
listen to the pronunciation of signal
English - Turkish
{f} sinyâl vermek

İşaretim için beklemede kalın. - Stand by for my signal.

O, benim onu izlemem gerektiğinin işaretini verdi. - He signaled that I should follow him.


Tom çoğunlukla dönüş sinyalini kullanmayı unutur. - Tom often forgets to use his turn signal.

O, ona karışık sinyaller verdi. - She gave him mixed signals.

{s} sinyâl

O,verdiğim sinyale cevap verdi. - He responded to the signal I gave.

O, ona karışık sinyaller verdi. - She gave him mixed signals.

{f} işaret etmek
{s} göze çarpan
Signal Corps işaret alayı
(Tıp) sıgnal

Tom'un büyükbabası orduda bir muhabere subayıydı. - Tom's grandfather was a signal officer in the army.

dikkati çeken
(Denizbilim) belirteç
dikkate değer
işaret vermek
işaretle bildirmek
sinyal,v.sinyal ver: n.sinyal
işaretle verilen emir
{i} işaret; sinyal: signal flag işaret flaması. signal flare işaret fişeği
storm signa
belirten herhangi bir şey
sinyal im
{s} muhabere

Tom'un dedesi kara muhabere subayıydı. - Tom's grandfather was a signal officer in the army.

