
listen to the pronunciation of serial
English - Turkish
{i} seri

Tom'un Mary'nin bir seri katil olduğuna dair hiçbir fikri yoktu. - Tom had no idea that Mary was a serial killer.

Aşağıda verilen boşluğa seri numarasını kaydet. - Record the serial number in the space provided below.

sınalgı dizi
dizi halinde
sıra izleyen
seri halinde
Televizyon, radyo, gazete ya da dergide yayınlanan dizi
serial number seri numarası
dizisel seri
{s} birbirini izleyen
{s} tefrika halinde yayımlanan, devamı olan
{s} sıralı
(Tıp) Seri halinde, devamlı
{s} seri halinde olan
tefrika halinde yayımlanan
{s} art arda
serially tefrika halinde
{i} dizi olarak yayınlanan öykü
{i} dizi

Bazı insanlar her akşam televizyon dizilerini izlediler. - Some people watched TV serials every evening.

Bizim yeni polisiye dizimiz bu akşam saat 7.30'da başlıyor. - Our new serial thriller begins at 7.30 this evening.

(Askeri) YÜRÜYÜŞ GRUBU: Personel, motorlu araç veya malzemenin yürüyüşte veya kara, hava ya da deniz nakliyatı ile bir yere gitmek üzere tertiplendiği bir bölüm. Bir yürüyüş grubu, bir komutanın emri altındaki bir veya birkaç yürüyüş birliğinden teşekkül edebilir. Buna (march serial) da denir
serialize tefrika halinde yayımlamak
dizi film
serial number
Seri Numarası

Aşağıda verilen boşluğa seri numarasını kaydet. - Record the serial number in the space provided below.

serial adder
dizisel toplayıcı
serial correlation
(İstatistik) seri korelasyon
serial correlation
dizisel ilinti
serial input/output
(Bilgisayar) seri giriş çıkış
serial input/output
(Bilgisayar) dizisel giriş çıkış
serial interface
dizisel arayüz
serial line internet protocol
(Bilgisayar) seri hat ınternet protokolü
serial port
(Bilgisayar) seri bağlantı noktası
serial port
(Bilgisayar) dizisel bağlantı noktası
serial port
dizisel iskele
serial ports
(Bilgisayar) seri bağlantı noktaları
serial programming
dizisel programlama
serial access
seri erişim
serial adder
seri toplayıcı
serial communication
Seri İletişim
serial computer
seri bilgisayar
serial data
seri veri
serial device
seri aygıt
serial driver
seri sürücü
serial file
seri dosya
serial input/output
seri girdi/çıktı
serial interface
seri arabirim
serial memory
seri bellek
serial mouse
seri bağlantılı fare
serial number
seri numara

Aşağıda verilen boşluğa seri numarasını kaydet. - Record the serial number in the space provided below.

Hayır, Private Jackson, bu orduda biz listelenmemiş seri numaralarına izin vermeyiz. - No, Private Jackson, in this army we don't allow unlisted serial numbers.

