
listen to the pronunciation of sergeant
English - Turkish

Çavuş Dan Anderson polis karakolunun etrafına barikat dikilmesini emretti. - Sergeant Dan Anderson ordered a barricade erected around the police station.

O bir müfreze çavuşu. - He's a platoon sergeant.

(Askeri) astsubay çavuş
komiser muavini
{i} londra belediye memuru
(Askeri) SERGEANT (FÜZESİ): 75 deniz mili dahilindeki mesafe içinde hedeflere taarruz etmek üzere imal edilmiş nükleer harp başlığı kullanma kabiliyetinde katı yakıtlı, atalet güdümlü, satıhtan satha atılır, seyyar bir füze
{i} astsubay

Bir yüzbaşı bir astsubayın üstündedir. - A captain is above a sergeant.

{i} ask. çavuş
(Askeri) sergeant
sergeant first class
(Askeri) astsubay kıdemli çavuş
sergeant major
(Askeri) astsubay başçavuş (karacı)
sergeant major
sergeant at arms
sergeant major
sergeant first class
ASTSUBAY ÜSTÇAVUŞ: ABD Ordusunda; altıncı derecede bir astsubay. Rütbece, astsubay çavuşun üstü, astsubay başçavuşun astıdır
sergeant major of the army
çavuş ordusunun büyük
sergeant at arms
parlamentoda güvenlik görevlisi
sergeant first class
kıdemli başçavuş [amer.]
sergeant first class
(Askeri) ASTSUBAY ÜSTÇAVUŞ: A. B. D. Ordusunda; altıncı derecede bir astsubay. Rütbece, astsubay çavuşun üstü, astsubay başçavuşun astıdır
sergeant major
(Askeri) İdari astsubay
sergeant major
ask. başçavuş
sergeant major
(Askeri) İDARE ASTSUBAYI: A. B. D. Ordusunda; tabur veya taburdan büyük bir birlikteki idari işler başyazıcısı. Bu yazıcı, çok defa, astsubay üstçavuş veya astsubay başçavuş rütbesindedir ve birlikte emir subayının erat grubundan olan baş yardımcısıdır. Bu bir rütbe olmayıp, şahıs vazifede bulunduğu sürece verilen bir unvandır
sergeant of the guard
(Askeri) İÇ KARAKOL ASTSUBAYI: Rütbesi ne olursa olsun, bir iç karakoldaki kıdemli astsubaya verilen unvan
sergeant of the guard
(Askeri) iç karakol astsubayı
senior chief master sergeant
(Askeri) kademeli kıdemli başçavuş
senior master sergeant
(Askeri) astsubay başçavuş
senior sergeant
(Askeri) Astsubay kıdemli çavuş

My rank is senior sergeant.

