
listen to the pronunciation of satmak
Turkish - English

Tom's work is selling second-hand cars. - Tom'un işi ikinci-el arabalar satmaktır.

We had to sell the building because for years we operated it in the red. - Biz binayı satmak zorunda kaldık çünkü onu zararda işlettik.

get rid of somebody
(Ticaret) carry
(Ticaret) selling

Selling cars is my job. - Arabaları satmak benim işimdir.

The buying and selling of peoples' personal information is becoming a big issue. - İnsanların kişisel bilgilerini almak ve satmak önemli bir sorun oluyor.

sell out
sell somebody out
dispose of

He wants to dispose of his books. - O, kitaplarını satmak istiyor.

I want to dispose of the land. - Ben arazimi satmak istiyorum.


They buy these goods cheaply overseas and then mark them up to resell at home. - Bu malları yurt dışından ucuza alıyorlar ve daha sonra yurtta satmak için zam yapıyorlar.

(birini) sell smb. down the river

He breeds cattle for market. - O, satmak için sığır besler.

(Hukuk) to sell

I doubt that Tom had to sell his car in order to raise money for medical expenses. - Tom'un sağlık giderlerini karşılamak için arabasını satmak zorunda kaldığından şüpheliyim.

We had to sell the building because for years we operated it in the red. - Biz binayı satmak zorunda kaldık çünkü onu zararda işlettik.

(arkadaşlarını) give the game away
slang to get rid of (somebody). kendini satmasını bilmek to know how to sell oneself (usually used of people whose advancement rests, not on real merit, but on glib, self-adulatory talk). satıp savmak to sell all that one has
to sell, to flog; to pretend; to get rid of (sb), to choke (sb) off, to dispose of sb/sth; to sell sb out
to put on a show of, affect, pretend to: Adam malumat satıyor. The fellow's pretending to knowledge (which he in no way possesses)
push off
{f} handle
satmak (arkadaş vb)
(Argo) sell out
satmak için almak
have for sale
dışarıya satmak
açık artırma ile satmak
auction off
caka satmak
show off
perakende satmak
bütün malını satmak
sell out
hepsini satmak
sold out
hepsini satmak
close out
hepsini satmak
(Ticaret) sell out
kurum satmak
show off
kurum satmak
put on airs
kurum satmak
kurum satmak
perakende satmak
(Ticaret) sell retail
(Bilgisayar) row
toptan satmak
sell wholesale
toptan ucuza satmak
(Ticaret) dump

The dealer wants to sell a car. - Satıcı bir araba satmak istiyor.

He decided to sell the car. - Arabayı satmaya karar verdi.

{f} sale

The salesperson persuaded her to buy the dress. - Satış elemanı elbiseyi alması için onu ikna etti.

Our international sales continue to grow, bringing the name of Toyo Computer into businesses world-wide. - Uluslararası satışlarımız büyümeye, Toyo Computer adını dünya çapında iş dünyasına getirmeye devam ediyor.

{f} sold

I sold the house to advantage. - Evi avantajlı şekilde sattım.

Stamps are not sold in this store. - Bu dükkânda pul satılmıyor.


Tom bought a cup of coffee from a vending machine. - Tom satış makinesinden bir fincan kahve aldı.

You can buy the ticket from the vending machine too. - Otomattan da bilet satın alabilirsin.

{f} selling

This newspaper is selling fewer and fewer copies. - Bu gazete gittikçe daha az kopya satıyor.

He made a great deal of money selling milk. - O süt satarak çok para yaptı.