serial operation
seri operasyon
serial port
seri port
serial printer
seri yazıcı
serial processing
seri işleme
serial publication
seri yayın
serial storage
seri bellek
serial transmission
seri iletim
serial arithmetic
seri aritmetik
serial correlation
Seri ilinti, seri bağlantı
serial lamp
seri lamba
serial monogamy
seri tekeşlilik
serial printing
Seri baskı
serial 10fd
(Bilgisayar) seri 10fd
serial 10hd
(Bilgisayar) seri 10hd
serial I/O
dizisel giriş-çıkış
serial access
sıralı erişim
serial addition
(Bilgisayar) dizisel toplama
serial assignment table
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA GRUBU TAHSİS ÇİZELGESİ: Amfibi harekatta kullanılan ve çıkarma grubu numarasını, birliğin ismini, ortalama personel miktarını, gruptaki malzeme, nakil aracı veya iş makinalarını, çıkarma grubunu taşımak için gerekli çıkarma araç veya amfibi araç tip ve miktarını ve grubun üzerine yüklendiği gemiyi gösteren bir çizelge
serial association
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seri ilişkilendirme
serial audiometry
seri odiometri
serial behavior
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seri davranış
serial bond
(Ticaret) seri tahvil
serial bond issue
(Ticaret) seri tahvil ihracı
serial bonds
(Ticaret) seri numaralı tahviller
serial bus traveler
seri büs esyahat edici
serial development
seriye açılım
serial driver
(Bilgisayar) seri bağlanan sürücü
serial encoding
(Bilgisayar) seri kodlama
serial i/o
(Bilgisayar) seri giriş-çıkış
serial infrared
(Bilgisayar) seri kızılötesi
serial infrared
(Bilgisayar) seri kızıl ötesi
serial interface
Seri arabirim, seri arayüz
serial interpretation
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seri yorum
serial killer
seri cinayet işleyen katil
serial learning
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seri öğrenme
serial learning
(Dilbilim) dizisel öğrenme
serial line ip
Dizisel Hat İnternet İletişim Kuralı
serial loader
seri yükleyici
serial loader
(Avcılık) seri doldurucu (kurşun vb)
serial manufacture
seri üretim
serial murder
seri cinayet
serial novel
tefrika romanı
serial number
(Askeri) ÇIKARMA GRUBU NUMARASI: a. Bütünü ile bir gemiye bindirilen, b. Bir birlik halinde bir kıyıya çıkarılacak veya bir helikopter alanına indirilecek, c. Ortalama aynı zamanda kıyıya çıkarılacak -teçhizatı ile birlikte- her birliğe veya gruba itibari olarak verilmiş numara
serial operation
seri çalıştırma
serial operation
seri işletim
serial port
dizisel bağlantı noktası seri
serial port
bilg. seri kapı, seri port
serial position
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seri konum
serial position curve
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seri konum eğrisi
serial position effect
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seri konum etkisi
serial printer
seri basıcı
serial processing
sıralı işlem
serial processing
seri işlem
serial processing
ardışık işlem
serial programming
dizisel (seri) programlama
serial recall
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seri hatırlama
serial reinforcement
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seri pekiştirme
serial search
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) seri arama
serial settings
(Bilgisayar) seri ayarları
serial spawning
(Denizbilim) dizisel yumurtlama
serial speed
(Bilgisayar) seri hız
serial storage
seri depolama yeri
serial subtractor
(Bilgisayar) dizisel çıkarıcı
serial to parallel conversion
diziselden paralele çevirme
serial to parallel conversion
diziselden (seriden) paralele cevirme
serial to parallel conversion
seriden paralele çevirme
serial transfer
seri aktarım
serial transfer
dizisel aktarım
serial transfer
seri transfer
serial transfer
seri (dizisel) aktarim
serial transmission
seri gönderme
serial victory
(Spor) galibiyet serisi
