(Askeri) deniz nakliyesini geliştirme programı; muhabere giriş paneli; olası küresel hata (sealift enhancement program; signal entrance panel; spherical error probable)
Kırık çanak çömleği yapıştırmaya yarayan yumurta akı, kireç, süt ve pamuk karışımı
English - English
Definition of sep in English English dictionary
Sep. is a written abbreviation for September. The more usual abbreviation is Sept.. Friday Sep. 21, 1990. simplified employee pension (plan). a written abbreviation of September
- Destination points for electric service most often at the meter level, but that could be higher in the chain
(Simplified Employee Pension Plan) (SEP-IRA) - a tax-deferred retirement plan that allows employers to contribute to IRAs for themselves and for their eligible employees Financial Planner has two types: SEP for employees tax-deferred savings plan SEP for self-employed tax-deferred savings plan
(Student Education Profile): Provides information about students' achievements as they leave school It consists of four components (levels of achievement, QCS Test result, OP and FPs) reported on two documents (the Senior Certificate and the Tertiary Entrance Statement)
Self Employment Program A federally funded program to assist EI eligible individuals in starting a new business The program is locally available through Community Futures www strathfutures bc ca/eebr/intro htm www strathfutures bc ca/docs/sep_reg pdf
Supported Employment Program - Support provided on an ongoing and long term basis to assist individuals with psychiatric disaabilities in choosing, funding and sustaining competitive employment The environment is usually a competitive work site with a majority of non-disabled individuals PRPs, independent employment agaencies, and other programs generally provide this service
Simplified employee pensions: Employers are allowed to set up a type of individual retirement account known as SEP-IRA for themselves and their employees Employers must contribute a uniform percentage of pay for each employee Employer contributions are limited to the lesser of 15 percent of an employee’s annual salary or $24,000 (Note: this amount is indexed for inflation and may vary) Businesses are not locked into making contributions every year, and can determine how much to put into a SEP on an annual basis This offers some flexibility when business conditions vary SEP’s can be started by most employers, including those who are self employed
Spherical Error Probable, a statistical measure of precision defined as the 50th percentile value of the three-dimensional position error statistics Thus, half of the results are within a 3-D SEP value
Separation, Separator, or Surface Electric Properties (experiment) The SEP experiment was flown on Apollo 17
Acronym for simplified employee pension plan, a type of pension plan whereby both the employee and employer contribute to the employee's individual retirement account
A combination of the traditional IRA account and the Keogh Plan that creates a tax-free earning account for retirement You can obtain our Your Investment Kit for a full explanation of all retirement plans by visiting our products page
A SEP is a plan under which the employer makes contributions to individual IRAs for each eligible employee even though all are part of a group plan