myself
sorry excuse
poor excuse, bad excuse, poor reason for not doing something
better safe than sorry
It is preferable to be cautious in one's choices and actions than to suffer afterwards
it's too late for sorry
An expression of anger or disgust uttered toward someone who offers an apology after causing a situation to go very wrong, a great deal of damage or emotional pain resulted and no amount of repentance can remedy the situation

The grieving mother who lost her daughter in an accident told the drunk driver It's too late for sorry! after he tried to apologize.

An experience that elicits feelings of both joy and sorrow
{a} meanly, poorly, wretchedly, badly
{n} meanness, wretchedness, badness
I am sorry
I regret, I feel sorrow, excuse me
You'll Be Sorry
you will regret it, YBS (Internet chat slang)
better safe than sorry
it's better to be cautious than to regret it later
feel sorry for
have pity towards, show mercy towards
feeling sorry
regret, sorrow, pity
felt sorry for
pitied, sympathized with, empathized with
felt sorry for him
pitied him
felt sorry for himself
pitied himself
neither sick nor sorry
does not care, is not regretful, has no remorse
comparative of sorry
superlative of sorry
In a sorry manner
with remorse, remorsefully
In a sorry manner; poorly
The property of being sorry
The quality or state of being sorry
{i} regret, remorsefulness
terribly sorry
very sorry, extremely sorry; beg your pardon
to be awfully sorry
feel very badly about, regret deeply
was sorry
regretted, felt sorrow