{f} işaret etmek; işaret vermek: With a
{s} dikkat çekici
içinde işaret cihazı bulunan kulübe
{f} bildirmek
işaret etme
{i} uyarı işareti
(Askeri) SİNYAL, MUHABERE: 1. Elektronikte, gönderilmiş herhangi bir elektriki impals. 2. Sinyal; harekat açısından; metni, anlamları, önceden tespit edilmiş bir veya daha çok harfi kelime, muhabere flamaları, göze hitap eden işaretler veya özel seslerden ibaret ve görerek, sesle ya da elektrikli araçlarla gönderilen mesaj tipi
signal axis
(Askeri) muhabere mihveri
signal box
kontrol kulesi
signal cartridge (flare)
(Askeri) işaret fişeği
signal flare
işaret fişeği
signal jammer
(Elektrik, Elektronik) sinyal bozucu
signal lamp
(Askeri) işaret feneri
signal lamp
(Otomotiv) sinyal lambası
signal lamps
(Otomotiv) sinyal lambası
signal return
sinyal dönüşü
signal system
sinyal sistemi
signal system
(Askeri) muhabere sistemi
signal theory
sinyal teorisi
signal tower
manevra kulesi
signal box
manevra kulesi
signal box
işaret kulesi
signal fire
uyarı ateşi
signal flag
işaret flaması
signal generator
sinyal üreteci
signal generator board
sinyal üreteç paneli
signal level
sinyal düzeyi
signal light
sinyal lambası
signal light
uyarı ışığı
signal post
işaret direği
signal processing
sinyal işleme
signal to stop
durma sinyali ver
signal tower
kumanda kulesi
signal with flags
bayraklarla işaret ver
signal distance
sinyal uzaklığı
signal normalization
işaret normalleştirme, işaret düzeltimi
signal output current
sinyal çıkış akımı
signal plate
sinyal plakası
signal reshaping
işaret düzeltimi
signal shaping
sinyal biçimlendirme, sinyal düzenleme
signal standardization
işaret standartlaştırma
signal station
işaret istasyonu
signal to
signal wave
sinyal dalgası
signal windings
sinyal sargıları
signal word
İşaret sözcüğü; uyarı sözcüğü
signal analysis
sinyal (isaret) cozumleme
signal area
(Askeri) sinyal bölgesi
signal area
(Askeri,Havacılık) işaret sahası
signal area
(Askeri) SİNYAL BÖLGESİ: Havaalanı üzerinde yer sinyallerinin teşhiri için kullanılan bir saha
signal axis
(Askeri) MUHABERE MİHVERİ: Üzerinde, kıta intikali süresince bir birliğin ilk ve muhtemel müteakip komuta yerlerinin bulunduğu hat veya yol. Arazide, muharebe birliklerini ve muharebe birliklerinden geriye mesajların gönderildiği ana yol
signal beacon
işaret sinyali
signal beacon
uyarı ateşi
signal bomb
(Askeri) işaret bombası
signal book
işaret kodları kitabı
signal box
demiryolu işaret kulesi
signal bus
sinyal barası
signal center
(Askeri) MUHABERE MERKEZİ: Kara Ordusu tarafından sahrada işletilen ve haberleşme merkezlerinden telefon santral merkezi ve ilgili muhabere haberleşme araçlarının bulunduğu kombine muhabere haberleşme tesisleri
signal centre
(Askeri) muhabere merkezi
signal code
işaret kodu
signal code
sinyâl işareti
signal communication agency
(Askeri) MUHABERE BÜROSU: Bir muhabere tesisini işletmek için lüzumlu bütün personel ve malzemeyi ihtiva eden büro. Bir muhabere bürosunda, bir veya birkaç muhabere vasıtası bulunabilir. Örneğin; bir haber merkezi (message center) gibi
signal communications
(Askeri) MUHABERE İRTİBATI: Mesajları, direkt konuşma ve haberci dışında açık veya kapalı metinler halinde gönderme vasıtası
signal communications
işaretlerle haberleşme
signal communications
işaretle haberleşme
signal comparator
sinyal karsilastirici
signal components
sinyal bilesenleri
signal conditioning
sinyal  (isaret) iyilestirme
signal constellation
