settlement on proof of verified delivery notes

listen to the pronunciation of settlement on proof of verified delivery notes
English - German
Abrechnung auf Nachweis
Abrechnung a.N
Abrechnung auf Liefernachweis
settlement on proof of verified delivery notes


    set·tle·ment on proof of ve·ri·fied de·li·ve·ry notes

    Turkish pronunciation

    setılmınt ôn pruf ıv verıfayd dîlîvıri nōts


    /ˈsetəlmənt ˈôn ˈpro͞of əv ˈverəˌfīd dəˈləvərē ˈnōts/ /ˈsɛtəlmənt ˈɔːn ˈpruːf əv ˈvɛrəˌfaɪd dɪˈlɪvɜriː ˈnoʊts/