schluß machen mit

listen to the pronunciation of schluß machen mit
German - Turkish
son vermek
English - Turkish

Definition of schluß machen mit in English Turkish dictionary

do away with
yürürlükten kaldırmak
do away with
(Ticaret) tasfiye etmek
do away with
işini bitirmek
do away with
icabına bakmak
do away with
defterini dürmek
do away with
do away with
do away with
son vermek
do away with
-i öldürmek, -i ortadan kaldırmak
do away with
(Fiili Deyim ) öldürmek , tahrip etmek
do away with
-i ortadan kaldırmak, -i yok etmek
do away with
do away with
do away with
ortadan kaldırmak

Tüm ayrımcılığı ortadan kaldırmak için her türlü çabayı sarf etmeliyiz. - We must make every effort to do away with all discrimination.

do away with

Tüm ayrımcılığı ortadan kaldırmak için her türlü çabayı sarf etmeliyiz. - We must make every effort to do away with all discrimination.

do away with
yok etmek
German - English
do away with
To destroy, eliminate, or make an end of

In most countries, homework has come to be an integral part of the schooling system. So much so that parents are suspicious when schools do away with homework.

To do away with something means to remove it completely or put an end to it. The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether
terminate or take out; "Let's eliminate the course on Akkadian hieroglyphics"
get rid of, dispense with, abolish, eliminate; destroy, murder
If one person does away with another, the first murders the second. If you do away with yourself, you kill yourself. a woman whose husband had made several attempts to do away with her
mit etwas Schluss machen
to put a/the lid on something
mit etwas Schluss machen
to end something
mit etwas Schluss machen
to put a stop to something
mit seinem Freund/seiner Freundin Schluss machen
to dump your boyfriend/girlfriend
mit seinem Freund/seiner Freundin Schluss machen
to blow off your boyfriend/girlfriend
schluß machen mit