
listen to the pronunciation of schräglaufend
English - Turkish

Definition of schräglaufend in English Turkish dictionary

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Matrixin köşegenleştirilebilir olduğunu göster. - Show that the matrix is diagonalisable.

diagonally opposite karşılıklı iki köşede bulunan
{s} diyagonal

Ekmeği diyagonal dilimler halinde bir parmak genişliğinde kes. - Cut the bread into diagonal slices the width of a finger.

{s} çapraz

Kumaşı çaprazlama kes. - Cut the cloth diagonally.

Caddenin çaprazlama karşısında bir mahalle bakkalı var. - There's a convenience store diagonally across the street.

{s} köşegenel
(isim) köşegen
diagonally diyagonal olarak
German - English
a diagonal line or plane
something arranged diagonally or obliquely
a punctuation mark used to separate related items of information
Having a slanted or oblique direction, lines or markings
The line that goes through the middle of a magic square, from a corner to the opposite corner The basic requirement for a square to be magi, is that these two lines sum correctly, along with the n rows and n columns See also Broken, Leading, Main, Right, Opposite Short, Short
(geometry) a straight line connecting any two vertices of a polygon that are not adjacent
A diagonal is a line that goes in a sloping direction. The bed linen is patterned in stylish checks, stripes, diagonals and triangles
In geometry, a diagonal is a straight line that joins two opposite corners in a flat four-sided shape such as a square. Mark five points an equal distance apart along the diagonals
A diagonal matrix has its only non-zero elements on the main diagonal
Joining two not adjacent angles of a quadrilateral or multilateral figure; running across from corner to corner; crossing at an angle with one of the sides
1)A line of objects or numbers from the upper left to the lower right, or from the lower left to the upper right 2) A line segment joint two non-adjacent vertices of a polygon
Farthest distance between two points on a proration unit
A line segment that connects two vertices in a polygon
a sloping structural member of a truss or bracing system
45 degrees out from the center of the Line of Dance (direction)
A member, in a framed structure, running obliquely across a panel
Pertaining to the front left and back right (or the front right and back left) legs of a quadruped
A straight line connecting two corners (or vertices) of a polygon that are not next to each other
45 degrees away from the center of the Line of Dance