
listen to the pronunciation of sensitive
English - Turkish

O, soğuğa karşı çok duyarlıdır. - He is very sensitive to cold.

Bir köpek kokuya duyarlıdır. - A dog is sensitive to smell.


Tom soğuğa karşı çok hassastır. - Tom is very sensitive to cold.

Bir çocuk annesinin sevgisine karşı çok hassastır. - A child is very sensitive to its mother's love.

{s} içli
çabuk etkilenen
(Tıp) sansitif

Eleştiremeyecek kadar çok duyarlısın. - You are too sensitive to criticism.

Bir köpek kokuya duyarlıdır. - A dog is sensitive to smell.

çok duygusal

O kadar alıngan olma. - Don't be so sensitive.

duyguları çok iyi belirten
(alet) duyarlı
(Biyoloji) sensitif
hassas kimse
alıngan kimse
(Askeri) HASSAS: Açıklanması himayesinde bulundurduğu kişinin güvenliğine tehdit, yüz kızarıklığı ve ihlal oluşturan özel koruma gerektiren. Bir kuruluş, tesis, şahıs, mevki-makam, doküman, malzeme veya faaliyete tatbik edilebilir
{s} to -e duyarlı, -e hassas

Duygulu bir kimseyim, bilirsin. - I am a sensitive person, you know.

hassasiyet göstermek
sensitive air
havaya karşı duyarlı
sensitive analysis
duyarlık analizi
sensitive clay
hassas kil
sensitive country
hassas ülke
sensitive data
duyarlı veri
sensitive education
hassasiyet eğitimi
sensitive education
sensitive light
ışığa karşı duyarlı
sensitive light
sensitive nerve
(Biyoloji) duyu siniri
sensitive period
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) duyarlı dönem
sensitive product
(Politika, Siyaset) hassas ürün
sensitive relay
hassas röle
sensitive research
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) duyarlı araştırmalar
sensitive structure
hassas yapı
sensitive structure
duyarlı yapı
sensitive switch
(Elektrik, Elektronik) hassas anahtar
sensitive to
-e hassas
sensitive to voice
(Dilbilim) sese duyarlı
sensitive tree
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) küskün
sensitive tree
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) küstümotu
sensitive tree
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) mimoza
sensitive tree
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) küseğen
sensitive zone
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) duyarlı bölge
sensitive plant
sensitive to
e duyarlı
sensitive to air
havaya karşı duyarlı
sensitive to light
ışığa karşı duyarlı
sensitive drill
hassas matkap
sensitive fern
duyarlı eğreltiotu
sensitive flower
hassas çiçek
sensitive to
-e duyarlı
sensitive to changes in price
fiyat değişikliklerine duyarlı
sensitive to sexual stimulation
cinsel uyarılma duyarlı
sensitive to sexual stimulus
cinsel uyarana duyarlı
sensitive area
(Askeri) HASSAS BÖLGE: İstihbarat bakımından bir faaliyet merkezi haline gelen belirli mevki
sensitive command network
(Askeri) hassas komuta çevrimi
sensitive command network
(Askeri) HASSAS KOMUTA ÇEVRİMİ: Minütmen füze komuta, uzak kontrol, kalibrasyon ve fırlatma görevlerini desteklemek için faydalanılan sistem ve tesisleri tanıtır muhabere tesisi
sensitive compartmented information
(Askeri) HASSAS BÖLÜNMÜŞ BİLGİ: Şimdiki ve gelecekteki topluluk istihbarat toplama programları ve bitmiş ürünleri kompartmantasyon toplu sistemlerinin formal olarak tesis edileceği sınırlanmış bütün bilgi ve malzemeler. (Bu kontroller DOD 5200.1'in Information Security Program Regulation hükümlerinin üstünde ve ötesindedir) SCI olarak da bulunur
sensitive compartmented information
(Askeri) hassas bölünmüş bilgi
sensitive compartmented information facility
(Askeri) hassas bölünmüş bilgi tesisi
sensitive data
duyarli veri, kritik veri
sensitive high-resulution ion microprobe
hassas yüksek çözünürlüklü iyon mikroprobu
sensitive item
(Askeri) şüpheli madde
sensitive item
(Askeri) ŞÜPHELİ MADDE, KAÇAK MADDE: Gayri meşru pazarlarda süratle satış imkanı bulan ve özellikle hırsızlama mal olması ihtimal dahilinde bulunan mal kalemleri
sensitive item
(Askeri) kaçak madde
sensitive items
(Ticaret) hassas kalemler
sensitive of
(Fiili Deyim ) duyarlı olmak , hassas olmak
sensitive plant
bot. küstümotu
sensitive plant
sensitive position
(Askeri) önemli mevki
sensitive position
(Askeri) hassas mevki
sensitive position
(Askeri) HASSAS MEVKİ, ÖNEMLİ MEVKİ: Kara kuvvetlerinde mevcut görev yerlerinden, işgal eden şahsın, mevkiin mahiyeti itibariyle, milli güvenliğe aykırı maddi bir zarara neden olması ihtimal dahilinde görülen bir mevki. Bu gibi mevkileri çok gizli, gizli ve hizmete özel bilgi ve malzemeye yaklaşmayı gerektiren herhangi bir görev veya sorumluluğu ya da Kara Kuvvetleri Komutanı veya yetkilisi tarafından önemli olarak vasıflandırılan bir başka görev yerini içine alır
sensitive spot
hassas nokta
sensitive to air
(Tekstil) havaya karşı duyarl ı
sensitive to heat
ısıya duyarlı
sensitive to heat
sıcağa karşı hassas
sensitive volume
(Nükleer Bilimler) duyarlı hacim
touch sensitive
Dokunmaya duyarlı
case sensitive
Büyük Küçük Harfe Duyarlı
light sensitive
ışığa duyarlı
be sensitive
hassasiyet göstermek
highly sensitive
çok hassas
Fiyata duyarlı
hassas olarak
hassas bir şekilde
(Felsefe) duygululuk
to be sensitive
hassasiyet göstermek
context sensitive
bağlam duyarlı
electrostatic discharge sensitive device
elektrostatik boşalım duyarlılık cihazı
ışığa duyarlı
ışığa karşı hassas
make sensitive
pressure sensitive
basınca duyarlı
touch sensitive screen
dokunmaya duyarlı ekran
touch-sensitive screen
dokunma duyarlı ekran
accountable; responsible; sensitive
hesap verebilir, sorumlu, duyarlı
İklime/havaya duyarlı

