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listen to the pronunciation of secondary
English - Turkish

Bu problem sadece ikincil derecede önemli. - This problem is only of secondary importance.

Teleskopların birincil ve ikincil aynası vardır. - Telescopes have a primary and a secondary mirror.

{s} tâli
(Biyoloji) sekonder
ikinci derecede olan
ikinci gelen
{s} orta dereceli
{i} ikinci dereceli şey
evvelce teşekkül etmiş kaya içinde toplanan taş veya maden kabilinden
{i} uydu
{i} sekonder devre
{s} orta

O sadece ortaokula devam etti. - He attended only secondary school.

Ortaokul diplomalarını aldıktan sadece iki yıl sonra, bugün genç insanlar okulda öğrendiklerinin sadece yüzde onunu biliyorlar. Bu çılgınca! Yüzde yüz için çaba göstermeliyiz. - Only two years after receiving their secondary school diploma, young people today know merely ten percent of what they learned on school. That's crazy! We must strive for 100 percent.

{s} ikinci derecede

On iki rengin bir toplamı için üç ana renk ve dokuz ikinci derecede renk vardır. - There are three primary colours and nine secondary colours for a total of twelve colours.

kuş kanadının ikinci mafsalındaki tüy
{s} ara (renk)
{s} önemsiz
{s} ikinci dereceli
sonradan oluşan
{s} ikinci

On iki rengin bir toplamı için üç ana renk ve dokuz ikinci derecede renk vardır. - There are three primary colours and nine secondary colours for a total of twelve colours.

Bu problem sadece ikincil derecede önemli. - This problem is only of secondary importance.

{i} ikincil şey
(Tıp) Tali, ikinci derecede (ehemmiyet taşıyan) olan, ikinci gelen
secondary school
secondary armament
(Askeri) tali silah
secondary effort
(Askeri) tali taarruz
secondary market
(Ticaret) ikinci el piyasa
secondary school
secondary school
ortaöğretim kurumu
secondary aldosteronism
sekonder aldosteronizm
secondary amenorrhea
sekonder amenore
secondary anemia
sekonder anemi
secondary bank
ikincil banka
secondary cell
ikincil hücre
secondary class
ikinci sınıf
secondary coil
ikinci devre bobini
secondary coil
sekonder bobin
secondary colour
karışım rengi
secondary education
orta tahsil
secondary feather
kuşlarda ikinci kanat boğumunda çıkan tüyler
secondary industry
ikincil sanayi
secondary key
ikincil anahtar
secondary language
yazılı dil
secondary language
kültür dili
secondary market
ikincil piyasa
secondary memory
ikincil bellek
secondary mortgage
ikinci derecede ipotek
secondary planet
gezegenin uydusu
secondary root
ikincil kök
secondary root
yan kök
secondary storage
ikincil bellek
secondary winding
ikincil dönemeç
secondary access
İkinci erişim
secondary air
ikincil hava
secondary articulation
normal seslendirmeye solukluluk
secondary beam
tali kırış
secondary blasting
ikincil patlatma
secondary brake
sekonder fren, yardımcı fren
secondary circuit
sekonder devre
secondary clarifier
İkinci Arıtıcı
secondary compound
ikincil bileşik sözcük
secondary consumer
İkinci tüketici
secondary current
sekonder akım, ikincil akım
secondary derivative
yeniden türetilmiş sözcük
secondary effect
ikincil etki
secondary electron
sekonder elektron, ikincil elektron
secondary emission
(Elektrik, Elektronik) İkincil salim: Daha yüksek enerjili elektronlar tarafından uyarılan elektron yüklü bir yüzeyin (katod) elektron salımı
secondary features
ikinci derecedeki özellikler
secondary hardening
sekonder sertleşme, ikincil sertleşme
secondary industry
(Ekonomi) İkincil sanayi, ikincil endüstri: Hammadeyi işleyip ürün ortaya çıkaran sanayi

Secondary industry rely on the ready supply of raw materials.