sinyal  (isaret) yildizkumesi
signal converter
sinyal  (isaret) cevirgeci
signal corps
(Askeri) muhabere teşkilatı
signal corps
muhabere sınıfı
signal corps
(Askeri) MUHABERE SINIFI, MUHABERE TEŞKİLATI: Muhabere vasıtalarının geliştirilmesi, temini, bakımı ve işletilmesi dahil olmak üzere, Ordu'da askeri muhabere işleriyle görevli sınıf
signal corps
muhabere birliği
signal corps school
(Askeri) MUHABERE OKULU: Muhabere teknik ve taktiği üzerinde eğitim yapan sınıf okulu. Bu okul, muhabere uzman eratını ve muhabere teşkilatında vazife alacak subayları yetiştirir
signal element
sinyal (isaret) o¤esi
signal face
ışıklı cephe
signal flag
(Askeri) MUHABERE FLAMASI: Mors kod sisteminde veya semafor kod sisteminde kullanılan flama
signal flag
(Askeri) muhabere flaması
signal flare
(Askeri) İŞARET FİŞEĞİ: Yerden veya uçaktan atılan ve belirli bir kod sistemine göre anlam taşıyan, seçilmesi kolay bir renge ve evsafa sahip işaret fişeği
signal flow
işaret akışı
signal flow graph
sinyal  (isaret) akis cizgesi
signal gradient
(Nükleer Bilimler) sinyal gradyantı
signal ground
(Askeri) sinyal topraklaması
signal head
sinyal başlığı
signal horn
(Askeri) işaret düdüğü
signal horn
(Askeri) sinyal düdüğü
signal intelligence
(Askeri) MUHABERE İSTİHBARATI: Haberleşme istihbaratı ile elektronik istihbaratı içine alan genel bir terim. Bak. "intelligence"
signal intelligence
(Askeri) Muhabere İstihbaratı
signal interference ratio
(SİR) sinyal  (isaret) karisma orani
signal inversion
sinyal  (isaret) evirme
signal lamp
(Askeri) İŞARET FENERİ: Bir koda göre yakıp söndürmek suretiyle işaret vermede kullanılan fener
signal letters
(Askeri) MUHABERE HARFLERİ: Bak. international "call sign". "signal operation instructions" - Muhabere işletme talimatları; bir komutanlık dahilindeki muhabere irtibatlarını kontrol ve koordine maksadıyla yayımlanmış seri halinde emirler. Deniz Piyadesinde buna "designated communication operation instructions" denmektedir
signal lost
(Bilgisayar) sinyal kayıp
signal mast
sinyal direği
signal not of interest
(Askeri) ilgi alaında olmayan sinyal
signal of interest; signal operating instructions; space object identification
(Askeri) ilgi işareti; muhabere işletme talimatları; uzayda cisimlerin teşhisi
signal officer
(Askeri) MUHABERE ŞUBESİ MÜDÜRÜ: Muhabere işlerinde uzman olan, tümen ve daha büyük birliklerin karargahlarında muhabere işlerinden sorumlu bulunan subay
signal officer
muhabere subayı
signal officer
signal operation instructions
(Askeri) muhabere işletme talimatı
signal operation instructions
(Askeri) MUHABERE İŞLETME TALİMATI: Bir komutanlık dahilindeki muhabere irtibatlarını kontrol ve koordine maksadıyla yayımlanmış seri halinde emirler. Deniz Piyade sınıfında buna "communication operation instructions" denir
signal panel
(Askeri) işaret panosu
signal pigeon
(Askeri) Muhabere güvercini
signal pistol
(Askeri) İŞARET TABANCASI: Bak. "protechnic pistol"
signal pistol
(Askeri) işaret tabancası
signal recognition
(Askeri) TANIMA İŞARETİ, TANITMA İŞARETİ: Şahısların veya birliklerin birbirlerini tanımalarına yarayan, önceden hazırlanmış bir takım işaretler. Bak. "recognition signal"
signal reconstruction
sinyalin gericatilmasi
signal regeneration
sinyal  (isaret) onarimi
signal rocket
(Askeri) İŞARET ROKETİ: Belirli bir koda göre bir anlamı olan ve belirli bir renk ve şekil meydana getiren roket. Bu roketler, çok defa, bir işaret tabancası veya diğer bazı cihazlarla atılır
