sonata form

listen to the pronunciation of sonata form
English - English
A form of classical music consisting of a single movement divided into three main sections, namely - the exposition (in the tonic and then another key), development (modulating in different keys) and recapitulation (returning to the tonic), sometimes followed by a coda
A form of a movement consisting of three sections, the exposition, development, and recapitulation, often followed by a coda. or sonata-allegro form Form of most first movements and often other movements in musical genres such as the symphony, concerto, string quartet, and sonata. The three parts of sonata form evolved from the binary, or two-part, form prominent in the music of the 17th and early 18th centuries. In sonata form the first part, or exposition, presents the basic thematic material of the movement, which is often divided into two thematic groups, the second being in the dominant key or if the movement is in a minor key in the relative major key. The second section, or development, generally treats the earlier themes freely, often moving to various different keys. It leads to the final section, or recapitulation, when the tonic key returns and all the thematic material is repeated in the tonic. Sonata form was the most common form for instrumental works in Western art music from 1760 to the early 20th century
One of the important forms found in the classical era Sonata form, usually found as the first movement of symphonies, sonatas and other instrumental genres, is a kind of expanded rounded binary form The main sections of the sonata form are
A structure that composers from the classic era and since have commonly used for the first movement of a sonata, symphony, concerto, or string quartet (or other similar chamber music music work) It includes three main sections: the exposition, development, and recapitulation and often begins with an introduction and ends with a coda The exposition has two theme areas in contrasting keys The development is based on material from the exposition The recapitulation is a return to previous material stated in the exposition
a musical form having 3 sections -- exposition and development and recapitulation; characteristic of 1st movement of a sonata or symphony
A structural form for instrumental music that employs exposition, development, and recapitulation as its major divisions
sonata form


    so·na·ta form

    Turkish pronunciation

    sınätı fôrm


    /səˈnätə ˈfôrm/ /səˈnɑːtə ˈfɔːrm/