secondary language
yazılı dil, kültür dili
secondary language
ikincil dil
secondary light source
ikincil ışık kaynağı
secondary resistance
sekonder direnç, ikincil direnç
secondary role
İkinci rol
secondary school leaving certificate
ortaokul bitirme sertifikası
secondary service area
sekonder yayın alanı
secondary source
İkinci kaynak
secondary stress
tali gerilme
secondary venturi
(karbüratör) karışım odacigi
secondary voltage
sekonder gerilim, ikincil gerilim
secondary aging
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikincil yaşlanma
secondary air pollutants
ikincil hava kirleticileri
secondary analysis
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikincil analiz
secondary armament
(Askeri) TALİ KIYI SAVUNMA SİLAHI: Kıyı topçuluğunda, çapı 12 inç (3U.5 cm) den aşağı olan topçu silahları. Daha büyük kıyı topçu silahları ve denizaltı mayınları esas kıyı savunma silahı olarak sınıflandırılır. Buna (minor-caliber weapon) da denir
secondary army terminal
(Askeri) KARA ORDUSU TALİ TERMİNALİ: Kara ordusu esas terminalinin bir sevkiyat acentesi olarak faaliyette bulunan bir kara ordusu terminali
secondary attack
(Askeri) TALİ TAARRUZ: Asıl taarruza nazaran tali bir önem taşıyan taarruz. Bu taarruz, genel olarak, derinliğin az olması, ihtiyatlarının asgari hadde tutulması, taarruz kademesine fazla ateş kuvvetinin verilmesi, geniş taarruz bölgesi tahsis edilmesi ve çok defa, mahdut hedefli olması gibi özelliklerle asıl taarruzdan ayrılır. Buna (secondary effort) da denir
secondary attack
(Askeri) Tali taarruz
secondary axis
ikincil eksen
secondary axis
(Fotoğrafçılık) tali eksen
secondary barrel
(Otomotiv) sekonder kovan
secondary barrel
(Otomotiv) sekonder barel
secondary beam
tali kiriş
secondary boycott
(Ticaret) ikinci derece boykot
secondary boycott
(Ticaret) tali boykot
secondary boycott
(Ticaret) ikinci derecede boykot
secondary canal
sekonder kanal
secondary care
(Tıp) ikinci basamak tedavi
secondary cell
ikincil pil
secondary censorship
(Askeri) TALİ SANSÜR: Amerikan Silahlı Kuvvetlerine mensup subayların, sivil memurların ve bu kuvvetlere refakat eden sivil şahısların şahsi haberleşmeleri ile Silahlı Kuvvetler esas sansürüne tabi olmayan veya tabi olup da yeniden incelenmeye ihtiyaç gösteren Silahlı Kuvvetler mensubu eratın şahsi haberleşmeleri üzerinde icra edilen sansür. Ayrıca bakınız: "censorship"
secondary channel
sekonder kanal
secondary circuit
(Otomotiv) ikinci sekonder devre
secondary circuit
ikincil devre
secondary circuit
(Nükleer Bilimler) ikinci devre
secondary coil
(Otomotiv) sekonder sargı
secondary color
karışım rengi
secondary color
ara renk
secondary compression
ikincil sıkışma
secondary containment
(Nükleer Bilimler) ikinci emniyet kabı
secondary control
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikincil kontrol
secondary coolant
sekonder soğutucu madde
secondary coolant
(Nükleer Bilimler) ikinci soğutucu,ikinci devre soğutucusu
secondary coolant circuit
(Nükleer Bilimler) ikinci soğutma devresi,sekonder soğutma çevrimi
secondary cortex
(Botanik, Bitkibilim) sekonder kabuğu
secondary cosmic radiation
(Askeri) TALİ KOZMİK RADYASYON: Esas kozmik ışın partiküllerinin yukarı atmosfer atom ve molekülleriyle çarpışması sonucu meydana gelen enerji yüklü nükleer kalıntılar ve elektromanyetik radyasyon