serial victory
(Spor) seri galibiyet
serial volume
(Bilgisayar) seri ses
serial İ/O
seri (dizisel) giris-cikis
(Basın) dizi yayın
seri olarak
check serial number
çek seri numarası
ordered serial file
sıralanmış sirasal dosya, dizili sıralı kütük
prompted for serial use
Bir yazılımı kurarken seri numarasının girilmesi için yapılan uyarı"when prompted for serial use" - "seri numarası sorulduğunda"
tape serial number
şerit seri numarası
air force serial number
allotment serial number
(Askeri) ödenek payı seri numarası
allotment serial number
(Askeri) ÖDENEK PAYI SERİ NUMARASI: Belirli bir fonla ilgili muhasebe işlemini tanıtmak maksadıyla, bir ödenek payı bildirisine, bir ita amirliği tarafından verilen seri numarası
army serial number
army serial number
(Askeri) ordu askerlik numarası
bit serial
(Bilgisayar) ikil dizi
bit serial
(Bilgisayar) bit düzeyinde seri
compressed serial line internet protocol
(C-SLIP) Sıkıştırılmış Seri Hat Internet İletişim Kuralı
dipole serial
dipol anten
high speed serial data buffer
(Askeri) yüksek hızlı seri veri tamponu
internment serial number
(Askeri) ESİR VE ENTERNE SIRA NUMARASI: Bir askeri inzibat harp esirleri bölüğü tarafından bir harp esirine, enterne edilmiş sivile veya tutuklu kimseye tahsis edilen tanıtma numarası
invalid serial#
(Bilgisayar) geçersiz seri#
invalid serial#
(Bilgisayar) geçersiz seri no
march serial
(Askeri) yürüyüş grubu
march serial
(Askeri) YÜRÜYÜŞ GRUBU: Bak. "serial"
message serial number
(Askeri) HABER MERKEZİ SIRA NUMARASI: Çıkan haberlerin kontrol edilmesini, işlem görmesini ve dosyalanmasını kolaylaştırmak maksadıyla verilen numara
microsoft serial ballpoint
(Bilgisayar) microsoft seri ballpoint
microsoft serial easyball
(Bilgisayar) microsoft seri easyball
microsoft serial mouse
(Bilgisayar) microsoft seri fare
navy serial number
(Askeri) deniz sicil numarası
navy serial number
navy serial number
(Askeri) deniz askerlik numarası
officer conducting the serial
(Askeri) TAHKİKAT SERİLERİNİ İDARE EDEN SUBAY: Belirli bir tatbikat serisinde tahsis edilmiş kuvvetler üzerinde taktik kontrol uygulamak üzere tayin edilmiş subay
ordered serial file
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) sıralanmış sırasal dosya
ordered serial file
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) dizili sıralı kütük
parallel to serial
kosuttan dizisele (paralelden seriye)
physical profile serial
(Askeri) BEDENİ VE AKLİ KABİLİYET DEĞERLENDİRMESİ: Bir şahsın bedeni ve akli durumuna nazaran askeri görevleri yapabilmedeki genel kabiliyetinin tespiti. PULCES diye adlandırılan altı faktörle ifade edilir: P-Physical capacity or stamine (bedeni kabiliyet veya tahammül); U-Upper extremities (üst taraflar; kollar ve eller); L-Lower extremities (alt taraflar, bacaklar ve ayaklar); H-Hearing (işitme-kulak arızaları dahil); E-Eyes (gözler) ve S-Neuropsychiatric (nöropsikiyatrik; asabi ve ruhi durum)
port serial number
(Askeri) LİMAN SIRA NUMARASI: Yüklemeyi yapan deniz terminal noktaları tarafından, askeri personel ve yük nakleden bütün gemilere tahsis edilen tanıtma numarası. Yola çıkacak gemiye, yola çıkmadan önce, bir sıra dahilinde numara tahsis edilir
seri halinde
dizi olarak
specifications serial number
(Askeri) İHTİSAS NUMARASI: Bak. "military occupational specialty code"
specifications serial number
(Askeri) ihtisas numarası
station serial number
(Askeri) MERKEZ SIRA NUMARASI: Bir telsiz operatörünün doğrudan doğruya muhabere ettiği diğer bir istasyona gönderdiği bir habere kendisi tarafından verilen ve haberin başlığına konan haber kontrol numarası. Bak. "channel number"
volume serial number
Birim Seri Numarası
volume serial number
birim dizi numarası
English - English
Published or produced in installments
Having to do with or arranged in a series