Taken as a whole, climate-sensitive design using available technologies in the United States could cut total energy use by 60% in commercial buildings.

context sensitive
konuya özel
heat sensitive
ısıya duyarlı
most sensitive
En hassas
noise sensitive
sese duyarlı
çok hassas
program sensitive fault
program hassas fay
voltage sensitive
gerilime duyarlı
case sensitive
büyük/küçük harfe duyarlı
context sensitive
İçeriğe Duyarlı
context sensitive help
Bağlam Duyarlı Yardım
environmentally sensitive area
çevre yönünden duyarlı alan
extremely sensitive information
(Askeri) son derece hassas bilgi
get sensitive to
duyarlılık kazanmak
law enforcement sensitive; leave and earnings statement; Lincoln Laboratories Ex
(Askeri) yasa koruma açısından hassas; miras ve kazanç beyanı; Lincoln Laboratuvarları Deney Uydusu
over sensitive
çok hassas
over sensitive
aşırı duygusal
phase sensitive detection
evreye duyarli algilayici
protocol sensitive
protokola duyarli
protocol sensitive
(Bilgisayar,Teknik) protokola duyarlı
{i} alınganlık
{i} hassaslık
{i} duyarlılık
tactical sensitive compartmented information facility
(Askeri) taktik hassas bölünmüş bilgi tesisi
the most sensitive spot
can alıcı nokta
touch sensitive screen
dokunma duyarlı ekran
English - English
Of a person, easily offended, upset or hurt

My friend Max is very sensitive; he cried today because of the bad news.

Responsive to stimuli
One with a paranormal sensitivity to something that most cannot perceive

Swedenborg was one of the leading savants of Europe; it would be absurd to place any of our sensitives on the same intellectual level.

Of an issue, capable of offending, upsetting or hurting

Religion is often a sensitive topic of discussion and should be avoided when dealing with foreign business associates.

