The reconciliation or fusion of different systems or beliefs (or the attempt at such fusion)
Reconciliation or fusion of differing systems of belief, as in philosophy or religion, especially when success is partial or the result is heterogeneous
Attempted union of principles or parties irreconcilably at variance with each other
- See Unionism below Webster's dictionary defines syncretism as "the combination of different forms of belief or practice"
the union (or attempted fusion) of different systems of thought or belief (especially in religion or philosophy); "a syncretism of material and immaterial theories"
The attempt to combine or unify differing religious systems New Age gurus often claim that all the world religions teach the same core truth: all people possess an inner divinity
the fusion of originally different inflected forms (resulting in a reduction in the use of inflections)
blending traits from two different cultures to form a new trait Also called fusion
The blending of different religions, a term Bible scholars typically apply to the mingling of Canaanite rites and customs (Baalism) with the Israelites' Mosaic faith Although a practice repeatedly denounced by the prophets (Judg 2: 13; 3: 7; 6: 31; 8: 33; 1 Kings 16: 31; 18: 26; 2 Kings 10: 18; Jer 2: 8; 7: 9; 19: 5; 23: 13; Hos 2: 8), Judaism borrowed many of its characteristic forms, psalms, concepts, and religious rituals from earlier Canaanite models
Developing your world view by taking a few verses from the Bible, a couple of Zen koans, some sections from the Upanishads, key lines from Calvin and Hobbes, and any other words of wisdom you find, throwing them all in a blender, and adding enough sugar till it tastes just right for you
The mixing of pagan and/or secular ideas with Christian doctrine ( Similar: Cafeteria Religion, Salad Bar Religion )
the fusion of originally different inflected forms (resulting in a reduction in the use of inflections) the union (or attempted fusion) of different systems of thought or belief (especially in religion or philosophy); "a syncretism of material and immaterial theories
combining aspects of two or more religions eg the Israelites tended to pick up Canaanite religious practices and incorporate them into the Temple worship
The union or fusion into one of two or more originally different inflectional forms, as of two cases
{i} joining of two seemingly contradictory ideas or beliefs (Philosophy, Religion); combination of at least different inflectional forms (Linguistics)
Turkish - Turkish
Definition of senkretizm in Turkish Turkish dictionary
Senkretizm sıklıkla çeşitli düşünce okullarının uygulamalarını ve yollarını karıştırarak ayrı veya çelişkili inançları birleştirmek veya birleştirmeyi denemektir. Özellikle teolojide ve din mitolojisinde başta birbirinden farklı olan geleneklerin birleştirilmesi ve kıyaslanmasına yönelik olan, böylece farklı inançlarda temelde yatan bir birliği öne sürerek farklı inançlara karşı daha kapsayıcı bir duruşu savunan hareket ve denemeler için de bu terim kullanılabilir
Birbirinden ayrı düşünce, inanış veya öğretileri kaynaştırmaya çalışan felsefe sistemi