secondary creep
ikincil akma
secondary current
tali cereyan
secondary current
(Askeri) ikincil akıntı
secondary current
ikincil akım
secondary cutting
(Çevre) ikincil kesim
secondary cutting
(Çevre) ara kesim
secondary cyclone
(Meteoroloji) ikincil siklon
secondary dam
tali baraj
secondary data
(Ticaret) ikinci el veriler
secondary debt
(Ticaret) ikincil borç
secondary dentine
(Diş Hekimliği) Direkt/ indirekt kuafajdan sonra veya kendi kendine, odontoblastların pulpanın açılmışveya açılmak üzere olan pulpa- dentin sınırında pulpayı korumak amacı ile sonradan yaptıkları ince ek dentin tabakası
secondary deviance
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikincil sapma
secondary diagonal
ikincil kosegen
secondary diagonal
ikincil köşegen
secondary dike
tali şedde
secondary dike
tali sedde
secondary disaster
(Çevre) ikincil afet
secondary dns
(Bilgisayar) ikincil dns
secondary dose limits
(Nükleer Bilimler) ikincil doz limitleri,ikincil doz sınırları
secondary drilling
(Madencilik) sekonder delme
secondary drive
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikincil itki
secondary drying
sekonder kurutma
secondary duct
tali kanal
secondary education
orta öğretim
secondary effect
tali etki
secondary effort
(Askeri) TALİ TAARRUZ: Bak. "secondary attack"
secondary elements
yardımcı elemanlar
secondary emission
ikincil salım
secondary emission
ikincil yayılma
secondary emission
ikincil yayım
secondary emission
ikincil salim
secondary emission
sekonder emisyon
secondary emitter
sekonder emitör
secondary energy
sekonder enerji
secondary enrichment
ikincil zenginleşme
secondary evidence
(Kanun) ikinci derece delil
secondary evidence
(Kanun) dolaylı delil
secondary evidence
(Kanun) ikinci derece kanıt
secondary explosive
(Askeri) ikincil patlayıcı
secondary feature
(Dilbilim) ikincil özellik
secondary file
ikincil kütük
secondary fire sector
(Askeri) TALİ ATEŞ SAHASI: Tam anlamda bir ateş sahası içinde bulunmayan; fakat lüzum görüldükçe ateşle taranabilen sahalar. Bu sahalar; yanlara (flanks) yakın ve komşu birliklerin ateş sahaları içinde bulunur. Bak. "primary fire sector"
secondary flow
(Askeri) ikincil akım
secondary flow
tali akım
secondary force
ikincil kuvvet
secondary formation
(Biyoloji) ikincil oluşum
secondary front
(Meteoroloji) ikincil cephe
secondary gain
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikincil kazanç
secondary gear
sekonder dişli
secondary gechemical dispersion
ikincil jeokimyasal dağılma
secondary geochemical differentiation
ikincil jeokimyasal farklılaşma
secondary group
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikincil grup
secondary hazard
(Çevre) ikincil tehlike
secondary heating
ikincil ısıtma
secondary host
(Hayvan Bilim, Zooloji) arakonakçı
secondary imagery dissemination system
(Askeri) ikinci görüntüyü yayma sistemi
secondary imagery dissemination; standard instrument departure
(Askeri) ikinci görüntünün yayılması; standart alet kalkışı
secondary investment
tali yatırım
secondary item
(Askeri) ikinci derecede madde
secondary item
(Askeri) İKİNCİ DERECEDE MADDE: Nihai maddelerle tali ve yedek parçaları ihtiva eden ve birinci derecede madde olarak sınırlandırılmamış olan herhangi bir madde. Bak. "principal item"