Accurate (instrument)
easily affected by outside operations or influences
used officially of classified information or matters affecting national security hurting; "the tender spot on his jaw" responsive to physical stimuli; "a mimosa's leaves are sensitive to touch"; "a sensitive voltmeter"; "sensitive skin"; "sensitive to light" having acute mental or emotional sensibility; "sensitive to the local community and its needs
responsive to physical stimuli; "a mimosa's leaves are sensitive to touch"; "a sensitive voltmeter"; "sensitive skin"; "sensitive to light"
used officially of classified information or matters affecting national security hurting; "the tender spot on his jaw"
having acute mental or emotional sensibility; "sensitive to the local community and its needs
{a} having sense, produced by sensation
Having a capacity of being easily affected or moved; as, a sensitive thermometer; sensitive scales
Readily affected or changed by certain appropriate agents; as, silver chloride or bromide, when in contact with certain organic substances, is extremely sensitive to actinic rays
Serving to affect the sense; sensible
Having quick and acute sensibility, either to the action of external objects, or to impressions upon the mind and feelings; highly susceptible; easily and acutely affected
Of or pertaining to sensation; depending on sensation; as, sensitive motions; sensitive muscular motions excited by irritation
A designation which is applied to species not yet officially listed but are under status review for proposed listing by the U S Fish and Wildlife Service
A sensitive subject or issue needs to be dealt with carefully because it is likely to cause disagreement or make people angry or upset. Employment is a very sensitive issue. politically sensitive matters. + sensitivity sen·si·tiv·ity Due to the obvious sensitivity of the issue he would not divulge any details
Something that is sensitive to a physical force, substance, or treatment is easily affected by it and often harmed by it. a chemical which is sensitive to light. gentle cosmetics for sensitive skin. + sensitivity sen·si·tiv·ity the sensitivity of cells to damage by chemotherapy
approval If you are sensitive to other people's needs, problems, or feelings, you show understanding and awareness of them. The classroom teacher must be sensitive to a child's needs He was always so sensitive and caring. + sensitively sen·si·tive·ly The abuse of women needs to be treated seriously and sensitively. + sensitivity sen·si·tiv·ity A good relationship involves concern and sensitivity for each other's feelings
This refers to a person who is input-oriented This means that they are better at using the input functions of abilities, which deal with sensing things rather than affecting them, than they are at using the output functions of abilities
able to feel or perceive; "even amoeba are sensible creatures"; "the more sensible p{ enveloping(a), shrouding(a), concealing,& (concealing by enclosing or wrapping as if in something that is not solid; "the enveloping darkness"; "hills concealed by shrouding mists") }arts of the skin"
The state of a region with regard to events If a region is sensitive to a particular type of event, the region's owner collects a copy of any such event that intersects with the region
Having sense of feeling; possessing or exhibiting the capacity of receiving impressions from external objects; as, a sensitive soul
adj (of a presentation) A presentation is sensitive if some action will take place when the user clicks on it with the pointer, that is, there is at least one presentation translator that is applicable In this case, the presentation will usually be highlighted [annotate]
Property requiring a high degree of protection and control due to statutory or regulatory requirements, such as drug abuse items; stock numbered precious metals, hazardous property; items which are of high value and small arms parts
A person who frequently demonstrates extrasen-sory gifts such as clairvoyance, telepathy, or precognition
If you are sensitive about something, you are easily worried and offended when people talk about it. Young people are very sensitive about their appearance Take it easy. Don't be so sensitive. + sensitivity sensitivities sen·si·tiv·ity people who suffer extreme sensitivity about what others think
hurting; "the tender spot on his jaw"
{s} able to perceive sensation, having the capacity for feeling; susceptible to external influences or agents; responsive, reactive; delicate, requiring special care or treatment, touchy; responding acutely to emotional stimuli, temperamental
Sensitive documents or reports contain information that needs to be kept secret and dealt with carefully. He instructed staff to shred sensitive documents
[adj ]
a person who can sense spirits
used officially of classified information or matters affecting national security
having acute mental or emotional sensibility; "sensitive to the local community and its needs"
A presentation is sensitive if some action will take place when the user clicks on it with the pointer Sensitive presentations are usually highlighted
Eligible to receive input events Xt does not dispatch most input events to insensitive widgets
A sensitive piece of scientific equipment is capable of measuring or recording very small changes. an extremely sensitive microscope. + sensitivity sen·si·tiv·ity the sensitivity of the detector
sensitive area
region where secret or classified information is located
sensitive fern
beautiful spreading fern of eastern North America and eastern Asia naturalized in western Europe; pinnately divided fronds show a slight tendency to fold when touched; pinnules enclose groups of sori in beadlike lobes
sensitive intelligence information
intelligence news that is classified
sensitive issue
issue which must be handled carefully because of its delicate nature
sensitive paper
{i} paper prepared for photographic use by turning it sensitive to the effect of light
sensitive plant
Either of two plants in the pea family (see legume) that close up their leaves and droop when touched. This unusually quick response is due to rapid water release from specialized cells at the bases of leaftsalks. The more common plant is Mimosa pudica (see mimosa). Spiny and shrubby, with fernlike leaves and small, globular, mauve flower puffs, it grows about 1 ft (30 cm) high as a widespread tropical weed and a greenhouse curiosity. Wild sensitive plant (Cassia nictitans) is less sensitive to touch; a larger plant, 20 in. (50 cm) high, it is native to the eastern U.S. and the West Indies
sensitive plant
semi-climbing prickly evergreen shrub of tropical America having compound leaves sensitive to light and touch prostrate or semi-erect subshrub of tropical America, and Australia; heavily armed with recurved thorns and having sensitive soft gray-green leaflets that fold and droop at night or when touched or cooled
sensitive to cold
suffers when exposed to cold weather
sensitive to heat
suffers when exposed to hot weather
sensitive to weather changes
undergoes changes when the weather changes, feels changes in the weather
case sensitive
Distinguishing upper- and lower-case letters. Often used in computer science to indicate a distinction is made in comparison or equality of letters based on case. For example, a case-sensitive password will not recognize "Password" and "password" as the same, but a case insensitive comparison would
Distinguishing upper- and lower-case letters

