Definition of share capital in English English dictionary
The amount of capital specified as such in the articles of association of a stock corporation The articles of association also specify how many shares the share capital is divided into The company issues shares in the amount of its share capital See also Nominal value
Name given to the total amount of cash which the shareholders have contributed to the company
The name given to both the maximum value of shares that a company may issue and the value of shares actually issued
A company's share capital is the money that shareholders invest in order to start or expand the business. The bank has a share capital of almost 100 million dollars
The share of national income that is received as income by the owners of capital: the sum of profits, rent, and net interest divided by total national income If the economy is competitive--without monopolies--and there are no major external benefits to investment in the economic growth process, then in equilibrium the capital share of an economy will be equal to the diminishing-returns-to-scale parameter _ of its aggregate production function