
listen to the pronunciation of shiite
English - Turkish
(Din) Şiî: Şiîlik mezhebinden olan kimse
(isim) şii
{i} şii

Şiiler yalnızca diğer Müslümanlara ve İsrail'e karşı değil, bütün dünyaya karşı bir tehdittir. - The Shiites are not only a threat to other Muslims and to Israel, they are a threat to the entire world.


Şiiler yalnızca diğer Müslümanlara ve İsrail'e karşı değil, bütün dünyaya karşı bir tehdittir. - The Shiites are not only a threat to other Muslims and to Israel, they are a threat to the entire world.

to Shiite
English - English
Of, or relating the Shi'a branch of Islam
A member of the Shi'a branch of Islam
Of, or relating to Shiites or the Shi'a branch of Islam
a member of one of the two main groups in the Muslim religion Sunni (Shia). Member of the Shite branch of Islam, which resulted from the first fitnah, or split, within the religion over leadership. Members of the political faction that supported Al, Muhammad's son-in-law, as the Prophet's heir after the murder of the third caliph, Uthmn, the Shites gradually became a religious movement after the murder of Al. Al's followers insisted that a caliph, or imam, be a lineal descendant of Al and his wife, Ftimah. Shite legal tradition is distinct from the four major schools of thought in Sunnite Islam and is generally regarded as the most conservative. Though Shites represent only about 10% of Muslims in the world, they are a majority in Iran and Iraq, and there are sizable populations in Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, East Africa, Pakistan, and northern India. The largest subdivision is the Ithn Ashariyyah, or Twelvers, who recognized 12 historical imams (including Al); other subsects include the Ismliyyah and the Zaydiyyah
Of, or relating to, Shiites or the Shia branch of Islam
{s} of or pertaining to the Shi'a Islam; of or pertaining to the Shiite branch of Islam
A member of the Shia branch of Islam
{i} member of the Shi'a Islam, member of the Shiite branch of Islam (who belive that Ali, the cousin of Muhammad and his descendants are the true successors of Muhammad)
They do not acknowledge the Sunna, or body of traditions respecting Mohammed, as any part of the law, and on these accounts are treated as heretics by the Sunnites, or orthodox Mohammedans
A member of that branch of the Mohammedans to which the Persians belong
a member of the branch of Islam that regards Ali as the legitimate successor to Mohammed and rejects the first three caliphs
They reject the first three caliphs, and consider Ali as being the first and only rightful successor of Mohammed
Shiite suicide bomber
extremist Moslem terrorist who blows himself up along with his target
plural of Shiite