secondary landing
(Askeri) tali indirme
secondary landing
(Askeri) tali çıkarma
secondary landing
(Askeri) TALİ ÇIKARMA, TALİ İNDİRME: Asıl çıkarma ve indirmeyi direkt veya endirekt olarak desteklemek üzere, normal olarak, asıl çıkarma ve indirme bölgesinin dışında yapılan çıkarma veya indirme
secondary landslide
(Çevre) ikincil heyelan
secondary law
(Avrupa Birliği) İkincil Hukuku
secondary limestone
ikincil kireçtaşı
secondary logon
(Bilgisayar) ikincil oturum açma
secondary logon
(Bilgisayar) ikincil oturum
secondary low
(Meteoroloji) ikincil alçak
secondary main jet
(Otomotiv) sekonder ana jet
secondary main jet
(Otomotiv) ikinci ana jet
secondary male
(Denizbilim) ikincil erkek
secondary migration
ikincil göç
secondary mineral
ikincil mineral
secondary moment
tali moment
secondary motives
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikincil motifler
secondary pipes
ikincil borular
secondary pipes
yedek borular
secondary pipes
tali borular
secondary piston
(Otomotiv) ikinci piston
secondary piston
(Otomotiv) sekonder piston
secondary planet
(isim) uydu
secondary planet
{i} uydu
secondary plate
(Otomotiv) ikinci plaka
secondary plate
(Otomotiv) sekonder plaka
secondary pollutants
ikicil kirleticiler
secondary porosity
tali porozite
secondary porosity
ikincil porozite
secondary porosity
ikincil gözeneklilik
secondary port
(Askeri) TALİ LİMAN: Denizlerde seyreden gemilere hizmet veren normalde rıhtımlarda bir veya birden fazla demirleme yerli rıhtım
secondary port
(Askeri) tali liman
secondary quality
(Pisikoloji, Ruhbilim) ikincil nitelik
secondary quartz
ikincil kuvars
secondary radar
(Askeri) TALİ RADAR, YARDIMCI RADAR: Aynı veya değişik radyo frekansı üzerinden otomatik olarak yeniden gönderme yapan radar
secondary radar
(Askeri) yardımcı radar
secondary radar
(Askeri) tali radar
secondary radar data only
(Askeri) sadece ikincil radar verisi
secondary radiation
(Nükleer Bilimler) ikincil radyasyon
secondary relay
ikincil role
secondary relay
sekonder röle
secondary relay
ikincil röle
English - English
Subsequent in origin; -- said of minerals produced by alteration or deposition subsequent to the formation of the original rocks mass; also of characters of minerals (as secondary cleavage, etc.) developed by pressure or other causes
Pertaining to the second joint of the wing of a bird
Succeeding next in order to the first; of second place, origin, rank, rank, etc.; not primary; subordinate; not of the first order or rate
The defensive backs
Of less than primary importance
Used as an abbreviation to refer to items with names containing secondary
Possessing some quality, or having been subject to some operation (as substitution), in the second degree; as, a secondary salt, a secondary amine, etc. Compare primary
Acting by deputation or delegated authority; as, the work of secondary hands
Dependent or consequent upon another disease; as, Bright's disease is often secondary to scarlet fever; or occurring in the second stage of a disease; as, the secondary symptoms of syphilis
Any flight feather attached to the ulna (forearm) of a bird
An act of issuing more stock by an already publicly traded corporation
Formed by mixing primary colors

