
listen to the pronunciation of snaffling
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Definition of snaffling in English English dictionary

to put on, or control with, a snaffle
to purloin, or obtain by devious means
to grab or seize; to snap up
A broad-mouthed, loose-ringed bit (metal in a horse's mouth). It brings pressure to bear on the tongue and bars and corners of the mouth. Often used as a training bit

Captain went out in the cab all the morning. Harry came in after school to feed me and give me water. In the afternoon I was put into the cab. Jerry took as much pains to see if the collar and bridle fitted comfortably as if he had been John Manly over again. When the crupper was let out a hole or two it all fitted well. There was no check-rein, no curb, nothing but a plain ring snaffle. What a blessing that was!.

{n} a bridle that crosses the nose
{v} to bridle
To put a snaffle in the mouth of; to subject to the snaffle; to bridle
get hold of or seize quickly and easily; "I snapped up all the good buys during the garage sale"
a simple jointed bit for a horse; without a curb fit or restrain with a snaffle; "snaffle a horse
to purloin, or obtain by devious means (inf)
fit or restrain with a snaffle; "snaffle a horse"
{f} restrain a horse with a snaffle bit; steal, pilfer (British Slang)
If you snaffle something, you take it for yourself. Michael Stich then proceeded to snaffle the $2 million first prize. to take something quickly, especially before anyone else has had the time or the chance to do this = grab
to grab or sieze; to snap up
A snaffle is an object consisting of two short joined bars of metal that is put in a horse's mouth and attached to the straps that the rider uses to control the horse
{i} snaffle bit, bit made up of two pieces jointed in the middle
A kind of bridle bit, having a joint in the part to be placed in the mouth, and rings and cheek pieces at the ends, but having no curb; called also snaffle bit
A type of non-leverage bit used on a bridle of a horse, consisting of a mouthpiece and rings on either side. The mouth piece may be jointed or one piece
a simple jointed bit for a horse; without a curb