sexual abuses

listen to the pronunciation of sexual abuses
English - Turkish

Definition of sexual abuses in English Turkish dictionary

sexual abuse
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) cinsel istismar
sexual abuse
Cinsel taciz
English - English
plural form of sexual abuse
sexual abuse
The forcing of undesired sexual activity by one person on another
sexual abuse
mistreatment through inappropriate and/or damaging sexual conduct (i.e. rape, sex with minors, etc.)
sexual abuse
If a child or other person suffers sexual abuse, someone forces them to take part in sexual activity with them, often regularly over a period of time
sexual abuse
a statutory offense that provides that it is a crime to knowingly cause another person to engage in an unwanted sexual act by force or threat; "most states have replaced the common law definition of rape with statutes defining sexual assault"
sexual abuses


    sex·u·al abuses

    Turkish pronunciation

    sekşuıl ıbyusîz


    /ˈseksʜo͞oəl əˈbyo͞osəz/ /ˈsɛkʃuːəl əˈbjuːsɪz/