The prediction of poor turn out for the event was self-fulfilling, once people heard the turn out would be bad, they didn't come so the turn out was bad.
A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself, due to positive feedback between belief and behavior
If you describe a statement or belief about the future as self-fulfilling, you mean that what is said or believed comes true because people expect it to come true. Fear of failure can become a self-fulfilling prophecy. if a statement or belief about what will happen in the future is self-fulfilling, it becomes true because you expect it to be true and so behave in a way that will make it happen
false expectation or prediction of behavior that tends to come true because it leads people to act as if it already were true false expectation or prediction of behavior that tends to come true because it leads people to act as if it already were true
A term used to refer to the fact that frequently things turn out just as one expected (or prophesied) that they would -- not necessarily because of one's prescience but because one behaved in a manner that optimized these very outcomes
A disabled person reacting through prior experience of difficulty and expectation that he will be treated badly may trigger negative reactions/biases in others and fulfill stereotypes by aggressive, confrontational behavior, or defensiveness, initiating a cycle of misunderstanding and avoidance