signal rocket
(Askeri) işaret roketi
signal rocket
işaret fişeği
signal rocket/flare
(Askeri) İşaret fişeği
signal rotor
(Otomotiv) sinyal rotoru
signal school
(Askeri) muhabere okulu
signal school, the
(Askeri) MUHABERE OKULU: Muhabere sınıfının taktik ve teknik görevleri üzerinde eğitim yapan ve bu sınıfta uzman yetiştiren sınıf okulu. Bu okul, Ordu Eğitim Hizmetine bağlıdır
signal security
(Askeri) Muhabere emniyeti
signal security
(Askeri) MUHABERE GÜVENLİĞİ: Hem haberleşme hem de elektronik güvenliği kapsayan bir genel terim. Ayrıca bakınız: "security"
signal security
(Askeri) muhabere güvenliği
signal service
(Askeri) MUHABERE HİZMETİ: Bir birlik muhabere irtibatlarının düzenlenmesi, kurulması ve işletilmesi
signal support
(Askeri) MUHABERE DESTEĞİ: Özel veya yedek bir muhabere sistemi kurmak için diğer kuvvetlerden personel ve teçhizat tedariki
signal system
(Askeri) MUHABERE SİSTEMİ: Bir muhabere imkanının temini maksadıyla, birbirini tamamlayacak şekilde tertiplenmiş muhabere unsurları
signal to noise
(Askeri) sinyal gürültü oranı
signal to noise ratio
(SNR) sinyal  (isaret) gurultu orani
signal to stop
durma sinyali vermek
signal tower
d.y. manevra kulesi, kumanda kulesi
signal tower
demiryolu işaret kulesi
signal tower
işaret kulesi
signal tower
manevra kulesi (tren)
signal troops
(Askeri) MUHABERE KITALARI: Muhabere sınıfına mensup kıtalar. Özellikle, muhabere sistemlerinin bakım ve işletilmesini temin etmek maksadıyla tümen, kolordu vs. gibi birliklere verilen muhabere kıtaları
signal troops
(Askeri) muhabere kıtaları
signal tube
(Çevre) sinyal tübü
signal type
(Askeri) işaret tipi
signal unit
(Askeri) muhabere birliği
signal unit
(Otomotiv) sinyal ünitesi
acknowledgement signal
alındı sinyali
alarm signal
uyarı sinyali
authentication signal
(Bilgisayar) aslıyla aynılık sinyali
buy signal
(Ticaret) al sinyali
chip select signal
(Bilgisayar) yonga seçme sinyali
clock signal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) saat işareti
clutter signal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) parazit yansıma sinyali
coherent signal detection
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) evreuyumlu sinyal algılama
composite video signal
(Bilgisayar,Televizyon) bileşik video işareti
cue signal
(Sinema) başlama işareti
discrete time signal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) zamanda ayrık işaret
ghost signal
(Askeri) parazit sinyal
identity signal
(Bilgisayar) özdeşlik imi
inhibit signal
(Bilgisayar) ketleme sinyali
interrupt signal
(Bilgisayar) işkesme sinyali
measured signal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) ölçülen sinyal
measurement signal
(Bilgisayar) ölçülen sinyal
measurement signal
(Bilgisayar) ölçüm sinyali
original signal
original signal
başlangıç sinyali
output signal
output signal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) çıkış sinyali
picture signal
resim işareti
piecewise constant signal
parçalı değişmez sinyal
piecewise constant signal
(Bilgisayar) parçalı sabit sinyal
prediction signal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) öngörü sinyali
reconstructed signal
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) yeniden oluşturulan sinyal
reconstructed signal
(Bilgisayar) geriçatılan sinyal
scramble a signal
bir sinyali çırpma
selection signal
seçme sinyali
traffic signal
trafik lambası

