she didn't give her full attention to her homework

listen to the pronunciation of she didn't give her full attention to her homework
English - German
Sie war bei den Hausaufgaben nicht ganz bei der Sache
she didn't give her full attention to her homework


    she did·n't give her full at·ten·tion to her home·work

    Turkish pronunciation

    şi dîdnt gîv hır fûl ıtenşın tı hır hōmwırk


    /ˈsʜē ˈdədnt ˈgəv hər ˈfo͝ol əˈtensʜən tə hər ˈhōmˌwərk/ /ˈʃiː ˈdɪdnt ˈɡɪv hɜr ˈfʊl əˈtɛnʃən tə hɜr ˈhoʊmˌwɜrk/