The serial killer had a string of victims across seven states.

A serial number required to activate software

Go to these sites for serials, cracks and keygens.

A work, as a work of fiction, published in installments, often numbered and without a specified end
pertaining to or occurring in or producing a series; "serial monogamy"; "serial killing"; "a serial killer"; "serial publication"
Any publication issued in successive parts, appearing at intervals, (usually regular ones), and, as a rule, intended to be continued indefinitely Examples would include newspapers, periodicals, annuals, proceedings of a society
A publication that is issued in parts indefinitely over time; includes journals, periodicals, magazines, almanacs, annual reports, etc
A publication issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations Intended to be continued indefinitely Included are periodicals, newspapers, annuals, proceedings, transactions, monographic series, etc
a serialized set of programs; "a comedy series"; "the Masterworks concert series"
A library term for periodicals: items which are published regularly: such as magazines, journals, newspapers, yearbooks, etc (See also Periodical)
A publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely
Any publication issued in successive parts, appearing at usually regular intervals, and as a rule, intended to be continued indefinitely The term includes periodicals, newspapers, annuals, number monographic series, and the proceedings, transactions, and memoirs of societies See also: periodicals
A publication issued in successive parts and usually bearing numerical or chronological designations Serials are intended to continue indefinitely Examples are: periodicals, newspapers, yearbooks, etc
A publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numeric or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely Serials include periodicals, newspapers; annuals (reports, yearbooks, etc ); journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc , of societies,; and numbered monographic series
A publication appearing in a series or succession of part; a tale, or other writing, published in successive numbers of a periodical
1 A publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely Serials include periodicals; newspapers; annuals (reports, yearbook, etc ); the journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc , of societies; and numbered monographic series 2 In computer science, the sequential execution of tasks or operations or the sequential handling of data
{s} arranged in a series; consecutive, sequential; transferring information bit after bit (Computers); appearing in sequels, published or broadcast in regular installments
any publication issued at intervals or in parts, bearing numerical or chronological order and usually intended to be continued indefinitely, i e , periodicals, yearbooks, annuals, etc
A serial is a story which is broadcast on television or radio or is published in a magazine or newspaper in a number of parts over a period of time. one of BBC television's most popular serials, Eastenders Maupin's novels have all appeared originally as serials
pertaining to or composed in serial technique; "serial music
A publication issued in successive parts usually at regular intervals The term includes periodicals such as MAGAZINEs, newspapers, JOURNALs, and annuals
Serial killings or attacks are a series of killings or attacks committed by the same person. This person is known as a serial killer or attacker. The serial killer claimed to have killed 400 people. a story that is broadcast or printed in several separate parts on television, in a magazine etc. Film presented in a series of episodes over several months. The serials, usually adventure melodramas, probably developed from the adventure stories published in monthly installments in magazines. The first internationally popular serial, The Perils of Pauline (1914), starring Pearl White, was followed by other serials such as The Hazards of Helen, which ran for 119 episodes (1914-17). Serials focused on action sequences, with cliff-hanging endings for each episode. They remained popular with movie audiences, especially children, into the 1940s
{i} work which is published or broadcast in regular several episodes(such as a television program or magazine)
A publication in any medium issued in successive parts and intended to be continued indefinitely Serials include periodicals, newspapers, annuals, monographic series, etc
A publication that is issued in parts indefinitely over time; includes journals, magazines, almanacs, annual reports, etc
Publications that are issued in successive parts, usually at regular intervals Examples include periodicals, journals, magazines, newspapers, annual reports, series, some conference proceedings, and annual reviews
Of or pertaining to a series; consisting of a series; appearing in successive parts or numbers; as, a serial work or publication
pertaining to or composed in serial technique; "serial music"
A publication issued regularly - i e , a journal, proceedings, or an annual Any publication issued in successive parts that appear at intervals of time but not necessarily regularly Conference proceedings and periodicals are examples
a periodical that appears at scheduled times
a serialized set of programs; "a comedy series"; "the Masterworks concert series" of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple operations; "serial processing" pertaining to or occurring in or producing a series; "serial monogamy"; "serial killing"; "a serial killer"; "serial publication" pertaining to or composed in serial technique; "serial music