Yellow is a secondary light color, though a primary CMYK color.

less important or effective than that which is primary
{n} a fether growing on the second part of the wing
When a public company issues additional shares to the public
means the resource can be used for secondary school education (usually ages 11-18)
not of major importance; "played a secondary role in world events"
{s} next after first, second in a series (in rank, importance, etc.); of lesser importance; inferior, subordinate; pertaining to secondary schools; incidental
Schools with Years 8 through to 12 (State Secondary Campuses and Centres for Continuing Secondary Education are not considered individual centres as they are organisationally considered part of a State High School)
Species names that are, or become the same when placed in the same genus subsequent to first publication of at last one of them
Examinations for the GCSE are taken after about five years of secondary education
The executable that is hand-loaded and executed by the Kernel, namely the file server
of second rank or importance or value; not direct or immediate; "the stone will be hauled to a secondary crusher"; "a secondary source"; "a secondary issue"; "secondary streams"
Occurring in the second stage of a disease; as, the secondary symptoms of syphilis
Market A lender, agency, or institution that buys education loans from the originating lenders or other holders Lenders sell education loans to secondary markets to replenish and generate capital for their continuing operations, including making additional loans
The second part of fermentation characterized by slower CO2 production and yeast dropping out of suspension Also the carboy in which this happens
Secondary stage of a nuclear device which is typically imploded by energy from the first-stage 'Primary'
The four players -- the two safeties and two cornerbacks -- who make up a team's defensive backfield
Subsequent in origin; said of minerals produced by alteration or deposition subsequent to the formation of the original rock mass; also of characters of minerals as secondary cleavage, etc
Adjective identifying the second surface to reflect radiation in a telescope In a radio telescope, the primary reflector is usually the surface of the panels or, in a low-frequency antenna, a wire mesh This is sometimes referred to as the main reflector or simply, the dish The secondary reflector, if any, is often called the subreflector
Dependent or consequent upon another disease; as, Brights disease is often secondary to scarlet fever. (b) Occuring in the second stage of a disease; as, the secondary symptoms of syphilis
the defensive football players who line up behind the linemen belonging to a lower class or rank not of major importance; "played a secondary role in world events"
developed by pressure or other causes
Secondary diseases or infections happen as a result of another disease or infection that has already happened. He had kidney cancer, with secondary tumours in the brain and lungs
belonging to a lower class or rank
Material derived from solution of other rocks which is then redeposited (example: calcite and aragonite)
A satellite
not primary; subordinate; not of the first order or rate
when your kids are old enough to bead with you (often worse than primary)
Secondary education is given to pupils between the ages of 11 or 12 and 17 or
Succeeding next in order to the first; of second place, origin, rank, etc
{i} subordinate, person or thing occupying an auxiliary position; coil in a transformer through which an induced current flows (Electricity)
One who occupies a subordinate, inferior, or auxiliary place; a delegate or deputy; one who is second or next to the chief officer; as, the secondary, or undersheriff of the city of London
the defensive football players who line up behind the linemen
Possessing some quality, or having been subject to some operation (as substitution), in the second degree; as, a secondary salt, a secondary amine, etc
industry manufacturing from raw materials
1 = secondary great circle
Dependent or consequent upon another disease; as, Bright's disease is often secondary to scarlet fever
A transformer output winding in which the current is due to inductive coupling with another winding called the primary
Woodland Woodland occupying a site that has not been wooded continuously since the last ice age It may be a product of natural succession or of planting on formerly unwooded land
Subordinate, not primary
A cell or battery designed to be recharged
depending on or incidental to what is original or primary; "a secondary infection"
If you describe something as secondary, you mean that it is less important than something else. The street erupted in a huge explosion, with secondary explosions in the adjoining buildings The actual damage to the brain cells is secondary to the damage caused to the blood supply
depending on or incidental to what is original or primary; "a secondary infection
In a carburetor, the components that operate under high engine output conditions
The output side of a transformer A re-chargable battery such as a car batttery Also called accumulater The battery does not make electricity but simply stores energy in chemical form
also called secondary engram A period of anguish brought about by a major loss or threat of loss to the individual The secondary engram depends for its strength and force upon physical-pain engrams which underlie it See also engram
inferior in rank or status; "the junior faculty"; "a lowly corporal"; "petty officialdom"; "a subordinate functionary"
education: Levels 2 and 3 Education provided in middle schools, secondary schools, high schools, lyceums, gymnasiums etc Level 2: The duration of lower secondary education the first stage of secondary education is generally 3-4 years and its completion often coincides with the end of compulsory schooling The second stage (Level 3) usually constitutes the final 3-4 years of secondary education
A secondary circle
Not primary, subordinate; the branches that arise from the primary branches
Short for Secondary Fermenter A vessel used to house the beer during the later half of fermentation, after Primary fermentation Beer is usually stored in the Secondary for 7-14 days After Secondary Fermentation, the beer is ready to be bottled
The output side of a transformer 4
coil such that current is induced in it by passing a current through the primary coil
A secondary quill
secondary alcohol
Any alcohol of general formula R2CH-OH
secondary alcohols
plural form of secondary alcohol
secondary amine
An amine, containing two radicals, of general formula R1R2-NH; the radicals may be the same, different, or part of a ring
secondary amines
plural form of secondary amine
secondary color
Alternative spelling of secondary colour
secondary colour
Any of three colours derived from mixing two primary colours