master sergeant
command sergeant major
(Askeri) başçavuş
staff sergeant
technical sergeant
(Askeri) astsubay üstçavuş
colour sergeant
drill sergeant
talim çavuşu
first sergeant
kıdemli başçavuş
gunnery sergeant
topçu çavuşu
technical sergeant
teknik çavuş
chief master sergeant
başkanı master çavuş
first sergeant
BÖLÜK BAŞÇAVUŞU: Bir bölük, batarya veya benzeri bir birlikte en yüksek rütbeli astsubay. Bu bir rütbe olmayıp, astsubayın yaptığı vazifeden dolayı verilen bir unvandır. Bunu normal bir rütbe olan "master sergeant" ile karıştırmamalıdır
gunnery sergeant
topçuluk çavuş
master sergeant
ASTSUBAY BAŞÇAVUŞ: ABD Kara Ordusunda; yedinci derece bir astsubay. Bu astsubay; rütbece astsubay üstçavuşun üstüdür. Bu terimi; yapılan vazifeye göre geçici bir unvan olarak kullanılan (first sergeant) ve (sergeant major) terimleri ile karıştırmamak lazımdır
master sergeant
ASTSUBAY BAŞÇAVUŞ: ABD Kara Ordusunda; yedinci derece bir astsubay. Bu astsubay; rütbece astsubay üstçavuşun üstüdür. Bu terimi; yapılan vazifeye göre geçici bir unvan olarak kullanılan (first sergeant) ve (sergeant major) terimleri ile karıştırmamak lazımdır
platoon sergeant
(Askeri) İn most armies, a Platoon Sergeant iş the title and position given to the senior enlisted member of a platoon, who advises and support's the platoon's commanding officer in leading the unit
platoon sergeant
(Askeri) Takım çavuşu
police sergeant
polis çavuşu
color sergeant
sancak çavuşu
common sergeant
belediye meclisi hukuk danışmanı
drill sergeant
eğitim çavuşu
first sergeant
(Askeri) BÖLÜK BAŞÇAVUŞU: Bir bölük, batarya veya benzeri bir birlikte en yüksek rütbeli astsubay. Bu bir rütbe olmayıp, astsubayın yaptığı vazifeden dolayı verilen bir unvandır. Bunu normal bir rütbe olan "master sergeant" ile karıştırmamalıdır
first sergeant
first sergeant's call
(Askeri) BÖLÜK BAŞÇAVUŞLARI TOPLANTISI: İdari işlerde talimat almak üzere, bölük başçavuşlarının tabur veya alay karargahlarında yaptıkları periyodik toplantı
infantry sergeant
(Askeri) piyade çavuş
lance sergeant
çavuş görevindeki onbaşı
mess sergeant
(Askeri) İAŞE ASTSUBAYI: Bak. "mess steward"
motor sergeant
(Askeri) MOTOR ASTSUBAYI: Motor subayının baş yardımcısı olarak hizmet gören astsubay
police sergeant
(Askeri) polis komiser muavini
provost sergeant
(Askeri) askeri inzibat astsubayı
provost sergeant
(Askeri) ASKERİ İNZİBAT ASTSUBAYI: ABD Ordusunda, bir askeri inzibat grubunu idare eden ve cezaevi teşkillerinin idaresinde, cezaevi subayına yardımda bulunan astsubay. Bu astsubay, mahpuslara nezaret eder ve askeri inzibat birliğinin kayıt işleriyle meşgul olur
special forces medical sergeant
(Askeri) özel kuvvetler sağlık çavuşu
specialized sergeant
(Askeri) uzman erbaş
staff sergeant
kıdemli başçavuş
staff sergeant
(Askeri) KARARGAH ÇAVUŞU: ABD Deniz Piyadesinde ve Hava Kuvvetlerinde, rütbece çavuştan (Airman 1st class sergeant) büyük ve astsubay üstçavuştan (technical sergeant) küçük astsubay. Hava Kuvvetlerinde en küçük rütbeli astsubay olup genellikle çavuş denilir
supply sergeant
(Askeri) İKMAL ASTSUBAYI, İKMAL ÇAVUŞU: İkmal maddelerini teslim alan, depolayan ve dağıtan astsubay. Bu astsubay, ikmal subayına (unit supply officer) karşı sorumludur
supply sergeant
levazım başçavuşu
technical sergeant
(Askeri) TEKNİK ASTSUBAY ÜSTÇAVUŞ: ABD Hava Kuvvetleri'nde ve deniz piyade sınıfında; rütbe, karargah çavuşunun (staff sergeant) üstünde ve astsubay başçavuş (master sergeant) altında bulunan astsubay. Bu rütbe orduda (sergeant first class) rütbesinin karşılığıdır
top sergeant
en kıdemli başçavuş
wire sergeant
(Askeri) TELLİ POSTA KOMUTANI: Tümenden aşağı karargahlarda ana ve mahalli telli devrelerin kurulmasından, bakım ve nezaretinden sorumlu ast subay