A publication that is issued in parts indefinitely over time Serials include: journals, periodicals, magazines, almanacs, annual reports, etc
A publication in any medium or format issued in successive parts, bearing numerical or chronological designation, and intended to be continued indefinitely
a publication issued in successive parts that is intended to be continued indefinitely and which includes magazines, journals, newspapers, annuals, and proceedings of conferences
A publication issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designation and intended to be continued indefinitely (i e , magazines, journals, newspapers, yearbooks, etc )
in regular succession without gaps; "serial concerts"
Any publication issued at intervals or in parts, bearing numerical or chronological order that is intended to be continued indefinitely (e g periodicals, yearbooks, annuals, etc )
A publication that is issued in parts indefinitely over time Journals, periodicals, magazines, almanacs, annual reports, etc
A publication in any medium issued in successive parts bearing numerical or chronological designations and intended to be continued indefinitely; includes periodicals, newspapers, annuals (yearbooks, annual reports, etc ), the journals, memoirs, proceedings, transactions, etc of societies, and numbered monographic series
Of or pertaining to rows
A publication which is intended to continue indefinitely This includes periodicals such as magazines, journals, newspapers, and books such as almanacs and yearbooks which come out every year
of or relating to the sequential performance of multiple operations; "serial processing"
A publication that is issued in parts indefinetly over time (e g almanacs, annual reports, journals, magazines, etc )
serial bond
Bonds issued in a series by a public entity that are payable at different times
serial bonds
plural form of serial bond
serial comma
A comma preceding the final conjunction in a list of three or more items, especially to provide clarity
serial commas
plural form of serial comma
serial file
A type of sequential file consisting of sets of data of the same record
serial interval
In epidemiology of communicable (infectious) diseases, the time period between infection by an organism (pathogen) to the transmission (infectious) period
serial killer
A person who commits multiple (more than two) murders, especially similar ones with no obvious motive over a period of time with a "cooling-off" period between each murder
serial killers
plural form of serial killer
serial monogamy
a lifestyle which provides commitment to one sexual relationship at a time, but implies a regular change of partner
serial music
music, especially from the 20th century, in which themes are based on a definite order of notes of an equal-tempered scale
serial number
a unique number, assigned to a particular unit of some product, to identify it
serial numbers
plural form of serial number
serial port
A serial communication physical interface through which data is transferred in or out one bit at a time
serial ports
plural form of serial port
serial correlation
A time series in which the change from one period to the next in the value of the variable in question (e.g. an asset price) is correlated with past values of the variable
Serial Line Internet Protocol
SLIP protocol, protocol which allows a full simulated connection to the Internet by using telephone lines
serial cable
null modem cable, cable used to connect between two computers through their serial ports without the use of a modem
serial interface
port used for a serial connection between communication devices, interface for serial communication between peripheral devices (Computers)
serial killer
A person who attacks and kills victims one by one in a series of incidents
serial killer
someone who murders more than three victims one at a time in a relatively short interval
serial killer
person who commits a sequence of murders using similar methods and often chooses his victims according to a specific set of criteria
serial monogamy
when someone has a series of sexual relationships, rather than one long relationship or several relationships at one time - often used humorously
serial monogamy
a succession of short monogamous relationships (as by someone who undergoes multiple divorces)
serial mouse
mouse designed to connect to the computer through the serial port
serial murder
Unlawful homicide of at least two people, carried out in a series over a period of time. Serial murder differs from mass murder, in which several victims are murdered at the same time and place. Criminologists have distinguished between two types of serial murder: classic serial murder, which usually involves stalking and is often sexually motivated, and spree serial murder, which is usually motivated by thrill-seeking. Cases of serial murder have been documented since ancient times. The incidence of serial murder increased dramatically in the early 19th century, particularly in Europe, though this development has been attributed to advances in crime detection and increased news coverage rather than to an actual rise in the number of occurrences. From the late 19th century serial murderers received considerable attention in the press, and their cases inspired numerous books and films. These accounts, however, tended to mislead the public by suggesting that serial murder is a common phenomenon, when in fact it represented less than 2% of all murders in the late 20th century