Orange (red + yellow), Green (yellow + blue), and Violet/Purple (blue + red) are secondary colours.

secondary colours
plural form of secondary colour
secondary drowning
asphyxiation caused by irritation of alveoli from the aspiration of liquid, after recovery from immersion into liquid, in the three-day period following the immersion episode
secondary emission
The emission of electrons from the surface of a solid when bombarded with electrons or other charged particles
secondary emissions
plural form of secondary emission
secondary energy
The energy contained in a processed or refined fuel or in electricity etc derived from some other fuel
secondary fermentation
Any fermentation that takes place after the conversion of sugar to alcohol in beers and wine

malolactic fermentation.

secondary hypothermia
Hypothermia caused by an underlying pathology that prevents the body from generating enough core heat
secondary industries
plural form of secondary industry
secondary industry
An industry that processes raw materials produced by primary industry into goods suitable for tertiary industry to provide goods or services to consumers
secondary infection
Any infection that arises subsequent to a pre-existing infection; but especially a nosocomial infection
secondary infections
plural form of secondary infection
secondary ion mass spectrometry
A technique used to visualize the three-dimensional structure of solids by employing an energetic ion beam to fragment the atomic or molecular constituents from a surface
secondary liability
The legal responsibility arising when a party materially contributes to, facilitates, induces or is otherwise responsible for directly infringing acts carried out by another party
secondary market
The financial market for trading of securities that have already been issued in an initial private or public offering
secondary markets
plural form of secondary market
secondary modern school
a type of school, for pupils who had failed the 11-plus examination, that concentrated on practical and vocational rather than academic subjects
secondary phosphine
any compound of general formula R2P-H
secondary research
The research performed through the summary, collation or synthesis of the results of existing research
secondary school
In the UK, a state school attended between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18
secondary schools
plural form of secondary school
secondary sector
The sector of the economy that principally uses raw materials produced by the primary sector for sale and use by other sectors
secondary sectors
plural form of secondary sector
secondary smoking
passive smoking
secondary source
Any document that draws on one or more primary sources and interprets or analyses them; also sources such as newspapers whose accuracy is open to question
secondary sources
plural form of secondary source
secondary structure
The general three-dimensional structure of a biopolymer such as DNA or a protein
secondary valence
in a coordination compound, the number of ions or molecules that are coordinated to the central metal ion; its coordination number
secondary victimisation
Alternative spelling of secondary victimization
secondary victimization
The act of blaming the victim of a crime, as opposed to blaming the author of such crime
secondary victimizations
plural form of secondary victimization
secondary issue
minor subject, matter which is not of primary importance
secondary care
(Tıp, İlaç) Medical care provided by a specialist or facility upon referral by a primary care physician
secondary industry
(Ekonomi) Industry that converts raw materials into commodities and products; manufacturing industry
secondary succession
(Çevre) Secondary succession is one of the two types of ecological succession of plant life. As opposed to the first, primary succession, secondary succession is a process started by an event (e.g. forest fire, harvesting, hurricane) that reduces an already established ecosystem (e.g. a forest or a wheat field) to a smaller population of species, and as such secondary succession occurs on preexisting soil whereas primary succession usually occurs in a place lacking soil
secondary aging
{i} aging due to disease, changes in adulthood that are related to way of life and other changes
secondary amenorrhea
cessation of menstruation in a woman who had previously menstruated
secondary beneficiary
second person eligible to receive insurance payouts or money from a trust fund in the event that the primary beneficiary cannot receive them
secondary cache
cache memory located on the motherboard which provides fast access to information in the memory
secondary care
Also known as acute care, this refers to specialist medical care or surgery provided in a hospital setting either as an in-patient or outpatient service Patients seen in hospitals are generally under the care of a consultant, not a GP
secondary care
Consists of first level specialized care requiring more sophisticated and complicated diagnostic procedures and treatment than provided at the primary care level, normally delivered in hospitals
secondary care
Services provided by medical specialists, such as cardiologists, urologists and dermatologists, who generally do not have first contact with patients
secondary care
Care provided in a hospital or other acute setting - ie not primary or community based care
secondary care
Patients whose needs are too complex to be managed in primary care are referred to more specialist services Secondary care includes local hospitals and treatment given away from the hospital setting, such as mental health services, learning disability services and help for older people
secondary care
Medical services provided by physicians who do not have first contact with patients Examples would be specialists such as urologists, cardiologists, etc See also Primary Care and Tertiary Care (H)
secondary care
Specialist care, typically provided in a hospital setting or following referral from a primary or community health professional
secondary cell
A rechargeable electric cell that converts chemical energy into electrical energy by a reversible chemical reaction. Also called storage cell
secondary censorship
armed forces censorship of the personal communications of officers or civilian employees or enlisted personnel not subject to primary censorship
secondary coil
coil such that current is induced in it by passing a current through the primary coil
secondary color
minor color, color that is not the main color
secondary color
A color produced by mixing two primary colors in equal proportions. See table at color
secondary consumer
