(Askeri) MİLLİ GÜVENLİK KONSEYİ; MİLLİ GÜVENLİK KURULU: ABD'de; askeri müesseler ile hükümetin diğer bakanlık ve dairelerinin, milli güvenliği ilgilendiren hususlarda daha etkili işbirliği yapabilmelerini mümkün kılmak için milli güvenlikle ilgili iç, dış ve askeri politikanın bir bütün haline sokulması maksadıyla, ABD, Cumhurbaşkanına fikir vermekle görevli olarak kurulan ve Cumhurbaşkanının başkanlığı altında bulunan bir konsey
English - English
Definition of security council in English English dictionary
{i} United Nations international peace-keeping council made up of 5 permanent members and 10 elected members
The Security Council is the committee which governs the United Nations. It has permanent representatives from the United States, Russia, China, France, and the United Kingdom, and temporary representatives from some other countries. the most powerful part of the United Nations, which is responsible for making sure that countries behave peacefully towards each other, and for deciding what the United Nations should do if countries go to war. It is a committee of five permanent members (the US, the UK, Russia, France, and China) and ten other members who change every two years
a permanent council of the United Nations; responsible for preserving world peace
a powerful government committee in the US, which controls the relationship between military and foreign policy. Its members include the President, the Secretary of State, and the Defense Secretary, and its leader is the President's 'National Security Adviser'. U.S. agency that advises the president on domestic, foreign, and military policies related to national security. With the Central Intelligence Agency, it was established by the 1947 National Security Act. It provides the White House with a foreign-policy-making instrument independent of the State Department. It has four members the president, vice president, and secretaries of state and defense and its staff is headed by the national security adviser
UN resolution adopted by the Security Council on September 2nd 2004 which stated to free Lebanon from the Syrian occupation and withdrawal of all non-Lebanese forces from Lebanon and called for the disarmament of Hizbullah and non-Lebanese militias in occupied Lebanon
{i} UN Resolution adopted by the Security Council on August 11th 2006 that called for the immediate cessation of hostilities between Israel and the Hizbullah (called for Hizbollah to immediately stop all attacks and for Israel to cease "all offensive military operations.") followed by the deployment of Lebanese troops and an increased United Nations peacekeeping forces to be present across south Lebanon and also calling for the withdrawal of all Israeli forces from this region
Division of the United Nations whose primary purpose is to maintain international peace and security. The Security Council originally consisted of five permanent members Taiwan (succeeded in 1971 by China), France, the United Kingdom, the U.S., and the Soviet Union (succeeded in 1991 by Russia) and six rotating members elected by the United Nations General Assembly for two-year terms. In 1965 the number of nonpermanent members was increased to
UN members agree to abide by the Security Council's resolutions when they join. The Security Council investigates disputes that threaten international peace and advises on how to resolve them. To prevent or halt aggression, it may impose diplomatic or economic sanctions or authorize the use of military force. Each of the permanent members holds veto power in decisions on substantive matters, such as the application of sanctions. Decisions on both substantive and procedural matters require nine affirmative votes, including the affirmative vote of all five permanent members (though in practice a permanent member may abstain without impairing the validity of a decision)
a committee in the executive branch of government that advises the president on foreign and military and national security; supervises the Central Intelligence Agency