Trafik lambası yeşil. - The traffic signal is green.

actuating signal
uyarma sinyali
busy signal
meşgul işareti
carry complete signal
eldeler tamam işareti
chrominance signal
renklilik sinyali
circulating signal
dolaşan sinyal
clock signal
saat sinyali
clock signal generator
saat işareti üreteci
colour difference signal
renk ayırım  sinyali
colour picture signal
renkli resim sinyali
colour reference signal
renk referans sinyali
colour synchrontzing signal
renk senkronizasyon sinyali
command signal
komuta sinyali
common mode signal
ortak modlu sinyal
composite colour signal
bileşik renk sinyali
composite signal
bileşik sinyal
composite synchronization signal
bileşik senkronizasyon sinyali
composite video signal
bileşik resim sinyali
compound signal
bileşik sinyal
control signal
kontrol sinyali
differential mode signal
diferansiyel mod sinyali
digital signal
sayısal sinyal
English - English
An indication given to another person
Useful information
An electrical or electromagnetic action, normally a voltage that is a function of time that conveys the information of the radio or TV program or of communication with another party

I cannot get a signal.

Standing above others in rank, importance, or achievement
An on-off light, semaphore, or other device used to give an indication to another person
To indicate
{a} eminent, remarkable, memorable
{n} a sign that gives notice, token, mark
An audio response or visual indication alerting the operator that a target has been detected
To communicate by signals; as, to signal orders
The information conveyed through a communication system
Any electronic visual, audible, or other indication used to convey information In semiconductors, an electrical quantity (typically voltage, current, or light level) corresponding to some physical quantity Signals are coded in frequency or amplitude to separate them from unwanted noise
an electric quantity (voltage or current or field strength) whose modulation represents coded information about the source from which it comes
(1) A condition that may be reported as a result of an error in program execution For example, SIGFPE is the signal used to represent erroneous arithmetic operations such as a division by zero See exception (2) A mechanism by which a process may be notified of, or affected by, an event occurring in the system Examples of such events include hardware exceptions and specific actions by processes The term signal is also used to refer to the event itself X/Open, I (3) In AIX operating system operations, a method of interprocess communication that simulates software interrupts IBM
{s} out of the ordinary, notable
If an event or action is a signal of something, it suggests that this thing exists or is going to happen. Kurdish leaders saw the visit as an important signal of support = sign
In terms of radio, TV, etc , a signal is a sequence of electronic impulses It can represent sound, TV images or any other kind of data being transmitted or received
If you signal to someone, you make a gesture or sound in order to send them a particular message. The United manager was to be seen frantically signalling to McClair He stood up, signalling to the officer that he had finished with his client She signalled a passing taxi and ordered him to take her to the rue Marengo
Any visible or audible indication which can convey information Also, the information conveyed through a communication system
to convey information, for example a prospective worker's earning a college degree to persuade an employer that he has desirable characteristics that will enhance his productivity
any communication that encodes a message; "signals from the boat suddenly stopped" any incitement to action; "he awaited the signal to start"; "the victory was a signal for wild celebration" an electric quantity (voltage or current or field strength) whose modulation represents coded information about the source from which it comes notably out of the ordinary; "the year saw one signal triumph for the Labour party
To notify by a signals; to make a signal or signals to; as, to signal a fleet to anchor
A sign made for the purpose of giving notice to a person of some occurence, command, or danger; also, a sign, event, or watchword, which has been agreed upon as the occasion of concerted action
an electric quantity (voltage or current or field strength) whose modulation represents coded information about the source from which it comes notably out of the ordinary; "the year saw one signal triumph for the Labour party
Noticeable; distinguished from what is ordinary; eminent; remarkable; memorable; as, a signal exploit; a signal service; a signal act of benevolence
{f} communicate through the use of signals; indicate, gesture, beckon
A signal is a series of radio waves, light waves, or changes in electrical current which may carry information. high-frequency radio signals
A token; an indication; a foreshadowing; a sign
Of or pertaining to signals, or the use of signals in conveying information; as, a signal flag or officer
a visual, audible, electrical or other indication used to convey information
{i} gesture which communicates something; cue, sign which initiates a certain action; conveying of information through the modulation of an electronic wave (Electronics); current or wave that is transmitted or received (Electronics)
Reported information on a possible causal relationship between an adverse event and a drug, the relationship being unknown or incompletely documented previously Usually more than a single report is required to generate a signal, depending upon the seriousness of the event and the quality of the information
sig·nal signals signalling signalled in AM, use signaling, signaled
be a signal for or a symptom of; "These symptoms indicate a serious illness"; "Her behavior points to a severe neurosis"; "The economic indicators signal that the euro is undervalued"
any communication that encodes a message; "signals from the boat suddenly stopped"
French: signal A detectable impulse by which information is communicated through electronic or optical means or over wire, cable, microwave, laser beams, etc
used in context of a data series, this term pertains to the the 'true' value each data point should take in the set For many reasons, the true signal in data can be hidden by the associated noise Reasons for this phenomenon could be as simple as inaccurate data collection or recording methods, or as complex as masking resulting from unclear differentation of data sources or classes This makes forecasting the data more difficult and sometimes impossible
A symbolic representation of a sound; an electrical current or series of numbers used to signify acoustic vibrations "Signal" can also refer to "control voltages" or modulations, electronic messages that may or may not themselves be audible The beauty of modular synthesis is the way that sounds and modulations can both be expressed as signals and can, therefore, be used interchangeably, modulating things they have no business modulating
A current used to convey information, either digital, analog, audio or video
A mechanism by which a process may be notified by the kernal of an event occurring in the system
In vibration analysis, a signal is an electric voltage or current which is analog of the vibration being measured
A signal is a gesture, sound, or action which is intended to give a particular message to the person who sees or hears it. They fired three distress signals As soon as it was dark, Mrs Evans gave the signal You mustn't fire without my signal
A signal is a piece of equipment beside a railway, which indicates to train drivers whether they should stop the train or not
Any visible or audible indication which can convey information Also, the information conveyed through a communications system
A term adapted from electronic communications to refer to a stimulus that a subject is requested to identify (Solso)
A logical interrupt to a process, which the process must generally deal with synchronously A form of interprocess communications
If someone or something signals an event, they suggest that the event is happening or likely to happen. She will be signalling massive changes in energy policy The outcome of that meeting could signal whether there truly exists a political will to begin negotiating. = indicate
communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs; "He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture"; "The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu"
An electrical transmittance (either input or output) that conveys information
The signal is the physical activity of the labeled tracer material which is measured by a detector instrument The signal is the response which is measured for each sample
The voltage status signal sent by each peripheral device and the IOS in the I/O cabinet to the CCU This signal indicates the status of only the +5 Vdc power supply
any incitement to action; "he awaited the signal to start"; "the victory was a signal for wild celebration"
Any electrical quantity, such as voltage, current, or frequency, that can be used to transmit information
notably out of the ordinary; "the year saw one signal triumph for the Labour party"
A mechanism by which a process may be notified by the kernel of an event occurring in the system
Usually refers to any means of passing information to or from a moving train May take the form of a fixed semaphore arm (which indicates On or Off ), a coloured light, a hand-held lamp moved in a certain way, a coded whistle or any other indication, the meaning of which has been agreed in advance
signal box
A building, typically adjacent to or spanning a railway line, from where signals, points and (sometimes) level crossings are controlled
signal boxes
plural form of signal box
signal crayfish
An American crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, having a large claw that it waves to attract a mate
signal phrase
An indication that something is a direct quote

Smith suggests that... and In Smith's words... are both signal phrases.

