security strap that goes around the lower part of a helmet or hat

listen to the pronunciation of security strap that goes around the lower part of a helmet or hat
English - Turkish

Definition of security strap that goes around the lower part of a helmet or hat in English Turkish dictionary

miğfer kayışı
miğfer kayısı
miğfer kayış
English - English
{i} chinstrap
security strap that goes around the lower part of a helmet or hat


    se·cu·ri·ty strap that Goes a·round the Low·er part of a hel·met or hat

    Turkish pronunciation

    sîkyûrıti sträp dhıt gōz ıraun dhi lōır pärt ıv ı helmıt ır hät


    /səˈkyo͝orətē ˈstrap ᴛʜət ˈgōz ərˈoun ᴛʜē ˈlōər ˈpärt əv ə ˈhelmət ər ˈhat/ /sɪˈkjʊrətiː ˈstræp ðət ˈɡoʊz ɜrˈaʊn ðiː ˈloʊɜr ˈpɑːrt əv ə ˈhɛlmət ɜr ˈhæt/