sell short

listen to the pronunciation of sell short
English - English
underestimate the real value or ability of; "Don't sell your students short--they are just shy and don't show off their knowledge"
sell securities or commodities or foreign currency that is not actually owned by the seller, who hopes to cover (buy back) the sold items at a lower price and thus to earn a profit
sell at a loss
sell oneself short
To avoid being acknowledged to the fullest or purest extent, as, underestimating one's abilities or image
sell oneself short
To belittle oneself in judgment
sell yourself short
Not mention some of your skills or qualifications. "If the employer asks about your awards, don't sell yourself short."
short sell
A strategy that profits from a security price decline It is initiated by borrowing the security from a broker-dealer and selling it in the open market This strategy is closed (covered) at a later date by buying back the security and returning it to the lending broker-dealer
short sell
An arrangement with a broker to borrow and sell securities The borrowed securities are replaced with securities purchased later Short sells let investors earn profits from falling securities prices 578
short sell
Selling a security that you don't own, in the hope that the price will decrease before you buy it back When you short sell you are borrowing the security from another investor, this means you could be required to buy the security back and return it at any time, you are also required to pay the lender any dividends or distributions that the security makes while you are borrowing it The seller must declare a short sale when placing the order
short sell
A strategy for making profits in a declining market or on the decline of an individual stock
sell short


    sell Short

    Turkish pronunciation

    sel şôrt


    /ˈsel ˈsʜôrt/ /ˈsɛl ˈʃɔːrt/