security was extra tight in the wake of last week's bomb attack

listen to the pronunciation of security was extra tight in the wake of last week's bomb attack
English - German
Die Sicherheitskontrollen waren nach dem Bombenanschlag der letzten Woche besond
security was extra tight in the wake of last week's bomb attack


    se·cu·ri·ty was ex·tra tight in the wake of last week's bomb at·tack

    Turkish pronunciation

    sîkyûrıti wız ekstrı tayt în dhi weyk ıv läs wiks bôm ıtäk


    /səˈkyo͝orətē wəz ˈekstrə ˈtīt ən ᴛʜē ˈwāk əv ˈlas ˈwēks ˈbôm əˈtak/ /sɪˈkjʊrətiː wəz ˈɛkstrə ˈtaɪt ɪn ðiː ˈweɪk əv ˈlæs ˈwiːks ˈbɔːm əˈtæk/