
listen to the pronunciation of schist
English - Turkish
(Jeoloji) yapraktaşı
(Jeoloji) kiltaşı

Şistozomiazis milyonlarca insanı etkileyen ve ağır sakatlıklara ve hatta ölüme yol açabilen tropikal bir hastalıktır. - Schistosomiasis is a tropical disease that affects millions of people and may lead to severe disabilities or even death.

{i} kayaç
i., jeol. şist
(Jeoloji) kıl taşı
schist oil
şist yağı
argillaceous schist
killi şist
bituminous schist
bitümlü şist
clay schist
killi şist
crystalline schist
kristalli şist
mica schist
clay schist
kıllı şist
clay schist slate
kıllı şist
basic schist
bazik şist
biotite schist
biyotit şist
bituminous schist
yersakızlı yaprak taşı
curly schist
(Jeoloji) dalgalı şist
glaucophane-schist facies
glokofan-şist fasiyesi
mica schist
mika taşı
mikaşist (çoğunlukla mikadan oluşan şist)
quartz schist
kuvars şist
English - English
Any crystalline rock having a foliated structure and hence admitting of ready division into slabs or slates
A large group of rocks that can be split into thin layers, as shale or slate can be There are schists in the Douro Valley of northern Portugal, which is a controlled appellation
a medium- to coarse-grained, foliated (layered) metamorphic rock created by regional metamorphism to medium or high temperatures and shearing pres-sures Commonly, schists include quartz, feldspars, and micas, but mineral compo-sition is not an essential factor in its definition Schists are strongly foliated, with well-developed parallelism of more than 50% of the minerals present
A rock resulting from the metamorphism of a clay beyond the stage of slate and phyllite Although dominated by glittering flat crystals of mica, some three dimensional crystals such as garnet form under this degree of heat and pressure, and these disrupt the 'slatiness' of the rock Schists split along wavy shiny surfaces They are common in the Grampian Highlands of Scotland
any metamorphic rock that can be split into thin layers
A crystalline metamorphic rock that can be readily split into thin flakes or slabs because of a strong foliation of the constituent minerals
Any crystalline rock having a foliated structure (see Foliation) and hence admitting of ready division into slabs or slates
{i} any metamorphic crystalline rock that can be easily split into layers
coarse grained mudstone that has been compressed by higher temperatures than slate, with larger crystals Gemstones such as garnet and andalusite are often present
Metamorphic crystalline rock having a closely foliated structure that allows division along approximately parallel planes It is a fine- to coarse-grained rock that is composed of discontinuous thin layers of parallel mica, chlorite, hornblende, or other crystals
A middle grade metamorphic rock That means it has been exposed to more heat and pressure than slate More info - http: //volcano und nodak edu/vwdocs/vwlessons/lessons/Slideshow/Merocks/Merock4 html
A medium to coarse grained metamorphic rock with well developed bedding planes derived from the foliated recystrallization of platy like minerals like mica
A coarse-grained, strongly foliated metamorphic rock that develops from phyllite and splits easily into flat, parallel slabs
> A hard gray stone used for sculpture in Northern India and in the ancient kingdom of Ganhdara (present day Pakistan and Afghanistan)
A type of metamorphic rock formed as older rocks recrystallize under heat and stress from pressure charactorized by a flaky layering of light and dark areas
- a metamorphosed rock, generally the original rock was fine grained as silt/mud
A metamorphic rock characterized by distinct layers of mineral grains (usually micas) Many schists were once shaley sediments that were buried, heated, then put under immense pressure
The common kinds are mica schist, and hornblendic schist, consisting chiefly of quartz with mica or hornblende and often feldspar
a strongly foliated crystalline rock which readily splits into sheets or slabs as a result of the planar alignment of the constituent crystals The constituent minerals are commonly specified (eg "quartzmuscovite-chlorite schist")
a type of rock that naturally breaks apart into thin flat pieces (schiste, from schistos (lapis) , from , from schizein; SCHISM). Crystalline metamorphic rock that has a highly developed tendency to split into layers. Most schists are composed largely of platy minerals such as muscovite, chlorite, talc, biotite, and graphite. The green colour of many schists and their formation under a certain range of temperature and pressure conditions have led to distinction of the greenschist facies in the mineral facies classification of metamorphic rocks. Schists are usually classified on the basis of their mineralogy, with varietal names that indicate the characteristic mineral present
fine-grained metamorphic rock with laminations similar to slate
quartz schist
a metamorphosed schist composed mostly of quartz with some mica and / or tourmaline
alum schist
A variety of shale or clay slate, containing iron pyrites, the decomposition of which leads to the formation of alum, which often effloresces on the rock
glaucophane schist facies
One of the major divisions of the mineral facies classification of metamorphic rocks, encompassing rocks whose peculiar mineralogy suggests that they formed under conditions of high pressure and relatively low temperature (generally less than about 662°F, or 350°C); such conditions are not typical of the normal geothermal gradient in the earth. The minerals that chiefly occur include soda amphibole (glaucophane), soda pyroxene (jadeite), garnet, lawsonite, and pumpellyite. Quartz, muscovite, chlorite, epidote, and plagioclase may also be present. Classic deposits occur in western California