signal phrases
plural form of signal phrase
signal power
Power of a signal
The ratio comparing signal power to noise power
The quantity of quality information compared to irrelevant or incorrect information
signal-to-noise ratio
A figure of merit comparing the strength of a signal carrying information to the noise interfering with it
signal-to-noise ratio
A way of describing how much interesting information is included in a message or conversation
signal-to-noise ratios
plural form of signal-to-noise ratio
Signal to Noise Ratio
difference in decibels between the signal emitted from a sound device and the noise emitted from the same sound device
signal and electronics corps
corps that is in charge of establishing the communication devices while on a military mission
signal box
a building from which signals are sent to control the movements of railway trains
signal box
A signal box is a small building near a railway, which contains the switches used to control the signals. a small building near a railway from which the signals and tracks are controlled
signal center
communications center
signal code
cipher, secret code for sending messages
signal corps
soldier in charge of communications
signal detection
the detection that a signal is being received
signal fire
a fire set as a signal
signal gun
device which shoots a bright signal light
signal lamp
light used to send signals
signal level
the amplitude level of the desired signal
signal light lamp
flashlight used for sending signals
signal officer
staff officer responsible for communications issues, member of the communications unit
signal pistol
firearm resembling a gun used to launch fireworks
signal security
methods used to prevent eavesdropping on communications by the enemy
signal strength
refers to the total amount of power of RF received by the receiver This is divided into useful signal, referred to as EC/I0, and the noise floor which is useless
signal strength
In radio, a measure of the received radiofrequency power, generally expressed in decibels relative to some standard value, normally either 1 milliwatt or that power which would have resulted at the same distance under free-space transmission Also called field strength
signal strength
the intensity of an RF signal measured in volts (V), millivolts (mV), microvolts or dBmV
signal transduction
transfer of signal (information; may be energy) from one form to the another Example: (in a cell) extracellular osmolarity to protein phosphorylation; (in a computer) digital signal to display on the monitor screen In the latter case there is a digital to analog conversion
signal transduction
Interested readers are encouraged to find more thorough discussions of signal transduction in Cunningham or Eggins
signal transduction
The biochemical events that conduct the signal of a hormone or growth factor from the cell exterior, through the cell membrane, and into the cytoplasm This involves a number of molecules, including receptors, pro- teins, and messengers
signal transduction
The method by which a cell relays information from receptor binding to cellular response (e g , cell proliferation in response to growth factor binding)
signal-equipment vehicle
military transport vehicle that is used for communications and control
The ratio of the magnitude of the signal to that of the noise with no signal present, usually expressed in dB
Is the ratio or relationship of accurate electrical signals to unwanted signals like static disturbances creating noise
the ratio of signal intensity to noise intensity
the ratio, expressed in dB, between the signal and noise
signal-to-noise ratio
the ratio of signal intensity to noise intensity
Greenwich Time Signal
a time signal transmitted on radio by the BBC every hour and consisting of five short beeps followed by a longer one, with the longer one coinciding with the start of the hour
analog signal
A signal that can vary in a continuous manner (as opposed to a digital signal that only takes discrete values)
busy signal
An audible signal to the calling party that indicates failure to complete the requested connection; an engaged tone
digital signal
A signal that only takes discrete values (contrasted to an analog signal that can take continuously varying values)
false signal
An event or emanation to which a sensing device gives an undesired positive response
fast busy signal
An audible signal on a voice phone line that sounds more frequently than a standard busy singal, indicating that no transmission path to the called phone number is available
gang signal
A gang sign
mixed signal
An unclear message, often contradicting a situation
One who signals
A device that sends a signal
the signals and associated equipment required for their operation
In a signal manner; conspicuously
smoke signal
A method of long-distance communication sometimes used in ancient and undeveloped societies, consisting of messages conveyed by means of columns or intermittent puffs of smoke

However, there are still signs of the careful study of sources—the smoke-signal which brought Caesar news of the Pompeian escape (279; Caes.3.65.2) and the second fortification inside the camp which Caesar attacked (288; Caes.3.66.4-5).

smoke signal
A type of flare or combustion device sometimes used as a distress signal

A Huskie helicopter was whirring over the Gulf of Tonkin in search of Cullen when Vietnamese 1st Lieut. Nguyen Van Phu, who ditched his flaming Skyraider near the spot where the U.S. pilot went down, fired a smoke signal to attract its attention.

smoke signal
An indirect message or indication, especially concerning a future event

By every kind of wigwag and smoke signal in the language of diplomacy, the Administration seemed to be trying last week to tell Chinese Communist Boss Mao Tse-tung that he had nothing to worry about from the U.S.

