software that has been illegally copied from copyrighted material

listen to the pronunciation of software that has been illegally copied from copyrighted material
English - English
piratical software
software that has been illegally copied from copyrighted material


    soft·ware that has been il·le·gal·ly cop·ied from co·py·right·ed ma·te·ri·al

    Turkish pronunciation

    sôftwer dhıt hız bın îligıli käpid fırm käpiraytîd mıtîriıl


    /ˈsôftˌwer ᴛʜət həz bən əˈlēgəlē ˈkäpēd fərm ˈkäpēˌrītəd məˈtərēəl/ /ˈsɔːftˌwɛr ðət həz bən ɪˈliːɡəliː ˈkɑːpiːd fɜrm ˈkɑːpiːˌraɪtɪd məˈtɪriːəl/