English - English
The highest rank of noncommissioned officer in most non-naval military forces and police
a non-commissioned military officer ranking next above a corporal
{n} a petty officer in the army, degree in law of the highest rank under a judge, title
In a company, battery, or troop, a noncommissioned officer next in rank above a corporal, whose duty is to instruct recruits in discipline, to form the ranks, etc
Falls over doorstep when trying to enter buildings Points and says, "Look at the pretty fire engine " Wets himself with a water pistol Plays in mud puddles Mumbles to himself
The Third rank in the Combatant Roll One who has: Earned 30 points in either the Sergeant or Knights List Earned 1 win on the Sergeant List Knights List Been authorized by a Knight combatant and the Minister of Joust to enter the Knights' List
an English barrister of the highest rank
non-commissioned officer above a corporal
a lawman with the rank of sergeant
He is now called sergeant-at-arms, and two of these officers, by allowance of the sovereign, attend on the houses of Parliament (one for each house) to execute their commands, and another attends the Court Chancery
{i} noncommissioned military officer ranked above a corporal or airman first class; police officer ranked below a captain or lieutenant
In the British police force, a sergeant is an officer with the next to lowest rank. In American police forces, a sergeant is an officer with the rank immediately below a captain. The unit headed by Sergeant Bell. a low rank in the army, air force, police etc, or someone who has this rank (sergent , from servens, present participle of servire; SERVE)
A lawyer of the highest rank, answering to the doctor of the civil law; called also serjeant at law
any of several noncommissioned officer ranks in the army or air force or marines ranking above a corporal
The cobia
A sergeant is a non-commissioned officer of middle rank in the army, marines, or air force. A sergeant with a detail of four men came into view. Sergeant Black
A baronial rank earned by the successful completion of a series of trials and competence in the are of heavy combat
A title sometimes given to the servants of the sovereign; as, sergeant surgeon, that is, a servant, or attendant, surgeon
Formerly, in England, an officer nearly answering to the more modern bailiff of the hundred; also, an officer whose duty was to attend on the king, and on the lord high steward in court, to arrest traitors and other offenders
sergeant baker
The fish Aulopus purpurissatus. (Reference: Australian Fish and How to Catch Them, Richard Allan, Landsdowne Publishing, 1990, ISBN 1-86302-674-6.)
sergeant first class
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Army, ranking above a staff sergeant and below a master sergeant or first sergeant
sergeant major
An appointment (not a rank) in the British Army and Royal Marines, denoting the most senior non-commissioned officer in a battalion, regiment or company
sergeant major
The most senior rank of non-commissioned officer in the United States Army and United States Marine Corps, ranking above a first sergeant
sergeant major
A senior non-commissioned appointment in the Army of a company or unit, directly responsible to the officer in charge for their soliders' performance, standards, discipline, morale, welfare, et al, that can be held by a Warrant Officer or above
sergeant major loach
A South Asian freshwater fish, commonly held in aquarium, Botia rostrata
A person charged with keeping order at a meeting
A rank of non-commissioned officer in various military services of the world
In the manner of a sergeant major