birini satmak
standing somebody up - "I waited almost an hour but she didn't come, She stood me up."to bail out on someoneto sell out someoneto sell out someone down the riverto dog someone
fener yapmak veya satmak işi
flashlight to make or sell the work
yok satmak
(for a merchant) to have nothing left to sell
yok satmak
to have nothing for sale
Müslüman mahallesinde salyangoz satmak
to sell refrigerators to the Eskimos
adam satmak
get rid of (someone)
afi kesmek/satmak/yapmak
slang to give oneself airs, swagger, show off
akıl satmak
to give useless advice
alıp satmak
to deal in sth
avurt satmak
to talk big
avurt satmak/şişirmek
to brag, talk big
azamet satmak
to put on grand airs, act high and mighty
açık artırma ile satmak
açık artırma ile satmak
to auction off
açık artırma ile satmak
sell by auction
açık artırma ile satmak
sell at auction
açık artırma ile satmak
açığa satmak (borsa)
(Ticaret) go short
beylik satmak
to give oneself airs
bilgi satmak
trot out (knowledge)
caka satmak
caka satmak
to swagger, to swank, to show off
caka satmak
put on side
caka satmak
put on an act
caka satmak/ yapmak
to show off, swagger
daha ucuza satmak
daha ucuza satmak
cut under
daha çok satmak
defolu mal satmak
(Ticaret) sell seconds
değersiz bir şeyi satmak
fob off smth. on smb
dışarı satmak
to export
fahiş fiyatla satmak
fiyaka satmak
to show off
fiyaka satmak
slang to put on airs, show off
fiyatından aşağıya satmak
to sell (something) at a price below cost
haraç mezat satmak
to sell by auction
haraç mezat satmak
to auction, auction off
hile ile satmak
fob off something on somebody
hile ile satmak
fob off smth. on smb
hile ile satmak
hile ile satmak
hisse satmak
(Ticaret) float share
hisse senedi satmak
(Ticaret) float share
indirimli satmak
sell at a discount
indirimli satmak
to close out
indirimli satmak
(Ticaret) sell with discount
kanunsuz satmak
kapı kapı dolaşarak satmak
kargayı bülbül diye satmak
(Konuşma Dili) 1. to praise the politeness and refinement of someone rude and unrefined. 2. to try to pass off someone/something ugly as beautiful; to swindle someone
kendini ağır satmak
to agree to something only after repeated requests
kendini dirhem dirhem satmak
to make a great show of reluctance
komisyon ile satmak
(Ticaret) sell on commission
kurum satmak
to put on airs, to swagger, to swank, to show off
kurum satmak
to put on airs; to show off
kâr ederek satmak
sell to the trade
kârına satmak/la satmak
to sell (something) at a profit
körler mahallesinde ayna satmak
to sell refrigerators to Eskimos, carry coals to Newcastle
mallarının tümünü satmak
sell up
maçı satmak
throw a fight
parça parça satmak
1. to sell (something) piecemeal. 2. to sell (something) retail
perakende satmak
to retail
reklâmla satmak
sendika aracılığı ile satmak
sokaklarda satmak
suda balık satmak
to make an empty promise
suratı sirke satmak
to have a very sour look on one's face
tafra satmak
to boast, to brag
tafra satmak
to talk big
tartıyla satmak
to sell (something) by weight
tavır satmak
to give oneself airs, put on
tekrar satmak
tereciye tere satmak
to try to teach one's grandmother to suck eggs
tereciye tere satmak
to teach one's grandmother to suck eggs
tereciye tere satmak
carry coal to newcastle
toptan satmak
toptan satmak
to wholesale
ucuza satmak
sell at a discount
ucuza satmak
(kitap vb.) remainder
uyuşturucu satmak
yüksek kâr ile satmak
sell at a premium
zararına satmak
to sell (something) at a loss
zararına satmak
to sell at loss
zararına satmak
çalım satmak
to swagger, to show off, to swank, to brag
çalım satmak
cut a dash
çalım satmak
to swagger
çalıntı mal satmak
çene satmak
to chatter on and on
English - English