serial number
A numeric or an alpha-numeric series used as a unique identifier for a device
serial number
A combination of numbers, letters, or other characters applied to notes for accounting and control purposes, and composed of the block number (if present) and serial numerals If the block number is not printed adjacient to the serial numerals, the latter are often referred to alone as the serial number
serial number
Unique letters and numbers used to identify a specific item of equipment
serial number
A set of characters that uniquely identifies a single unit and can be used for traceability and warranty purposes It does not normally refer to the use of a single identifier for a batch or lot composed of multiple units
serial number
This probably doesn't even need defining, but The serial number is the unique identifier number of the note On small size notes, this will be at least 8 digits, prefixed and suffixed by letters (or a star) The serial number uniquely identifies the note within the note's series designation On the newer (Series 1996 and above) $5, $10, $20, $50 and $100 notes, an additional prefix letter has been added to uniquely identify the note across all series On large size notes, the serial number isn't nearly as regularized, but it's the same general idea
serial number
A bit pattern that unambiguously can identify an SSM entity (record, file, or index) within the context of the volume on which the entity resides A serial number is not always associated with a Shore entity Serial numbers, once used to identify an entity, are never reused If an entity is destroyed, its serial number is never reassigned The SVAS and SSM enforce this rule; all value-added servers should do the same
serial number
Any code used to give a sequential series of numbers for identification
serial number
The serial number of a member of the United States military forces is a number which identifies them. A number that is one of a series and is used for identification, as of a machine, weapon, or motor vehicle. a number put on things that are produced in large quantities, so that each one has its own different number
serial number
- The minimum five-character number printed by a manufacturer on each set of charity game tickets Each ticket in a set contains the same serial number
serial number
A serial number is assigned to each copy of the StatLIA program for identification and registration purposes The serial number of the workstation appears on the first line of the laboratory address on the Laboratory Setup screen and on Laboratory Setup Reports
serial number
ordinal number; personal number; number of a car
serial number
A sequence of eight alphanumeric numbers used to license, identify and track your software with PTCLM (10-11-A3-E7)
serial number
-a unique number assigned to each discrete unit of an item
serial number
A control number usually assigned to a component by the component's manufacturer
serial number
(Ticaret) A set of characters that uniquely identifies a single unit and can be used for traceability and warranty purposes. It does not normally refer to the use of a single identifier for a batch or lot composed of multiple units
serial number
Series of numbers and letters on equipment used for identification and inventory tracking
serial number
The serial number of an object is a number on that object which identifies it. the gun's serial number. your bike's serial number
serial number
serial operation
the sequential execution of operations one after another
serial port
Up to the iMac that saw their end, most Macintoshes had two serial ports, the Modem port and the Printer port If you are unsure of which port to use, plug your modem in the Modem port Carnet can use any serial port to connect with a modem or a Minitel or any Hayes™-compatible dialing device Carnet also recognize internal serial ports such as the internal modem or the infrared port
serial port
A type of interface in which only 1 bit of data is transferred at a time Mice and modems are usually connected to serial ports, which are also referred to as COM ports
serial port
An interface on a computer that supports transmission of a single bit at a time; can be used for connecting almost any type of external device including a mouse, a modem, or a printer (although most printers are connected to a parallel port) On personal computers, most serial ports use an RS-232C or RS-422 type connector
serial port
A portion of a computer, modem, or device which is used to interface the serial communication bit stream with the functional circuitry of the device
serial port
Standard, but extremely slow, connection port found on most computers Also called RS-232
serial port
port used for a serial connection between communication devices, interface for serial communication between peripheral devices (Computers)
serial port
The place on the back of your computer where you plug in your modem Also called a communications port or comm port
serial port
A port that transmits data a bit at a time, used for modems, mice, certain printers and communication devices
serial port
An interface terminal at the back of a computer for input and output of sequential data, that is, information that is received and transmitted one bit at a time
serial port
A 9- or 25-pin connection on a computer that allows you to connect peripherals to your system A serial port is the same thing as a COM port, a comm port or a communications port
serial port