Okay boys,” I said, in sergeant-majorly style, “there are just two rules that you need to know for this expedition.”.

an executive officer in legislative bodies who enforces the orders of the presiding officer
the highest non-commissioned officer in a regiment
sergeant first class
A sergeant in the army above the rank of staff sergeant and below master sergeant. (synonym) first sergeant
Sergeant Bilko
the main character in a humorous television programme about a US army camp. Bilko is an army officer, played by Phil Silvers, who talks very fast and loves playing cards and finding ways to make money
sergeant at arms
An officer appointed to keep order within an organization, such as a legislative, judicial, or social body
sergeant at arms
an officer (as of a legislature or court) who maintains order and executes commands
sergeant first class
military non-officer rank between staff sergeant and master sergeant, sfc
sergeant major
large blue-gray black-striped damselfish; nearly worldwide a noncommissioned officer serving as chief administrative officer of a headquarters unit of the army
sergeant major
military rank between a first sergeant and a first major sergeant
sergeant major
a noncommissioned officer serving as chief administrative officer of a headquarters unit of the army
sergeant major
large blue-gray black-striped damselfish; nearly worldwide
sergeant major
A sergeant major is a non-commissioned army or marine officer of the highest rank. a military rank
officer that is appointed to maintain law and order
special type of British lawyer
Senior Master Sergeant
{i} noncommissioned officer in the United States Air Force having a rank above master sergeant, SMSgt
colour sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in some infantry regiments of the British army, equivalent in rank to a staff sergeant in most other armies. A colour sergeant ranks above a sergeant and below a warrant officer
drill sergeant
drill instructor
first sergeant
In the United States Marine Corps, a non-commissioned officer ranking above gunnery sergeant and below sergeant major or master gunnery sergeant; equal in rank to a master sergeant, but with command rather than technical responsibilities
first sergeant
In the United States Air Force, an appointment (not a rank) for the senior member of enlisted personnel in a squadron or other unit. The appointment is usually held by a master sergeant
first sergeant
In the United States Army, a non-commissioned officer ranking above sergeant first class and below sergeant major; equal in rank to a master sergeant but with greater command authority
gunnery sergeant
A non-commissioned officer of rank E-7 in the United States Marine Corps, ranking above a staff sergeant and below a master sergeant or first sergeant
master sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Air Force, ranking above technical sergeant and below senior master sergeant
master sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps, ranking above gunnery sergeant and below master gunnery sergeant or sergeant major
master sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Army, ranking above sergeant first class and below sergeant major; equal in grade and pay to a first sergeant
regimental sergeant major
An appointment in the army, the senior warrant officer in a regiment or battalion, usually helkd by a warrant officer class 1
regimental sergeant major
The senior warrant officer of the regiment or battalion, normally a Warrant Officer Class 1 (WO1)
regimental sergeant majors
plural form of regimental sergeant major
staff sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Army, ranking above sergeant and below sergeant first class
staff sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the British Army, ranking above a sergeant and below a warrant officer class 2
staff sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the armed forces of several countries, ranking above a sergeant. (Sometimes abbreviated to "staff")
staff sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in the United States Marine Corps, ranking above sergeant and below gunnery sergeant
staff sergeant
A non-commissioned officer in United States Air Force, ranking above senior airman and below technical sergeant
first sergeant
A sergeant in the army above the rank of staff sergeant and below master sergeant
master sergeant
(Askeri) A senior noncommissioned officer in the army or air force or marines
color sergeant
See under Sergeant
color sergeant
a sergeant in a color guard who carries one of the colors
command sergeant major
high ranking military officer
company sergeant major
officer in charge of a body of soldiers
desk sergeant
the police sergeant on duty in a police station
duty sergeant
military rank
first sergeant
The senior noncommissioned officer of a U.S. Army or Marine Corps unit, who is equivalent in rank to a master sergeant and performs administrative duties
first sergeant
military officer's rank
flight sergeant
a middle rank in the British air force, or someone who holds this rank
gunnery sergeant
a noncommissioned officer ranking above a staff sergeant in the marines
master sergeant
high-ranking noncommissioned military officer
orderly sergeant
one who helps the on-duty officer on a military base, one in charge of everyday affairs on a unit during the after-hours periods
orderly sergeant
the first sergeant of a company; duties formerly included the conveyance of orders
platoon sergeant
The senior noncommissioned officer in an army platoon or comparable unit
police sergeant
a lawman with the rank of sergeant
quartermaster sergeant
sergeant of a logistics unit
a sergeant deputized to enlist recruits
regimental sergeant major
senior sergeant major in a unit, person responsible for the discipline and organization of a unit
plural of sergeant
staff sergeant
A staff sergeant is someone who ranks just above sergeant in the British army or the United States army, marines, or air force. His father is a staff sergeant in the army. Staff Sergeant Robert Daily. a lower rank in the army or the US Air Force or Marines, or someone who has this rank
staff sergeant
military rank of a soldier between sergeant and master sergeant
staff sergeant
a noncommissioned officer ranking above corporal and below sergeant first class in the army or marines or above airman 1st class in the air force
technical sergeant
a noncommissioned officer ranking below a master sergeant in the air force or marines
Turkish - English
(Askeri) sergeant



    Turkish pronunciation



    /ˈsärʤənt/ /ˈsɑːrʤənt/


    [ 'sär-j&nt ] (noun.) 13th century. Middle English, servant, attendant, sergeant, from Middle French sergent, serjant, from Latin servient-, serviens, present participle of servire to serve.


    ... sergeant first class Corey Rams bird ...