Alternative spelling of smoke signal
time signal
a visible, audible, mechanical, or electronic signal used as a reference to determine the time of day
Alternative form of time signal
traffic signal
A traffic light
traffic signal box
any of the large metal boxes containing traffic signal controls, found at roadsides and intersections, and often made available by the local council for artistic work
traffic signal boxes
plural form of traffic signal box
ramp signal
(Spor) A ramp meter, ramp signal or metering light is a device, usually a basic traffic light or a two-section signal (red and green only, no yellow) light together with a signal controller that regulates the flow of traffic entering freeways according to current traffic conditions
{v} to make eminent, to distinguish
{a} with great force of expression
digital signal processor
A digital signal processor (DSP) is a specialized microprocessor designed specifically for digital signal processing, generally in real-time computing
past of signal
someone who communicates by signals
{i} person or thing that communicates with signals; indicator, one who gestures, one who beckons
The standard process, based on CCITT Q 93B, used to establish ATM point-to-point, point-to-multipoint, and multipoint-to-multipoint connections
Process of sending a transmission signal over a physical medium for purposes of communication
present participle of signal
The process of sending information between two parts of a network while still being able to control, route, and maintain the telephone call
The process of sending information over media
Signaling is the process of generating and exchanging information between components of a telecommunications system to establish, monitor, or release connections (call handling functions) and to control related network and system operations (other functions)
Supplying and interpreting the supervisory and address signals needed to perform switching and other operations
The exchange of information specifically concerned with the establishment and control of connections, and with management, in a telecommunication network
{i} act of communicating through the use of signals; indication, act of gesturing, act of beckoning
Signaling is the transmission of information by means other than the unaided human voice Signals, which can be visual, audible, or electrical, can be made by a variety of means, including lighted torches, smoke, flags, lamps, drums, guns, telegraph, telephone, and radio Electrical signals can be transmitted very quickly over great distances and are known as telecommunication Signals are used to control railroad trains and vehicular traffic on roads and highways and to communicate with ships, airplanes, and other vehicles The term signaling also applies to systems of military communication
Signaling is the exchange of information specifically concerned with the establishment and control of connections, and with management, in a telecommunication network
conveying information, for example a prospective worker's earning a college degree to persuade an employer that he has desirable characteristics that will enhance his productivity
conveying information, for example by earning a college-degree, to persuade an employer that a prospective worker has desirable characteristics that will enhance his productivity
The information exchanged between the mobile station and the network, or within the network, for the purposes of service provision (e g , connection establishment)
Transmission of service information (adresses, ) between nodes and/or terminals of a network - Technical characteristics of the signal carried The various types of signaling are the following : R2A; R2N; C5; C7 (with 3 variations : SSUTR2 (only on the French territory), TUP and ISUP)
any communication that encodes a message; "signals from the boat suddenly stopped"
To make something noticeable, different, remarkable or conspicuous, especially by gesticulation
point out carefully and clearly
{f} make prominent, emphasize, make conspicuous; provide traffic signals; signal, indicate (also signalise)
provide with traffic signals; "signalize a busy intersection"
To indicate the existence, presence, or fact of, by a signal; as, to signalize the arrival of a steamer
To install a traffic signal at an intersection that is currently regulated by stop signs
communicate silently and non-verbally by signals or signs; "He signed his disapproval with a dismissive hand gesture"; "The diner signaled the waiters to bring the menu"
To make signal or eminent; to render distinguished from what is common; to distinguish
make conspicuous or noteworthy
make conspicuous or noteworthy point out carefully and clearly provide with traffic signals; "signalize a busy intersection
To communicate with by means of a signal; as, a ship signalizes its consort
past of signal
a signalman
{i} person or thing that communicates with signals; indicator, one who gestures, one who beckons
One who signals
the use of signals in communications, especially the sending of signals in telecommunications
present participle of signal
in a signal manner; "signally inappropriate methods" as a signal; "a term that is used signally rather than symbolically
as a signal; "a term that is used signally rather than symbolically
very noticeably
remarkably, noticeably, prominently, conspicuously
in a signal manner; "signally inappropriate methods"
In a signal manner; eminently
third-person singular of signal
The quarterback tells the other players, with signals, what the next play will be Signals are also used at the line of scrimmage to tell the center when to snap the ball
Any form of clandestine tradecraft using a system of marks, signs, or codes for signaling between operatives
The words used by the quarterback in the huddle to inform the other players as to the formation and play to be used on the upcoming down The quarterback also uses signals at the line of scrimmage to instruct the center when to snap the ball
plural of signal
Signals are used in state models to initiate a transition from one state into another transitions The transition statement specifies the transition from one state to another when a certain signal is received
Turkish - English

Definition of signal in Turkish English dictionary

sinyal lambası blinker, turn-signal light, Brit. indicator, Brit. winker
(on an automobile, etc.)