A case-sensitive comparison will find that smith and Smith are different words, while a case-insensitive comparison will not.

Involving transformations that are affected by more of the sentence than merely the section under scrutiny
Sensitive to context; exhibiting different behaviour depending on a task or situation

Right-click anywhere in the document window, and a context-sensitive menu appears.

Relating to a context-sensitive grammar

We introduce two new techniques for proving termination of context-sensitive rewriting.

The ability to be aware of (and, usually, react with regard to) the feelings of others
the ability to respond to affective changes in your interpersonal environment
{a} in a sensitive manner
case sensitive
this means that capitalization in a word matters! The case may cause the command to work or not work
case sensitive
A program or function that differentiates between capital and non-capitalized letters or words Something that is not case sensitive would view 'target' and 'TARGET' as the same word A case sensitive program would see two different words
case sensitive
Refers to the use of lowercase and uppercase letters When coding a customer or vendor, you must use either a capital or lowercase letter For example, a vendor code that is A002 will not be recognized if a002 is typed (p 61)
case sensitive
Most passwords are case sensitive allowing for a multitude of versions of the same password Therefore, if a password is spelled CaSeIsReLeVaNt then that is how you must spell your password every time otherwise expect password errors
case sensitive
When an operation is case sensitive it makes a distinction between two names that don't have the same case For instance, the names bill and Bill will be considered different in case sensitive system
case sensitive
Some sites on the Internet use an operating system called UNIX In UNIX, commands, passwords, etc typed in upper case (capitals) are different from the same ones typed in lower case KSU EDU is a UNIX machine, so be sure your username and password are typed in the proper case DOS and Windows-based systems are "case insensitive," meaning commands typed in upper and lower case (or a mixture) are equivalent
case sensitive
The searcher does not ignore capitalization when looking for the specified search term If you're looking for Washington, only Washington will be returned as a search result
case sensitive
In case sensitive applications, Capital letters (upper case) retrieve only upper case When in doubt, type everything in lower case
case sensitive
A condition in which entries for an entry field must conform to a specific lowercase, uppercase, or mixed-case format in order to be valid
case sensitive
URL's are usually are case sensitive and that means they must be in lower case letters (abbbbsss), not upper case ( BBBGGGSSS) When typing in the browser you may have to remember to type in small case lettering
case sensitive
Refers to upper and lower case letters UNIX is case sensitive, meaning that names of document links and file names must be identical A program accessing "Cat GIF" would not find the same file were it named "cat GIF "
case sensitive
Some information is case sensitive, meaning that uppercase and lowercase letters are treated differently For example, "wn286$k," and "Wn286$K," are not identical
case sensitive
Most search words are entered in full lower case because most search engines are only sensitive to capital letters Words entered in full lower case will always retrieve those words when found at a site, regardless of whether they appear as upper or lower
case sensitive
Making a distinction between uppercase and lowercase DOS commands and filenames are not case sensitive Passwords frequently are case sensitive
case sensitive
A test that is sensitive to whether a character is upper-case (e g , 'A') or lower-case (e g , 'a')
case sensitive
Able to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters A case sensitive device or program considers A and a to be different characters Devices and programs that are part of the Digital UNIX operating system are case sensitive Contrast with case insensitive
case sensitive
sensitive to the difference between lower-case letters and capital letters
case sensitive
Capital letters ( upper case ) retrieve only upper case Most search tools are not case sensitive or only respond to initial capitals, as in proper names It is always safe to key all lower case ( no capitals ), because lower case will always retrieve upper case
case sensitive
Able to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters A case sensitive device or program considers A and a to be different characters The DEC OSF/1 operating system is case sensitive Contrast with case insensitive
case sensitive
Capital letters (upper case) retrieve only upper case It is safe to key all lower case (no capitals), because lower case will always retrieve upper case
case sensitive
Capital letters (upper case) retrieve only upper case Most search tools are not case sensitive or only respond to initial capitals, as in proper names It is always safe to key all lower case (no capitals), because lower case will always retrieve upper case Which search engines have this?
case sensitive
