To enter a dialog box where the user can specify a filename, and such that when the filename is specified, an appropriate file will be saved with that name (even if it already has a different name)
File Save choice that I recommend you use the first time you save a file Choose the type of file, the location (path) you want it saved to From that point on pressing Ctrl-s (save) will save to the selected location
(noun) A standard File Menuitem, which will, every time it is chosen, allow the user to Browse their system and create a new file to save their data to
If no filename has yet been assigned, this is the command to use If your MIDI file has already been christened, and you have edited it, the appropriate command is Save
This lets you save a named document to disk under a different name or in a different format If you have written a message in Microsoft Word and want to save it in plain text format so that it can be sent as email, you would select the File/Save As menu option
Command you use to save a new file for the first time, or to save an existing file in a new location, with a different name, or as a different file type
In the Save Drawing As dialog box, enter a file name and type This command allows the renaming of a drawing or saving as a drawing format from earlier versions of AutoCad
Use the Save As command on the File menu to open the Save As dialog box if you want to save the current document under a new name or store it in a different folder or disk while also keeping the original version