A serial port on a computer is a place where you can connect the computer to a device such as a modem or a mouse
serial port
A medium-speed data connection, such as the Modem Port on a Macintosh or COM Port on a PC, that transfers characters one bit at a time to another device, (e g , a modem or a terminal server)
serial port
  A port through which data are passed serially, i e , one bit at a time, and that requires only one input channel to handle a set of bits, e g , all the bits of a byte   Contrast with  parallel port
serial port
a port that sends bits one at a time, in a single stream, typically consisting of a line for sending data, one for receiving, and one or more other lines for regulating the transmissions over the send and receive lines A common type is an RS-232 port
serial port
A data transfer method used to connect a peripheral, such as a digital camera, to a computer The serial connection will allow the peripheral to transfer data to the computer and vice versa
serial port
A communications port used to connect peripherals such as modems and mice
serial port
Also known as a communications port or COM port The serial port is a location for sending and receiving serial data transmissions DOS references these ports by the names COM1, COM2, COM3, and COM4
serial port
A type of port that transmits data serially, one bit after another The Mac's modem and printer ports are serial ports
serial port
A computer interface connection that transmits data one bit at a time
serial port
A connector on the back of a computer to which you can attach a serial cable; also known as a COM port The free end is then used to connect to peripherals such as your monitor, printer or scanner
serial port
is a general-purpose personal computer communications port in which 1 bit of information is transferred at a time In the past, most digital cameras were connected to a computer's serial port in order to transfer images to the computer Recently, however, the serial port is being replaced by the much faster USB port on digital cameras as well as computers Apple Computer's iMacs, for instance, did away with serial ports entirely in favor of USB ports
serial port
A port on a computer system or router which may be attached to a serial communications line See also: router
serial port
A computer interface for connecting to external drives where data is transferred serially
serial port
A very slow port on the computer used mainly by modems Many digital cameras come equipped with cable to download images through this port but it's slow! Both parallel and USB ports are faster connections
serial port
One of several kinds of connectors found on the back of computers used to connect peripherals Peripherals that connect to serial ports include external modems, ISDN terminal adapters and mice
serial port
an interface (commonly used for modems and mice and some printers) that transmits data a bit at a time
serial port
A port on the computer (RS-232) where the wires carry the information in a serial manner - (speed is usually low but it is some kind of the lowest denominator in computer communication) Many digital cameras came equipped with cable to download images through this port but it's slow! Both parallel and USB ports are faster connections
serial processing
sequential processing by two or more processing units
Universal Serial Bus
An international standard for interconnecting personal computer devices using simple plugs and sockets and lightweight cables
Universal Serial Bus
USB, interface that connects between a computer and peripheral devices (such as a keyboard, game controllers, telephone, printer, etc.)
consecutively, sequentially; in serial form
In series, one after the other, as opposed to in parallel
In a series, or regular order; in a serial manner; as, arranged serially; published serially
in a serial manner; "serially composed music
in a serial manner; "serially composed music"
Publications that appear regularly In addition to periodicals, this term is often used to describe book series
A publication issued in successive parts and intended to be continued indefinitely Examples of serials are: periodicals, journals, newspapers, monographic series and yearbooks They can be in any medium, e g print, CD-ROM, electronic, microfilm See also: periodical, journal
a library term for periodicals stacks: the areas of the library where the books are shelved Here at Boston University, the stacks are open to students T thesaurus: a book listing subject headings for a specific periodical index or database Do not confuse this with the other kind of thesaurus, a book listing synonyms
plural of serial
serial clocks: ON, OFF
publications that appear more or less regularly--daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually, or biennally, for example *
Publications that appear more or less regularly--daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually, for example
publications that are issued in parts and intended to be continued indefinitely; includes magazines, journals, and newspapers along with annuals and yearbooks
titles which are received once annually or less frequently; each issue is a complete bibliographic unit While serial issues may be bound together for technical reasons, each issue is a complete entity and can be bound separately EXAMPLES: Annual Bulletin of Construction Statistics, Papers in Seventeenth Century French Literature
Turkish - English

Definition of serial in Turkish English dictionary

serial ın
(Bilgisayar) serial in
serial müziğe dayalı
(Muzik) dodecaphonic