If a search engine is case sensitive then Capital letters (upper case) retrieve only upper case Most search engines are not case sensitive or only respond to initial capitals, as in proper names Note: It is always safe to key all lower case (no capitals), because lower case will always retrieve upper case
case sensitive
When search engines recognize upper and lower case letters as being different, you cannot substitute capital letters for lower case ones or vice versa without affecting your desired outcomes When in doubt, you use the appropriate case when entering your search statement!
case sensitive
it matters if it is capital or lower case; as in typing a URL or an e-mail address, letters must be typed correctly
Case-sensitive refers to whether or not a given software program, or a communications protocol such as IP, requires you to type with strict attention to upper- or lower-case characters If a program sees the letters "UPS" and "ups" as the same, it is not case-sensitive If it finds them different, then it is
Distinguishing between upper and lower case letters
Generally applies to a data input field; a case-sensitive restriction means lower-case letters are not equivalent to the same letters in upper-case Example: "cat" is not recognized as being the same word as "Cat" or "CAT"
A system in which lower-caser letters are not considered equivalent to upper-case ones In a case-sensitive system, "dog", "Dog", and "DOG" are all considered different words In a non-case-sensitive system, they are considered the same word
A word used to describe a program able to distinguish between capital and small letters
In computing, if a written word such as a password is case-sensitive, it must be written in a particular form, for example using all capital letters or all small letters, in order for the computer to recognize it
A program that knows the difference between upper and lowercase letters
Case-sensitive refers to whether or not you need to type with strict attention to upper- or lower-case characters Your password on SBC Yahoo! Internet is case-sensitive, so if your password is "Password," (which, by the way, we don't recommend!) "PASSword," "password," or "PassWord" won't work Back to Top
The discrimination between lowercase and uppercase characters
Case-sensitive refers to whether or not you need to type with strict attention to upper- or lower-case characters Your password on Prodigy Internet is case-sensitive, so if your password is "Password," (which, by the way, we don't recommend!) "PASSword," "password," or "PassWord" won't work + Back to Top
Lower and upper case letters are not treated as being the same; e g 'a' is not the same as 'A'
A program that enables input based on the case size (i e Upper-case or Lower- case) of all the characters in a string of alpha-numeric characters (Usually found with password or search programs )
UNIX is extremely case sensitive; there are certain occasions where being able to distinguish lowercase characters is a must
Searches on yet2 com DO NOT differentiate between upper- and lowercase letters Your searches are NOT case-sensitive
Java is case sensitive In other words, an upper case letter is different from the lower case version (Using Objects - Slide 14)
Able to distinguish between uppercase and lowercase letters
context sensitive
Describes an application that can adjust its actions according to the current situation For example, an application with context-sensitive user input adjusts handwriting recognition according to the type of field (name, date, time, number, phone number, and so on) Source: NUIG
context sensitive
A characteristic of a user interface that adjusts program actions to accommodate the type of operation the user is currently trying to perform (pg 194)
context sensitive
In many programs, when you request help, you are provided help on the operation you area carrying out at the time That is, Help is "sensitive" to the "context" in which help was requested
context sensitive help
help screen with contents that match the user's current situation
context-sensitive help
(Ticaret) Help text associated with the specific part of the system a user is currently involved with, and the method with which it is being used
highly sensitive
readily affected by various agents; "a highly sensitive explosive is easily exploded by a shock"; "a sensitive colloid is readily coagulated
light sensitive
reacts to light, is affected by light
sensitive to visible light; "photographic film is light-sensitive
in a sensitive manner; responsively; perceptively
in a sensitive manner; "she questioned the rape victim very sensitively about the attack
in a sensitive manner; "she questioned the rape victim very sensitively about the attack"
The ability to perceive sensation
{i} ability to perceive sensation; responsiveness; delicateness, state of requiring special treatment or care; susceptibility to outside influences; quality of being temperamental
sensitivity to emotional feelings (of self and others)
(physiology) responsiveness to external stimuli; "sensitivity to pain"
Turkish - English

Definition of sensitive in Turkish English dictionary

Gluten Sensitive Enteropathy
(Tıp) celiac disease ve dermatitis herpetiformis bozukluklarına tekabül eden genel bir terim