
listen to the pronunciation of smileys
English - Turkish
İrc de duygunuzu anlatmaya yarayan işaretler topluluğuna verilen ad. Örnek : : )) Gülme : (( Üzgünüm vb
English - English
Simple symbols used to convey emotional content They are also sometimes (a bit more pompously) known as emoticons Typical examples are : ) (a smiling face), ;) (a winking face), and : ( (a frowning face) They are properly viewed sideways
alphanumeric and punctuation characters used to represent facial expressions Used to indicate tone of voice, emotion, or state of mind To see, tilt your head to the left See how : - becomes a smiling face? Very corny
Same as emoticons Space saving way to express a feeling
Because there is no "body language" in text The internet developed a graphical solution to solve this problem e g :
Collection of characters meant to replace body language, intonation, and physical presence Examples: ;-), : -), : -( SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol The -> protocol used on the -> Internet to transfer mail Your -> Email -> client uses SMTP to send mail SNAIL MAIL The standard name on the Internet for paper mail because -> Email is much faster SPAMMING The act of sending hundreds of inappropriate postings to -> newsgroups, -> mailing lists and individuals
(Also known as Emoticons) Faces made using keyboard symbols to liven up E-Mail messages, IRC chats and Usenet newsgroup postings To see a complete listing, click here: Smiley List
plural of smiley
Little symbols in a message meant to be viewed sideways, such as : ) (happy), : -( (sad), : -
Collection of characters meant to totally replace body language, intonation and complete physical presence For example a happy face : -) and a sad face : -(
Concept: text symbols to indicate humour in e-mail-read them sideways, eg
) If you look at these marks sideways, they look like faces Smileys are fun to create, and can make e-mail messages seem friendlier Try these: : -) happy : D very happy : -{ sad ;) winking 8-] glasses {: -{ worried : O surprised : -\ confused
Another word for emoticons They are collections of characters meant to totally replace body language, intonation, and complete physical presence You may have to tilt your head to the side to see that : ) is a smile or 8) is a smile from someone wearing glasses
See: Emoticons
A shorthand technique developed by web users to express emotions in email messages by using punctuation marks For example : - viewed sideways
Characters often used in News messages, E-mails and on Web Pages to offer some degree of character or emotion Example : -
A simplified representation of a smiling face
An improvised street weapon consisting of a length of chain with padlocks and other heavy objects affixed to one end
Having one's throat slit from side to side
A sequence of keyboard characters used to represent a person's mood or emotion, especially : ) or : -) or other smiling depiction
face formed from keyboard characters, used to indicate emotions in e-mail and netnews The original is: : - signifying humor or happiness
A combination of symbols designed to indicate the true intent or emotional state of the author The classic smiley is the sideways happy face : - Smileys are fine in moderation, but overusing them not only indicates that your writing isn't as clear as it could be, but it also brands you as a newbie
Smileys are used to smile in text-only e-mail messages They are usually composed of a semi-colon, a dash, and a right-hand bracket, like this: ;-
typed symbols of expression, like a smiley face; tilt your head sideways to the left to see it; also called emoticons
Expressive marks or figures added in text and read sideways ex: : -) or {: -(
A combination of keyboard characters that portray emotions like : -) for a smile or : -( for a frown Also called an emoticon
Smiling faces used in mail and news to indicated humor and irony The most common smiley is :
"Art" form composed of punctuation Sometimes used in E-mail or usenet news postings to reduce ambiguity or to entertain Examples include the plain smiley, ": -)", the winking smiley, ";-)", etc See also Emoticon
The use punctuation marks to show feelings and emotions For example, a smiley face is : ), and a sad face would be : (
The use of punctuation marks and other symbols or characters to portray moods when typing, especially in email messages and IRC Here's an example of a simple smiley: : ) If you don't see it, tilt your head to the left and look at it The colon makes the eyes and the parenthesis makes the smiley mouth The smile means happiness (like if someone says something funny) or it often denotes sarcasm Other combinations of characters can express many other emotions You may also hear them referred to as emoticons
{i} circle containing two dots for eyes and an upturned curve representing a smiling mouth (often appears as a yellow circle); face made of ASCII characters which expresses emotion (Computers)
Semi-circular black mark appearing on a race car's bodywork after contact with another car's tire, also known as a donut
Manipulating the limited potential of keyboard characters to show goodwill, irony, or other emotions with a "smiley face " Known as "emoticons," there are a number of these text-based effects used on the Net For example, : -)means smiley and : -( displays anger
A set of characters that looks like a face if you turn it sideways Used in E-mail messages which only allow text For example Frown : -( Smile : -) Wink ;-)
The use of punctuation marks and other symbols or characters to portray moods when typing
A sequence of characters, usually found in an e-mail message, that indicates humorous intent The three-character sequence : - is especially popular because it resembles a smiling face turned sideways
A name given to a small set of characters that are intended to represent a form of non-verbal communication Thus a happy face is represented as : - [week 2]
Cheerful and happy; smiling
an emoticon of a smiling face
n See emoticon
Evoking memories of that glory decade of American culture, the 1970s, this text version of a smile or "Happy Face" allows people to express positive emotions in their e-mail or newsgroup postings
A smiling face charter made by joining ASCII characters together Used to express emotions over the Internet
A symbol in e-mail and newsgroup messages used to convey emotion, or simply amusement Create smileys by typing various keyboard characters For example, : - means happiness See also, Emoticon
A sequence of keyboard characters used to represent a persons mood or emotion, especially : ) or : -) or other smiling depiction
Since you can't use voice inflection when you communicate with people online, people use smileys as a way to add emotion to their words : - If you look at it sideways you can see the smile Also called emoticons
Character combinations such as : -) to denote whether a message is being made in jest with various modifications thereof ;-) to wink, etc Also called emoticons, since not all are smiling %-(
A face on it's side, smiling It lets the reader know that you mean your comments to be humorous Remind people that you are being funny--they may take your words seriously if you don't
The use of punctuation marks and other symbols or characters to protray moods when typing, especially in email messages and IRC Here's an example of a simple smiley : ) If you don't see it, tilt your head to the left and look at it Teh colon makes the eyes and the parenthesis makes the smiley mouth The smiles means happiness (like if someone says something funny) or it often denotes sarcasm Other combinations of characters can express many other emotions you may also hear them referred to as "emoticons "
Having ones throat slit from side to side
The use of punctuation marks and other symbols or characters to portray moods when typing, especially in e-mail messages and IRC Here's an example of a simple smiley: :) If you don't see it, tilt your head to the left and look at it The colon makes the eyes and the parenthesis makes the smiley mouth The smile means happiness (like if someone says something funny) or it often denotes sarcasm Other combinations of characters can express many other emotions You may also hear them referred to as emoticons
1. A smiley person smiles a lot or is smiling. is a smiley showing happiness. = emoticon. a sign that looks like a face when you look at it sideways, for example : -, used in email messages to show that you are happy or pleased about something