Jim yedinci rauntta nakavt oldu.
- Jim was counted out in the seventh round.
Birinci, ikinci, üçüncü, dördüncü, beşinci, altıncı, yedinci, sekizinci, dokuzuncu, onuncu... sondan bir önceki, son.
- First, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth... penultimate, last.
Yeni Zelanda'nın tüm nüfusu 3.410.000 olup, bunun yedide biri Maori halkıdır.
- The whole population of New Zealand is 3,410,000, and one seventh of it are the Maori people.
Cannes is the world's largest annual convention, and a yearly thermometer for the temperature of the seventh art.
A seventy-seventh of 1540 is 20.
She finished seventy-seventh in the race.
An eighty-seventh of 1740 is 20.
She finished eighty-seventh in the race.
A fifty-seventh of 1140 is 20.
She finished fifty-seventh in the race.
A forty-seventh of 940 is 20.
She finished forty-seventh in the race.
A ninety-seventh of 1940 is 20.
She finished ninety-seventh in the race.
A sixty-seventh of 1340 is 20.
She finished sixty-seventh in the race.
A thirty-seventh of 740 is 20.
She finished thirty-seventh in the race.
... second rank tensor equals zero, and there was light, and it was good. And on the seventh ...
... I was, I think, in seventh and eighth grade when everybody started having a profile online ...