Definition of satmak in English English dictionary

SAT Reasoning Test (formerly Scholastic Aptitude Test and Scholastic Assessment Test): a national exam taken annually by high school juniors and seniors
Scholastic Aptitude Test
Statutory Assessment Test. A national curriculum assessment, or exam
Simple past tense and past participle of sit
Scholastic Achievement Test
{i} standardized test required for acceptance to many colleges and universities in the United States
The SAT is an examination which is often taken by students who wish to enter a college or university. SAT is an abbreviation for `Scholastic Aptitude Test'. Sat. is a written abbreviation for Saturday. Sat is the past tense and past participle of sit. Saturday. Past tense and past participle of sit. the written abbreviation of Saturday. the past tense and past participle of sit. in full Scholastic Aptitude Test Standardized test taken by U.S. high school students applying to colleges. It is divided into two principal sections, verbal and mathematical. Promulgated largely through the efforts of James B. Conant as a means of promoting merit-based (rather than class-based) college admissions, it was administered to few students before the end of World War II but by the end of the 20th century was taken by millions each year. Scores declined as the test came to be more widely administered, and in 1995 the score of 500 for each section (midway between the extremes of 200 and 800) was reestablished as the actual mean score of those tested. The test, which most colleges use as one measure of an applicant's ability, has been denounced as biased in favour of men and the white middle class. Other critics claim that the SAT is inadequate for testing various important capacities
Systems Approach to Training
In cellular applications, refers to the Supervisory Audio Tone 2
the Being, Truth and Reality associated with Brahman as opposed to the non-being (asat) of the phenomenal world
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a seven-section, three-hour exam that is administered seven times a year Three of the sections are verbal, three are math, and one is experimental The experimental section can be either verbal or math It is used by the test-makers for research purposes only and will not count toward your final score
of Sit
the seventh and last day of the week; observed as the Sabbath by Jews and some Christians
The Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT) is a three-hour exam that measures two sets of skills-verbal and mathematical reasoning-that you need to do college-level work in any academic area About 2 million students take it every year
This is a nationally-accepted college admissions test designed to act as one indicator of a student's potential to be academically successful at the college level
Scholastic Assessment Test- A standardized college admissions test
(See Scholastic Assessment Test )
System Acceptance Test
SAT I: Reasoning (formerly known as Scholastic Achievement Test)
being, existence; Pure Existence; the thing that truly is; the right, the highest or best or real good
Sanskrit word meaning truth; reality; the soul; the real; the essential; the best; the learned; the excellent; the good; the virtuous man Sat is the supreme Self, the conductor of everything
Scholastic Aptitude Test A standardized test offered by the Educational Testing Service to assess a student's preparation for college Similar to the ACT
Site Acceptance Testing
Scholastic Achievement Test (SAT—formerly the Scholastic Aptitude Test) consisting of verbal and math sections created and scored by The College Board
The SAT is one of two national standardized college entrance examinations use in the United States
Existence, reality, truth
Pure Existence, or Truth, which never changes or dies It is the source or underlying reality of every being’s existence
The SAT-8 is given to students in grades 2-9 It is an independent measure which compares achievement of our students to the achievement of students across the nation Students are tested in math and reading The national aver age is the 50 percentile
Existence pure and absolute The true nature of each individual See explanation of satchidananda
Reality, Existence
Scholastic Aptitude Test is a is a test required for most undergraduate level applications (i e for BA/BS) It measures general verbal, mathematical, and analytical skills
Site Acceptance Test
The Standard Aptitude Test (SAT), administered by the College Board, is the most widely-used college admissions test The SAT uses multiple choice questions to assess verbal and mathematical reasoning ability The SAT is taken by college-bound high school students during their junior and/or senior years
past of sit
Turkish - Turkish
Bir değer karşılığında bir malı alıcıya vermek
Bir çıkar karşılığında bir şeyi gözden çıkarmak, feda etmek
Bir kimse, kendini veya başkasını olduğundan daha önemli, yetkili ve değerli göstermek
Kendinde olmayan bir şeyi var gibi göstermek, taslamak: "Onun yerinde kim olsa bu kadar azamet satardı."- P. Safa
Bir yolunu bularak birinden ayrılmak
Bir değer karşılığında bir malı alıcıya vermek: "Geniş arazisini parselleyip sattı."- T. Buğra
Bir kimse, kendini veya başkasını olduğundan daha önemli, yetkili ve değerli göstermek: "Herhâlde beni de satmasını bilmiş olacaktı ki, hatırlılar masasında ehemmiyetli bir adam gibi karşılandım."- R. N. Güntekin
Kendinde olmayan bir şeyi var gibi göstermek, taslamak
(Osmanlı Dönemi) BEY'
satış yapmak
(Askeri) Su Altı Taarruz: Özel eğitimli askeri bir komando birliği

Operasyon bir SAT timi tarafından yapıldı.

birini satmak
birini ekmeksöz verdiği halde buluşmaya/randevuya gitmemek
Doğu Anadolu'nun ırak sınırı yakınında yüksek bir dağ
Satmak işi
English - Turkish

Definition of satmak in English Turkish dictionary

sit kon/oturt/otur
f., bak. sit
{i} cumartesi

Dün cumartesi değil, pazardı. - Yesterday was Sunday, not Saturday.

Cumartesi, haftanın son günüdür. - Saturday is the last day of the week.

(Bilgisayar) doygunluk
(Bilgisayar) doygun
(Bilgisayar) sun

Tom akşam gazetesini okurken sundurmada oturdu. - Tom sat on the porch, reading the evening paper.

Tom sundurmada oturdu ve gazete okudu. - Tom sat on the porch and read the paper.


İşitebilmek için önde oturdu. - He sat in the front so as to be able to hear.

Bir ağacın altına oturdular. - They sat under a tree.

(isim) cumartesi
(Askeri) uydu; emniyet alarm ekibi (satellite; security alert team)