An animal that feeds on smaller plant-eating animals in a food chain
secondary dentition
dentition of permanent teeth
secondary diagonal
the diagonal of a square matrix running from the lower left entry to the upper right entry
secondary dysmenorrhea
painful menstruation that is caused by some specific disorder (as endometriosis)
secondary education
Traditional second stage in formal education, typically beginning at ages 11-13 and ending usually at ages 15-18. The distinction between elementary education and secondary education has gradually become less marked, because of the proliferation of middle schools, junior high schools, and other divisions
secondary education
high-school education, knowledge that is accumulated by the end of one's years in high-school, twelve years of education
secondary education
education beyond the elementary grades; provided by a high school or college preparatory school
secondary electron
An electron produced in secondary emission
secondary emission
Emission of electrons from the surface of a substance as a result of bombardment by electrons or ions
secondary emission
the emission of electrons from a surface that is bombarded by higher energy primary electrons
secondary growth
Growth in vascular plants from production of secondary tissues by a lateral meristem, usually resulting in wider branches and stems
secondary hypertension
hypertension that is secondary to another disease
secondary legislation
minor legislation, lawmaking which is not primary
secondary market
system in which property transactions are made that already were involved in past transactions
secondary modern
Secondary moderns were schools which existed until recently in Britain for children aged between about eleven and sixteen, where more attention was paid to practical skills and less to academic study than in a grammar school. a type of school that existed in Britain until the 1960s, where children who had not passed a special examination were sent
secondary modern school
a former British secondary school emphasizing practical rather than academic education
secondary objective
another purpose that is pursued solely if the primary purpose is not feasible or after the accomplishment of the primary purpose
secondary offering
The sale of a large block of outstanding stock through dealers outside a stock exchange
secondary planet
{i} planet that revolves around the primary planets as satellites and simultaneously revolve with it about the sun
secondary role
second task, minor position
secondary school
A school classified as secondary by state practice and composed of any span of Grades 7-12 Junior high schools, middle schools and senior high schools are included
secondary school
She taught history at a secondary school. A school that is intermediate in level between elementary school and college and that usually offers general, technical, vocational, or college-preparatory curricula. a school for children between the ages of 11 and 16 or 18 primary school
secondary school
Also known as high school, grades 9 through 12
secondary school
A secondary school is a school for pupils between the ages of 11 or 12 and 17 or
secondary school
comprehensive school (UK); grade 7 to grade 12 (USA); grammar school (UK); high school (USA); junior high school (USA); secondary education (UK/USA); secondary modern education (UK); senior school (USA); sixteen to nineteen (UK); sixth form (UK); year 7 to year 13 (UK); Key Stages 3 and 4 (England & Wales)
secondary school
secondary school
a school for students intermediate between elementary school and college; usually grades 9 to 12
secondary school
Generally refers to the years of formal education preceding to the entry into a college or University
secondary school
A school comprising any span of grades beginning with the next grade following an elementary or middle-school (usually 7, 8, or 9) and ending with or below grade 12 Both junior high schools and senior high schools are included
secondary school student
high school student
secondary sex characteristic
the genetically determined sex characteristics that are not functionally necessary for reproduction (pitch of the voice and body hair and musculature)
secondary sex characteristic
Any of various genetically transmitted physical or behavioral characteristics that appear in humans at puberty and in sexually mature animals and that differentiate between the sexes without having a direct reproductive function
secondary sexual characteristic
physical characteristic that develops at puberty but does not directly involve reproduction (such as woman's breasts or man's facial hair)
secondary source
a book, article etc that analyses something such as a piece of literature or a historical event and that can be used to support your ideas in an essay
secondary storage
non-volatile storage medium which can be used to save large amounts of information for an unlimited length of time
secondary stress
the second strongest stress that is put on a part of a long word when you speak it. It is shown in this dictionary by the mark (%stress;) primary stress
secondary syphilis
the second stage; characterized by eruptions of the skin and mucous membrane
secondary syphilis
The second and highly infectious stage of syphilis, appearing from seven to ten weeks after the initial exposure, characterized by a general skin rash accompanied by various symptoms of illness such as fatigue, headache, sore throat, muscle pain, and fever
secondary tissue
Tissue produced by a lateral meristem, such as secondary xylem and cork
secondary wall
The innermost wall of a plant cell that is deposited after cell elongation has ceased
secondary wave
An earthquake wave in which rock particles vibrate at right angles to the direction of wave travel. It can travel through solids but not through liquids
secondary winding
coil such that current is induced in it by passing a current through the primary coil
secondary winding
The coil winding(s) supplying the output voltage to the load(s)
secondary winding
The transformer winding connected to the load or output side
Of lesser importance

Primarily, this will cause deaths, only secondarily it will also cost a lot of money.

In a secondary way
{a} in the second order or place
General Certificate of Secondary Education
{i} (British) GCSE, high school diploma
of secondary importance
subordinate, incidental
In a secondary manner or degree
Secondly; in the second place
of secondary import; "secondarily affected"
of secondary import; "secondarily affected
in the manner of being additional or supplementary; in the manner of being less important, subordinately